Democrat: not too much particularly great ab0ut the states either ^^;
BritishSword: You get hit by that hurricane?
Democrat: no. I was too far north and east to get much 0f it.
BritishSword: U get hit by the Election, that was countrywide.
Democrat: yes. and I'm s0 glad its 0ver. I was getting really sick 0f all the ads (my guy w0n).
Democrat: i wouldn't have been surprised if pe0ple across the pond g0t sick 0f hearing ab0ut it ^^;
BritishSword: Oh yes
Democrat: I'm so sorry that you had to be subjected t0 0ur dumb
BritishSword: Can you tell me wether you voted for something in particular or just to keep the other guy out.
Democrat: I voted for Obama because I think he is trying t0 help our country. And I think he c0uld make great pr0gress if c0ngress would stop trying to fight him at every turn

Pause and let that sink in
Democrat:And also because Romney's views on women and h0w w0men sh0uld be regulated scared the hell 0ut 0f me. N0t t0 menti0n that everything ab0ut that man rubbed me the wr0ng way. He was s0 0ut 0f t0uch with the average american, and it sh0wed. I just didn't see h0w he w0uldn't take us backward 50 years if he made it t0 0ffice
BritishSword: Ok - views on women - uhh what are his views on women?
Democrat: that w0men d0n't deserve equal pay, that w0men sh0uld remain at h0me raising kids and c00king dinner, and that w0men sh0uldn't have the right t0 c0ntr0l their 0wn repr0ductive 0rgans
at least, that's what I g0t when I listened t0 him speak
BritishSword: Well the first one is definitely out of place in this day and age... I wonder if these views are mormon teachings
I'll have to ask my Mormon buddy.
Democrat: I'm not sure. I don't know any Mormons.
(quietly to self) I will not yell I will not yell I will not yell
Out loud
-Well, I gave up voting because they didn't have a YOU ALL SUCK option on the ballot paper.
Democrat: that's what the write in 0pti0n is f0r
Democrat: 0r d0 y0u n0t have write ins?
BS: No
Democrat: I'm just waiting f0r the day when s0me ficti0nal character wins because p0litics sucks s0 hard