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[ Possible Extremism Haifa University Photo: Avi Levy Haifa University Photo: Avi Levy 'Hamas link at Haifa U'Fund run by Islamic Movement student group linked to Hamas, says terror expert Yaaokv Lappin Latest Update: 07.05.07, 18:27 / Israel News Standing in the midday Israeli sun on Wednesday, Jewish and Arab students at the University of Haifa argued over a recent article which appeared in Yedioth Haifa, headlined "Islam is spreading its influence at the university." "Jewish students and other elements at (Haifa) University are protesting the rising Islamification on campus. They say Islamist rhetoric can be found across the institution," Yedioth Haifa reported last Friday. "All we want is a little bit of tolerance. We have no problem with students who enter the campus to participate in its life, but it is extreme to come with T-shirts of Azmi Bishara (the exiled Arab-Israeli Knesset member accused of being a Hizbullah agent). "There was also a diary handed out by the Islamic Movement here with pictures of Bin Laden, the burning Trade Towers, and Hassan Nasrallah," Sa'ar Ziv, the student's union spokesperson, told Ynetnews. He was heckled by activists from the left-wing Hadash party, who described his comments as "racist" and "an attempt to silence voices." Haifa U's Islamic movement Journal of hatred / Eitan Glickman Representatives of Islamic movement's northern faction distribute journal to Arab students at Haifa University honoring 'great leaders of Arab nation' Nasrallah, bin Laden Full Story Away from the ruckus though, a few floors up in a central campus building, the Islamic Movement's stand was quietly staffed by a few Arab students, most of them bearded, with green shirts. They did not agree to be photographed, but showed a permit from the university's deacon allowing them to spread materials on campus. The students denied glorifying the 9/11 attacks or Bin Laden. "Hitler was important too," said one activist. "But mentioning him doesn't mean you support him," he added. The group's chairman, Mouad Hefeb, has recently become head of the entire Arab Student Committee at the university. Speaking to Ynetnews, Hefeb said the Islamic Movement on campus limits its activities to operating a small fund, known as IKRA. "It's a limited fund to aid Muslim students," Hefeb said. "I pay towards it from my own pocket, NIS 50 a week," he added. But IKRA also happens to be the name of Hamas' civilian infrastructure fund, designed to provide a cover for terror activity, according to the Israeli security website, Intelligence. Could the two IKRAs be linked? "Ikra is the first word in the Koran," said Hefeb, when asked whether the fund was linked to Hamas. "It's a call to learn Islam from Allah to Muhammad. It's a common term," he said. But that explanation was dismissed by Colonel (Res.) Jonathan Fighel, a senior researcher for the Institute of Counter-Terrorism, at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. "Ikra isn't the first word in the Koran. The first words are: Bismillah al raham al rahim (In the name of Allah the compassionate the merciful). That explanation is nonsense, and it is an attempt to deceive," Fighel said. "IKRA is linked to Hamas and to radical forces among Arab-Israelis, and the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel," he said, adding that the fund is part of a Da'wa effort (missionizing and spreading radical Islam). Fighel outlined a number of contexts in which IKRA operated, each one linked to Hamas, Saudi Arabia, or even al-Qaeda. "IKRA is the name of a Saudi charity, part of the International Islamic Relief Organization (IIRO)," Fighel explained. "Some of this organization's branches around the world have been suspected of aiding al-Qaeda, and have been shut down," he added. "In February 2004, the IDF searched the offices of an Islamic charity in Hebron, positively identified as being a Hamas fund. Among the documents recovered was a request for help from IKRA," Fighel added. "In August 2005, Israeli police arrested Ya'coub Abu Asab. During a Shin Bet interrogation, Abu Asab admitted to raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for Hamas in Saudi Arabia, channeling the money though two funds, one of those being IKRA," Fighel continued. "It's totally clear we are talking about a charity which has a mission. It is backed by a Saudi radical madrassah and is linked to Hamas," Fighel said. Asked whether the presence of such a fund in an Israeli university represented a security threat, Fighel replied: "I can't say for sure. What I can say is that these type of activities create a terror-supporting atmosphere, and this has to raise questions among Israeli-Arabs." He added that the reason police have not yet shut down the fund could be because "not enough judicial material had been gathered to close it." "We are an Islamic movement that provides funds and scholarships," insisted Hefeb. "Our budget is decided according to our capabilities, and we don't have a lot of money," he said. On Thursday, Ynetnews received an email, claiming to be from IKRA, rejecting Fighel's claims. The email said "Fighel's words are lies based on hatred and racism" and claimed he was talking "nonsense." The email said the group was considering taking legal action over his statements. /quote]
