My short mediation:
Hashem, L-rd of Hosts, Master of War, arise and defend us.
Your people are wandering, and our enemies are gathering like dark clouds.
The strength of Samson is needed to rip asunder those who set themselves against you.
We love you with an unending love, we fear you with the fear of a father, your promise is forever.
Never forget the covenant made with Abraham, our patriarch, as we try to fulfill our word.
Though we may be far from you, your compassion will restore us.
Show the enemy that we are not to be played with like a childs toy.
Show him that the Children of Israel are your beloved children.
With great tribulation the enemy, whos initials are BHO, should be evicted.
With trumpets and horns blaring the clarion of a new age.
Hear our cries in our time of need, our father, our King, we beseech you for mercy.