Author Topic: Are most Asians anti-white???  (Read 3121 times)

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Offline NoMosqueHere

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Are most Asians anti-white???
« on: November 15, 2012, 11:25:25 PM »
Obama's pro-negro policies (affirmative racism, high taxes, Obamacare, free abortions) offer nothing for Asian Americans. So why did 75 percent of asians vote for Obama? Could it be that they identify more with the non white candidate, Obama?  Is Romney just too white for them?

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2012, 11:35:03 PM »
Obama's pro-negro policies (affirmative racism, high taxes, Obamacare, free abortions) offer nothing for Asian Americans. So why did 75 percent of asians vote for Obama? Could it be that they identify more with the non white candidate, Obama?  Is Romney just too white for them?
I think you might be a panther or an SS!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2012, 11:35:37 PM »
Most of them are sheep.
Unfortunately the mentality is "obey".
So when wrong advice is spread....obongo is elected.

It works this way: sweet son votes the wrong way because mum told him so. And would mum lie??!!!
Of course not! But mum's brother's wife's co-worker's friend's mother said so. But why would any of them lie?

Now I'm a horrible son. I never do as I'm told. How dare I oppose bad advise?
In a previous election for ny senate it was hillary sodom vs rudy giuliani. my mother said that both are great candidates.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2012, 11:40:18 PM »
BTW why did so many white sheep vote BHO? Because professor dingbat told them so at commie University.

Offline USAReturn2GodNow1776

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #4 on: November 16, 2012, 12:27:42 AM »
Well, it's a myth that Asians never benefit from affirmative action and such programs to increase diversity. Often "Asian" is not a category considered. Instead more "minorities" are demanded, and Asians are best able to compete for these minority vacancies.  The following excerpt from The Affirmative Action Hoax by Steven Farron explains in more detail how this works despite the fact that Asian-Americans generally have higher achievement than white Americans:

Quote from: Affirmative Action Hoax by Steven Farron
Thus, Asians should logically be the main victims of affirmative action.  But, in fact, they are not.  In The Bell Curve, Herrnstein and Murray (1996: 451-3) list the average Verbal+Math SAT scores of Whites, Asians, and Blacks at twenty-six prestigious colleges.  In most of the colleges on their list, Asians have higher average Verbal+Math SAT scores than Whites.  But the differences between Whites and Asians are neither great nor universal.  More importantly, the combined Verbal+Math SAT score is misleading since Verbal-SAT is more important than Math.  In 2004, the average SAT Verbal and Math scores of Whites were 528 and 531; of Asians, 507 and 578.  On ACT’s, which have subtests on English, Mathematics, Reading Comprehension and Science Reasoning, the average White and Asian scores are nearly identical.

Lerner and Nagai (2002) provided the median Verbal and Math SAT scores of Whites and Asians at twenty-seven American colleges.  At twenty-four, the median White Verbal score was higher than the median Asian Verbal score.  At fourteen of these colleges, the gap was thirty points or more.  The Asian median Verbal score exceeded the White median at only three colleges, all by a small margin (ten, ten, and twenty-five points).  The median White Math score was higher at two of these twenty-seven colleges; at six, they were the same; at nineteen, the median Asian Math score was higher.  But at only six of these, was the gap thirty points or more.  Lerner and Nagai (2002) also provided the median White and Asian ACT scores at twenty-two colleges.  At fourteen, the median White score was higher.  At four of these colleges, it was higher by three or more points (on a thirty-six point scale).  At five colleges, the median White and Asian ACT scores were the same.  At only three was the median Asian ACT score higher, all by less than three points.

The most frequently used evidence of anti-Asian discrimination was from its supposed existence at Berkeley’s undergraduate division.  In fact, in the late 1980s, when this accusation was constantly being made, of the California high school graduates who were academically eligible for Berkeley (on the basis of high school grades and SAT scores), 67.7 percent where White and 19.9 percent were Asian.  But only 32.6 percent of the 1989 Berkeley freshman class was White and 21.2 percent were Asian.   (Of California high school graduates, 61.6 percent were White, and 8.6 percent were Asian (Sarich 1990-91; 73-4, 76).)

