Self-explanatory poll: which of these satanic, Amalekite sharmutas (most if not all of whom are fanatically loyal to the Islamic usurper of the Oval Office) is the worst culturally speaking at the very moment? (Note that the only reason why I did not include Amy Whorehouse is that she has already croaked.)
Lindsay Lohan, the queen of drugs and drunk driving
Jessica Simpson, the obese horse-faced whore who cheated on her faithful husband, Nick Lachey, for their entire marriage
Vanessa Hudgens, the possible anti-Semite who "sexted" naked pictures of herself to many people and proudly strutted around sex shops with her longtime boyfriend, the self-hating Jew Zac Efron
Taylor Swift, who sleeps with every man in town and then writes a song about it
Sarah Silverman, the so-called proud Jewess who has sex with dogs on camera for Obama
Katy Perry, the bisexual apostate former gospel singer turned Obama whore
Miley Cyrus, the Disney darling who cohabited with a man five years her senior when she was 15 and is a proud drug user
Selena Gomez, who starred in a sex tape with her lover Justin Bieber
Sarah Silverslut is the most evil for sure but she doesn't have all that huge an audience outside of fellow mentally ill communists. Thus I am going to say that the answer is a tie between Katy Slutty and Taylor Slut. Katy's vileness is very obvious and she commands a huge following, but Taylor is positively idolized by tens of millions of stupid preteen girls and she has the fake veneer of "wholesomeness" given her country music background making her extra-dangerous. Of course, the other walking STD factories here ain't all that far behind. (One interesting note is that several of these kurvas have fornicated with uber-manwhore John Mayer, yimach shemo to him. He's a requisite stop along the tramp tram's central route along the Gehenom Express.)
I will leave you with some photos of Miley Cyrus doing what she does best, dope:

(it's hard to tell if this one is for sure her, but the first one is completely undeniable)