I think hatred for hatred's sake is a bad thing. Hate needs to serve a purpose. It needs to be productive. If you hate someone because you don't like their nose or their hair then you're just being ignorant and stupid. Hate needs to be directed toward evil itself.
I hate:
1. Evil philosophies: Communism/Globalism/Left Wing Thought. Also Individualism to the point of exclusion of a sense of people and community, and Communalism to the exclusion of individual rights and pursuit of happiness.
2. Evil philosophies that pose as good philosophies such as: "Sending money to Haiti or African nations and acting like it's going to change things there" "Making sure that all black children graduate at the same rate or make the same grades as white children even if it means having to use affirmative action to get that done" "Making Israel share its land with the Fakestinians", "Passing laws against hate crimes so that the life of one individual is worth more than another", "protecting 'women's right's by allowing the to murder their children any time they want for any reason", "letting homosexuals marry so they can have 'equal rights'.", "Global consciousness"
3. Evil philosophies that pose as religions such as Islam, Satanism, ancient style paganism, etc.
4. Human selfishness, greed, and hatred for hatred's sake.
5. Rejection of morality