Discrimination in admission to professional schools is more serious than in admission to college.  Every high school graduate can find an American college that will accept him, but that is not true of professional schools.  In 1992, the average LSAT score of first-year Asians at American law schools was .32 of a standard deviation lower than the average LSAT score of White first-year students (Herrnstein and Murray 1996: 455-6).  In 1990-91, 1.55 more Asians were admitted to American law schools than would have been admitted on the basis of undergraduate grades and LSAT scores alone, and only .80 as many Whites (Wightman 1997: 16).  As a result, when that class graduated from law school, 80.75 percent of the Asians, but 91.93 percent of the Whites, passed the bar exam on the first try (Wightman 1998: 27).  Law schools have practiced that level of pro-Asian discrimination for decades.  Only 60 percent of the Asians admitted to American law schools in 1976 would have been admitted if they were White (Welch and Gruhl 1998: 58).  As with all affirmative action programs, the socioeconomic background of the recipients is not considered.  For instance, Ron Chen got into Rutgers Law School through its Minority Student Program even though both his parents had PhDs and he attended one of the most elite private schools in the United States (Exeter) and Dartmouth.  He told the Washington Post that he needed affirmative action to get into law school because “I goofed off in college” (Russakoff 1995).

Similarly, in 1994, 93.4 and 96.3 percent of White medical students passed Step I and II respectively, of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (which replaced Parts I and II of the NBME exam) on the first try.  Only 86.8 percent and 87.6 percent of Asians passed them on the first try (Case, et al. 1996: S91).

In Section A of Chapter 9, I provided statistics on the rate at which teachers pass teacher competence tests in various states.  In all, Whites’ pass rates are much higher than Asians’.  In the same section, I quote the average scores of Whites and Blacks at different educational levels on the prose literacy, document literacy, and quantitative literacy tests of the National Assessment of Adult Literacy.  I will now add that on all three tests, the average score of Whites is higher than that of Asian/Pacific Islanders at every educational level – high school graduates, graduates of two-year colleges, graduates of four-year colleges, and graduates of graduate and professional schools.  And most of the differences are substantial.

In all spheres of American life besides university admissions, Asians are the greatest beneficiaries of affirmative action.  Many university faculties and corporations recruit Asians to increase their proportion of minorities.  For instance, in 1995, when New Hampshire’s population was 97.4 percent White, the University of New Hampshire announced that it intended to increase its minority undergraduate enrollment to 7.5 percent by 2005 and the proportion of its minority tenure-track professors to 7.5 percent by 2000.  Two-thirds of its minority professors are Asian.  In 1995, only 0.84 percent of New Hampshire’s population was Asian (Gorov 1995).  Similarly, heroic efforts by the University of Michigan raised the proportion of its faculty who are minorities to 14.1 percent in 1995, more than half of whom (7.3 percent) were Asian (4.9 percent were Black and 1.9 percent Hispanic).  Blacks comprised 13.9 percent of Michigan’s population, Hispanics 2.2 percent, and Asians 1.1 percent (Lynch 1997: 277-8, 312).

Asians are also by far the greatest beneficiaries of government set-aside contracts for minority business enterprises (MBEs).  In 1996, Asians were 12 percent of the minority population of the United States, but they received 28 percent of MBE contracts (Graham 2002: 164).  The Asian proportion of America’s minority population has increased rapidly since 1996.  Therefore, the proportion of minority set-aside contracts that Asians receive must now be considerably higher than 28 percent.

Consequently, 61 percent of Asians in California voted against the 1996 referendum banning the California government from practicing racial discrimination (Beinart 1998).

This is undoubtedly surprising to people who have not studied affirmative action carefully because they constantly hear and read about its adverse effect on Asians.  The reason is that opponents of affirmative action try any trick they can to avoid defending its real victims: Whites.

Please understand I mean no offence. I consider Asian-Americans to be great people..
« Last Edit: November 16, 2012, 01:36:02 AM by DeathToIslam1776 »

Offline NoMosqueHere

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2012, 12:33:50 AM »
I think you might be a panther or an SS!

No, I'm just a jew like you.

Offline USAReturn2GodNow1776

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #6 on: November 16, 2012, 12:47:01 AM »
No, I'm just a jew like you.

I believe he's a Noahide.

