Author Topic: Great way to help JTF!!  (Read 675 times)

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Offline The One and Only Mo

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Great way to help JTF!!
« on: October 29, 2012, 06:01:38 PM »
On Facebook, there's a page called "Eric Allen Bell", and the dude has over 12 000 likes. It's an anti-Islam anti-Obama page; from the comments I've seen, JTF should definitely post stuff on that page to attract them because they have their heads screwed on like we do.

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Great way to help JTF!!
« Reply #1 on: October 30, 2012, 12:24:21 AM »
He makes great movies I recommend you buy this one online, to support him.

Michael on Sun News

This man is a great film maker and is attempting to make a mass movement. If there is one person on earth who would be a perfect person for our forum to help, and ally with to make a true mass movement to help defeat Islam, it is this man. May G-d help him to join us and together save western civilization, I believe with the fearless JTF and this film maker, we could make the film nobody else would, and start the movement that will make others no longer afraid to act, just like the JDL protesting the black panthers and allowing others to see them for the cowards they really were.
:dance: :dance: :dance: yes. I think somebody from this movement should reach out to him. I wonder what Chaim thinks. I wonder if anybody will be reading this thread...

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Great way to help JTF!! Eric Allen Bell
« Reply #2 on: October 30, 2012, 12:28:48 AM »
Here's a sample of his page:

"WHO OWNS FACEBOOK NOW? I reported well over 100 explicit death threats, which arrived in my Facebook inbox, from Muslims. A screenshot was taken of each threat, with the link included, and a police report was filed, and this was turned over to FBI Counter Terrorism. Every one of those Muslim Facebook accounts remains active right now. In the meantime, my FB account has been suspended twice for th
ings I said which "offend" Muslims. The second time it was for publishing one of the Muslim death threats on my wall. That was offensive and so my account was suspended. Saudi Prince Walid has bought up a significant share of NewsCorp (owner of Fox News - Islam's biggest critic in American media) and Twitter, along with several other major American media organizations. When Facebook went public, who bought up all those shares? Remember, the vast majority of Islamic terrorism is backed by the Saudis. Who owns the majority of FB shares that are not owned by self-loathing Mark Zuckerberg?"

"Given that Saudi Arabia, and Islam in general, are the biggest backers of terrorism in the world - I've got a better idea. The US should give all humans enough warning to get out of the way first, and then we use a small, surgical strike,
with a nuclear warhead, and BOMB THE KABA. Gone. All that can be seen is a mushroom cloud. From space satellites can take pictures of what was once the central Islamist holy site, and is now glowing glass. Given that Islam has such a fragile ego, so little confidence in itself, even a YouTube video can cause a worldwide childish tantrum that goes on for weeks - perhaps it is time to "think outside the box" by blowing the box up. It was primarily Saudis that hit us on 9/11. The piggish Saudi Royal Family are the biggest backers of Islamic terrorism. So perhaps we should NUKE THE KABA and then bomb all of their palaces and mosques into oblivion. I think we've all had enough of Islam telling us what we can say or do. Perhaps it is time to strike a direct blow to the nerve center of their collective fragile ego. NUKE THE KABA:"
"SOMEONE ASKED ME WHY I say "Political Islam" in some of my articles sometimes, instead of just simply saying "Islam". There are "Moderate Muslims" (who are fooling themselves, and their numbers provide cover for the dangerously devout) but there is no moderate Islam. Moderate Islam does not exist as Islam is a radical ideology which seeks to take over the world by force. To say "Political Islam
" is to speak to that part of Islam that should not be protected under the First Amendment and should in fact be punished as treason and sedition. We do not penalize thought crime, so if someone "believes" something or prays 5 times a day, that is their right. Not to allow this would violate their liberty. The day we start violating other people's liberty is the day we lose our own. That said, if someone is actively engaging in overthrowing the US government (for example, attending one of the 80% of mosques that teach this) then such a person should be treated as a criminal. "Political Islam" IS criminal. And, there are already laws on the books that deal with treason and sedition. "Islam" gets around this by masquerading as just a religion. We need to confront this and stop this trend before it gets worse."

Offline The One and Only Mo

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Re: Great way to help JTF!!
« Reply #3 on: October 30, 2012, 09:20:32 AM »
I liked the page and posted our video "The Real Islam Revealed" for starters.