Author Topic: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".  (Read 55623 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« on: July 05, 2007, 10:47:16 PM »
Okay guys, sit down. This one ain't gonna go over too well with you all.

Alright, there recently has been a furor over Scotch's use of the German slogan "Sieg" and his post calling for the lynching of unspecified blacks. Most of JTF's membership has come down harshly against him, and has even called for his banning. I want to let it be known on no uncertain terms that I do not agree.

At the risk of hauteur and coming off as an egotist, I honestly feel I have developed a pretty keen online sense of determining who is and is not a Nazi. I haven't gotten that evil vibe from any of Scotch's posts. He reminds me of Sarah when she first came here, or perhaps Tonycali. He seems like a teenage kid who is eager to find a website that more or less shares his views, which certainly must be despised in all his social circles. He described himself as a "white Germanic nationalist" or something to that effect, but definitely not a Nazi, and emphasized that his goal was to stop terrorist scum from destroying Western civilization. If he indeed means that he is not an anti-Semite (and as far as I know he has no anti-Semitic posts), I don't see how being a "Germanic nationalist" is worse than being a Serbian nationalist, British nationalist, Hindu nationalist, etc. He may well simply mean that he wants to defend German people from Islamic conquest and genocide. I do happen to believe that the vast majority of Teutonic people ARE the scum of the earth, but who am I to say that he is wrong for having pride in his heritage if he means nothing against the Jews?

The vast majority of "white nationalists" ARE satanic Nazi ghouls, but, if one exists who is not, we are making a big mistake by jumping all over him.

The next big question is what he meant when he advocated the lynching of blacks: did he mean that all blacks deserve to die just because of their race, or that he wants to lynch the evil, racist, criminal blacks? He did not really indicate either way. If he intended to mean the former, then I will point out that this is flat-out evil and disgusting and that he needs to repent of this wickedness in his heart and leave the forum. If Scotch just wants wicked blacks to be killed, though, I don't see why what he said is particularly shocking or bad. Maybe he is just outraged from seeing so much black violence get hushed-up by the media and let his temper flow. I know I've done that many, many times.

Ask yourselves realistically: how many of you all would be upset to see Farrakhan or Jesse Jackson get lynched?

I must admit that I feel a personal connection to this issue right now owing to my semi-recent experience on the forum regarding some unwise comments I made. I said that terrorism would stop in Gaza if the Muslim Nazi women were raped as judgment for their actions, gave a Bible verse that indirectly could be taken to support this, and was temporarily banned for it. I did not at all mean to say that we should all become rapists or pursue this as a serious solution to terrorism--merely to point out that in G-d's eyes, satanic Nazis, including their women, are not immune to any form of judgment, however horrible and torturous. Naturally, I see that such a suggestion, however flippant and informal, was foolish, and should have never been said. Thus, I think that we should tell the same thing to Scotch before we flame him and call him a Nazi.

I don't know what is in Scotch's heart. I don't know what he really thinks of all of us. I don't know what he thinks of me. As a Mexican, would he, as a white nationalist, have any interest in what I say or am doing? As a JTF member speaking of a fellow JTF member, I would like to say the answer is yes. I want to believe that he knows the difference between right and wrong and can tell evil and normal people of all backgrounds. Everybody knows that that is what JTF has always stood for and I would like to think Scotch does as well. For that reason alone, I ask that we refrain from rushing to judgment on his case.

So in closing, I ask that we just ask him to refrain from making such statements and then give him another chance here.


Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 11:30:38 PM »
i hear you out Chaimfan.  We need to make sure that if he is true, that we refine the way he posts...we don't need to attract real racists...because no one here is really a racist. We just hate evil culture and evil people irregardless of color.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 11:33:18 PM »
Thanks for hearing me out. I'm glad somebody liked my post... I just thought it would anger many people.

I would give you a reputation point but that system was taken down!  :P

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 11:42:08 PM »
actually it was well written

and it's kind of funny, Chaimfan...

You are a Kahanist Hawk and I'm a Kahanist Dove...we kind of need to balance each other out.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 11:44:13 PM »
That's a good way of seeing it, I suppose. Every organization needs a balance; a Yin and Yang. But even hawks can be dovish, as I am being this instant with Scotch.

Of course, if he really does want to see people murdered just because of their race, then he is a Nazi demon who deserves hell. But what he has written so far is ambiguous.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 11:48:52 PM »
That's a good way of seeing it, I suppose. Every organization needs a balance; a Yin and Yang. But even hawks can be dovish, as I am being this instant with Scotch.