Offline briann

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #7 on: November 16, 2012, 01:35:40 AM »
Asians are obviously punished for their race via affirmative action....  especially here in California..   They have done recent studies showing the percentage of Asians that dont get accepted into collefe based upon their race far exceeds that of whites... I dont remember the exact percentage... but I will dig it up if you want me to.

By the way... nearly every newer ethnic group voted for Obama... many of whom were bombarded by his propoganda and the BS from the media showing him as the likeable rock star...

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #8 on: November 16, 2012, 04:09:03 AM »
I am also puzzled by this. Are many Asians pretending to be big heart liberals who care about anyone but themselves, like most American Jews are ?

What about Indians are they also included in the 70+% for Osama ?

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2012, 04:39:25 AM »
It would be interesting to know how many Indian Americans voted for Obama, specially when Obama campaign had numerous ads attacking India for loss of American jobs due to outsourcing.

Among the Indian Americans i personally know, they all were divided over Obama and Romney.

There are chances that Indians may favor Obama, since they get more opportunities in the political circles among the democrats, and thus have a say in the nations governance, Which they may not get being part of Republican party. Example: Democrat Tulsi Gabbard became the first Hindu-American to enter the U.S. House of Representatives

But such appeasement tactics should never be practiced in a true democracy. This time i also saw the Republican candidates trying to woo the Indian Americans by claiming to declare a national holiday for Hindu festival, if voted to power. I am sure none of the Indians are interested in this.

Offline realist26

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #10 on: November 16, 2012, 07:04:04 AM »
Asians include Muslims from Indonesia, Malaysia etcs.  Population is also younger and more influenced by popular culture, colleges etc

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #11 on: November 16, 2012, 07:39:28 AM »
Asians include Muslims from Indonesia, Malaysia etcs.  Population is also younger and more influenced by popular culture, colleges etc

Don't forget also that Asia, thereby Asians, also consists of all the 'stans.
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Offline Rubystars

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #12 on: November 16, 2012, 07:47:00 AM »
BTW why did so many white sheep vote BHO? Because professor dingbat told them so at commie University.

Because they're brainwashed idiots without an ounce of self-respect.

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #13 on: November 16, 2012, 09:39:50 AM »
Because they're brainwashed idiots without an ounce of self-respect.

Right on, Ruby.
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #14 on: November 16, 2012, 10:21:07 AM »
Bobby Jindal !!

BTW this topic does not hurt my feelings at all.

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #15 on: November 16, 2012, 10:24:54 AM »
Bobby Jindal !!

BTW this topic does not hurt my feelings at all.

Why would it, you're Chinese.  ;D

Please, don't let me start one of my racial categorization rants.
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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #16 on: November 16, 2012, 10:39:36 AM »

Most Asians used to vote Republican until the 1990s. Then because of the immigration issue, Asians voted for Bill Clinton and other Democrats. It is the immigration issue that is causing Asians to support Obama and the Democrats. Many Asians want their relatives to be able to come to the United States and become citizens.

The vote for Obama has nothing to do with being anti-white. If anything, Asians generally do not like blacks. Blacks are intensely jealous of Asians who come to America and in one or two generations have successful businesses and do better in school than most whites. Blacks are living in America for four centuries and are still unable to succeed despite trillions of dollars in massive government programs that were designed to help them. Asians who deal with blacks know that most blacks are vicious, jealous racists.

It is possible to get more Asians to vote Republican by running a "politically incorrect" campaign. If the Romney campaign had reminded Asian voters of how black leaders have been involved in so many anti-Asian racist incidents, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about how lazy, jealous and hateful most blacks are, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about black violent crime - I am certain we could have gotten many more Asian votes.

Let's not forget that Asians are very productive and hard-working citizens who saved many neighborhoods especially in Queens.

Offline briann

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #17 on: November 16, 2012, 12:07:39 PM »

Most Asians used to vote Republican until the 1990s. Then because of the immigration issue, Asians voted for Bill Clinton and other Democrats. It is the immigration issue that is causing Asians to support Obama and the Democrats. Many Asians want their relatives to be able to come to the United States and become citizens.

