Singer Katy Perry Dresses As Obama-Marked Ballot shema to this vile and sickening bisexual kurva. Believe it or not, this trollop was at one time an evangelical Christian gospel artist. When that didn't get her enough money and fame, she morphed into the whore she now is.
Perry gave a free concert at a park in a historically minority neighborhood just northwest of downtown Las Vegas to screaming fans at about 9 p.m.
Translation from NWOese: the ghetto hellhole of West Las Vegas, which I had the displeasure of nearly being stuck in once about a decade ago. I'd like to see Katy get stuck in this wonderful "neighborhood" at about 9 p.m., without her bodyguards. I'd like to see her support the Muslim after that experience.
At one time, Perry was actually cute. But as my pic shows, ugly is entering her mug at a breakneck pace.

Immoral Lesbian Artist Katy Perry