‘Iran may recruit Israeli treason convict if he is freed’Security officials opposed to early release of businessman Nahum Manbar, who supplied Iran with sensitive information and equipment, tell parole board he ‘lacks any moral inhibitions that would prevent him from committing similar crimes’ Raanan Ben-Zur Published: 07.05.07, 18:40 / Israel News It is feared that Iranian intelligence agencies may approach treason convict Nahum Manbar to acquire information and use him to advance their goals if his request for parole is granted, senior Israeli security official said Thursday. Manbar was arrested in 1997 and later indicted and convicted for aiding an enemy of the State of Israel and for selling potentially harmful information to an enemy state. Aiding the Enemy State against treason convict's parole / Vered Luvitch State Prosecutor opposes parole of Nahum Manbar, convicted of aiding enemy state; requests postponement of parole hearing to allow Mossad to submit detailed professional opinion on matter Full Story The indictment claimed that during the 1980s, Manbar, who had business connections in Iran, used them to supply enemy agents with sensitive information and equipment. Manbar was sentenced to 16 years in prison. He later appealed to the Supreme Court, which rejected his appeal, and is currently serving his sentence in the Nitzan Prison in Ramla. The prison parole board has yet to decide on whether to deduct a third of his sentence. Security officials opposed to Manbar’s release told the parole board that his “manipulative behavior” and the crime he was convicted of did not allow for his early release. In their report the officials specified the “immense and irreversible damage” Manbar had caused. Advertisement “The equipment and knowledge he sold to Iran may some day be directed against Israel, and Iran’s capability as far as unconventional weapons are concerned has been significantly upgraded because of him,” the officials said in their report. “This assessment, coupled with the impression that Manbar lacks any moral inhibitions that would prevent him from committing similar crimes, make him a comfortable target for recruitment by the enemy,” the officials said.
Jordanian murderers leave Israeli jailTerrorists sentenced to life for murder of two IDF soldiers in 1990 released from Hadarim Prison to continue serving sentence in Hashemite Kingdom Raanan Ben-Zur Published: 07.05.07, 10:35 / Israel News Four Jordanian prisoners who murdered two IDF soldiers in 1990 left the Hadarim Prison Thursday morning for Shiekh Hussein Bridge, where they were to be transferred to Jordanian authorities. The four were sentenced to life in prison for the murder of Captain Yehuda Lifshitz and Staff-Sergeant Pinchas Levi in two different incidents in November 1990.Jordanian Terrorists Cabinet approves transfer of 4 terrorists to Jordan / Ronny Sofer Ministers estimate Jordanian nationals serving life sentence over killing of two IDF soldiers will be pardoned by King Abdullah within the next 18 months Full Story The prisoners were escorted out of the prison with their hands and legs chained, and transferred to the prison vehicle under heavy supervision. The release of the four prisoners drew much attention among other security prisoners, and their visiting relatives, some of whom were seen making victory gestures with their hands. Sufian Akesh, father of a prisoner who was sentenced to seven years for security offences, said, "We share in the joy of the four Jordanian prisoners who are being released today, and hope that our children will finally get out of jail, as these four were released today." The decision to release the prisoners came following a request from the Hashemite royal family. On Wednesday, the High Court rejected a petition protesting the transfer of the four Jordanian prisoners from Israel to Jordan. The appeal against the transfer was filed by the Almagor organization - which represents families of victims of terror attacks - and by Sarah Levy, the mother of one of the deceased soldiers. Advertisement Advocates for the petitioners said there was a chance that the four, who are serving life sentences, would be pardoned as early as a year and a half from now, if transferred to Jordan. An Israeli official said Israel had received assurance from Jordan that the prisoners would serve at least 18 more months in prison after the transfer. However, there has been no additional legal commitment. The High Court judges, led by Miriam Naor, explained that they had chosen not to get involved in what they considered a political decision, adding that such an action by the government was not aberrant.
G-d bless Israel.Iseal will not fall
Why are they releasing terrorists from prison?