The vote for Obama has nothing to do with being anti-white. If anything, Asians generally do not like blacks. Blacks are intensely jealous of Asians who come to America and in one or two generations have successful businesses and do better in school than most whites. Blacks are living in America for four centuries and are still unable to succeed despite trillions of dollars in massive government programs that were designed to help them. Asians who deal with blacks know that most blacks are vicious, jealous racists.

It is possible to get more Asians to vote Republican by running a "politically incorrect" campaign. If the Romney campaign had reminded Asian voters of how black leaders have been involved in so many anti-Asian racist incidents, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about how lazy, jealous and hateful most blacks are, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about black violent crime - I am certain we could have gotten many more Asian votes.

Let's not forget that Asians are very productive and hard-working citizens who saved many neighborhoods especially in Queens.

I agree with this sentiment.  Trust me, Asians are NOT pro-black....  and chiggers are quite rare.   And although Asians do want looser immigration from Asia... many Asians are very much against illegal mexican immigration....   the vast majority of Asians come here legally, albiet... many are green card marriages.

Finally...Asians are not a homogeneous group by any means. many newcomer South Asians and Indonesians are Muslims and are overwhelmingly Pro Obama... but many from S.E. Asia are overwhelmingly anti-Obama and anti-communist.....   

Offline NoMosqueHere

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #18 on: November 16, 2012, 12:36:41 PM »
I agree with this sentiment.  Trust me, Asians are NOT pro-black....  and chiggers are quite rare.   And although Asians do want looser immigration from Asia... many Asians are very much against illegal mexican immigration....   the vast majority of Asians come here legally, albiet... many are green card marriages.

Finally...Asians are not a homogeneous group by any means. many newcomer South Asians and Indonesians are Muslims and are overwhelmingly Pro Obama... but many from S.E. Asia are overwhelmingly anti-Obama and anti-communist.....   

Ok, but I am just looking at the numbers.  Around 75 percent of Asians voted for Obama.  I don't hate asians, but in terms of demographic politics they are part of the problem.

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #19 on: November 16, 2012, 12:57:32 PM »

Most Asians used to vote Republican until the 1990s. Then because of the immigration issue, Asians voted for Bill Clinton and other Democrats. It is the immigration issue that is causing Asians to support Obama and the Democrats. Many Asians want their relatives to be able to come to the United States and become citizens.

The vote for Obama has nothing to do with being anti-white. If anything, Asians generally do not like blacks. Blacks are intensely jealous of Asians who come to America and in one or two generations have successful businesses and do better in school than most whites. Blacks are living in America for four centuries and are still unable to succeed despite trillions of dollars in massive government programs that were designed to help them. Asians who deal with blacks know that most blacks are vicious, jealous racists.

It is possible to get more Asians to vote Republican by running a "politically incorrect" campaign. If the Romney campaign had reminded Asian voters of how black leaders have been involved in so many anti-Asian racist incidents, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about how lazy, jealous and hateful most blacks are, and if the campaign had reminded Asians about black violent crime - I am certain we could have gotten many more Asian votes.

Let's not forget that Asians are very productive and hard-working citizens who saved many neighborhoods especially in Queens.
absolutely true

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #20 on: November 16, 2012, 01:58:57 PM »
Since his mother was white and since he intentionally and overtly kept his matrilineal links as active, many Asians by their own vectors of logic and knowledge can tend to consider him not far different from many of the whites.

Moreover earlier only aristocratic Asians were migrating to America, now even socialists and third rate muslamics can get in there and become popular. So it had to be the after effects of the free globalization.
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Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #21 on: November 16, 2012, 02:26:45 PM »
close the damn borders.

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #22 on: November 16, 2012, 02:32:12 PM »
I think a big part of the problem is that many Asian-Americans are relatively young, and thus easily brainwashed.

Offline briann

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #23 on: November 16, 2012, 03:39:19 PM »
I think a big part of the problem is that many Asian-Americans are relatively young, and thus easily brainwashed.

This is VERY true... The younger generation is starting to slide into Obamaism....  and forgetting the lessons of their parents.  There are some that unfortunately are starting to become reliant on the government.... and once this happens... they and their family will be eternally democrats... Its very sad... but its all part of demoncrat agenda.

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Re: Are most Asians anti-white???
« Reply #24 on: November 16, 2012, 05:28:05 PM »
And yes I would like to know specifically how Chinese-Americans voted. It may not be as bad as we think.