Of course, if he really does want to see people murdered just because of their race, then he is a Nazi demon who deserves hell. But what he has written so far is ambiguous.

just like when imerica writes something...just as "ambiguous"

just to forget the important line as I won't either..."When you show mercy to the cruel, you'll end up becoming cruel to the merciful.:
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 11:50:38 PM »
Well, we will have to see with Scotch. The reason I think Erica wasn't ambiguous is because she did not hesitate to condemn conservative black leaders. If she would have said "Well, I don't agree with Alan Keyes here", you would have had a point. But she didn't.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2007, 12:05:33 AM »
no, she made herself pretty clear what she thought of the big monkey al, and big baboon jessie and the big orangatun Louis

ask her what she thought about the OJ verdict...that shoudl be interesting.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2007, 12:16:23 AM »
Maybe some other night. I don't feel like firing the first salvo in what is likely to become another monumental JTF flame war at this hour on this night. (yawns)

Offline mord

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2007, 03:48:33 AM »
Yes speaking German or being German does'nt make someone a nazi
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2007, 08:47:16 AM »
Scotch is such a troll....can't you tell by the way he writes?! :embarassed:
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline ScotcH

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #11 on: July 06, 2007, 09:14:55 AM »
C.F. I truly appreciate you taking time out to state your opinion !

I'm sure it wasn't easy but you followed your instincts !  You're a Decent Person !
There's good and evil present amongst us !  I seek redemption for those on Ha'Shem's Side ! 

Yeah, it was a good round or two, but I recommend you all here find your Right-Wing Conservative Gut and move away from any calls of TOLERANT LIBERALISM !
Deliver us from Evil !

Offline Dexter

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2007, 09:27:17 AM »
actually it was well written

and it's kind of funny, Chaimfan...

You are a Kahanist Hawk and I'm a Kahanist Dove...we kind of need to balance each other out.
To balance between Hawk and Dove is a very hard thing, i am a little more Dove then Hawk.
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
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Offline TheCoon

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #13 on: July 06, 2007, 09:31:04 AM »
Like I said before, when you start tolerating vicious racist opinions you stray away from being righteous and you attract people who aren't righteous like white nationalists. I said that this board was beginning to look like a WN board and now we see it's happening.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!

Offline ScotcH

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #14 on: July 06, 2007, 09:38:12 AM »
Like I said before, when you start tolerating vicious racist opinions you stray away from being righteous and you attract people who aren't righteous like white nationalists. I said that this board was beginning to look like a WN board and now we see it's happening.

You "Affirmative Action GENIUSES" think you're so RIGHTEOUS ! :laugh:
Yet when a BLACK proclaims their proud of their heritage you Flaming LIBERALS acclaim them !
I must wonder how many of you are indeed BLACK GHETTO Sympathizers ! 

Offline nessuno

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #15 on: July 06, 2007, 09:41:51 AM »
I didn't hear any calls for tolerant liberalism.
Many here seem to feel that you stepped over the line on this religious forum by posting that link.
If your the type of person JTF is trying to attract to the forum - they will be driving many others away.
I enjoy most of the threads on this forum because there is open, intelligent and civilized debate/discussion.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #16 on: July 06, 2007, 09:50:05 AM »
What's with the name calling?  ;)
Have you read many of the threads on this forum?
I don't think you can call most here afrimative action geniuses or flaming liberals!
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #17 on: July 06, 2007, 09:57:06 AM »
something so wrong and ignorant

Offline ScotcH

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2007, 09:59:33 AM »
Wouldn't the World be a Better Place if all Blacks thought they were White !!  ::)

Offline Kananga

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2007, 10:07:13 AM »

This guy isn't black.

Offline Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2007, 11:29:53 AM »

Offline Dexter

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2007, 11:39:25 AM »

This guy isn't black.
Is he pink ?
« Last Edit: July 06, 2007, 11:43:13 AM by Dexter »
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
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Offline cosmokramer

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #22 on: July 06, 2007, 12:19:19 PM »
White nationalists and Black seperatists are all stupid. I will say that 95% of Blacks are evil. It is not the skin color it is the culture of the Negroes. Rap music especially. Now I am half-Black scotch. I dont condone Black violence. Or any other violence in that matter unless it is necessary. I do believe if the Blacks think this country is so racist then they shoulf leave, but I dont think like most of them. But Scoth, how about Whites that act like Blacks? Or the Islamic threat or the illigal immigrants comming here and our politicians selling ud down the river? Think about that scotch. Now sorry, I dont side with alot of Blacks. I am a Jew through and though and those are my people. But when you talk like a White nationalist, It makes me wonder.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #23 on: July 06, 2007, 12:22:00 PM »
Scotch, do you believe that some blacks are righteous people and do not hate whites?

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #24 on: July 06, 2007, 12:22:05 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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