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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:53:43 AM »
The Olympia Food Co-Op has decided to ban all Jewish products from Israel.  I would love to go deeper into details, but I decided to post the email exchange I had with one of the Administrators of the board of the Olympia Coop, Jayne Kaszynski.  This coop has decided to single out Jews and ban all Israeli goods for the Jewish people wanting to fight for their existence.  This coop have a great hatred of the Jewish people and is supported by a very anti-Israel community.  The Chabad in Olympia was also vandalized with anti-Semitic graffiti at the same time a lawsuit was made to challenge the Israeli Jewish product boycott of the coop.  One of the Olympia Co-op members spraypainted "Die Jew" on the Menorah outside the Olympia Chabad center.

You can see what was done on this website:

Anyone in the Seattle/Olympia area feel free to contact me.  I would like to setup a rally and gain support to form a formal boycott of this Anti-Semitic store.  I am wondering if there is a Jewish Defense League or any other proactive group in the Seattle/Olympia area who would like to work on standing up to the evil being promoted by this store.  They basically are punishing the Jewish people for fighting for their right to exist.  Many of the liberal morons in Olympia support the co-op and are adamantly anti-Israel and anti-Semitic.   The vile hatred that people show against the Jews is unfounded.  Basically, these people live selfish, pathetic and unproductive lives.  THey need to stand up and fight for a cause.  What better people to fight and blame for their problems than the Jews?  Does this sound familiar??

The Olympia Food Co-Op is officially the first health food store/food co-op in the USA to be "Judenfrei!". 

I will post any more emails that the Polish Nazi Jayne Kaszynski sends to me, as well.

Here is the Olympia Food Coop's Website:

Here is the Olympia Food Coop's Blog:

This is the contact of Jayne Kasyznski, the Administrator in charge of overseas the boycott of Jewish products at the Co-Op.  Please email her and voice your opposition to her store's racist and anti-Semitic policies!
 [email protected]

Here are the phone numbers of the Olympia Food Co-op.  Please give them a call, if you don't feeling like emailing and voice your opposite!!  Be Pro-Active!! 

Downtown Business Office
(360) 357-1106

Eastside Store
(360) 956-3870

Westside Store
(360) 754-7666
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 01:55:37 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2012, 12:54:51 AM »
First Email To Olympia Food Co-op's Jayne Kaszynski:

have moved to the area recently and was shocked when I heard you have implemented a ban on Jewish products at your store.  Yes, half the Jewish people live in Israel, so whether it is Jews living in Israel or USA producing the products, it is a ban on Jewish products.   What I would like to know is why we Jews have been singled out?  Why does your store overlook the atrocities committed by Arab nations, yet you single out the Jewish people?  Perhaps, it is genetic?  My relatives in Europe were massacred probably by many of your own relatives.  Has the hatred of your European ancestors passed down to your generation that you overlook all the other hatred, xenophobia and bigotry committed by Arab people people around the world, yet you set all your efforts on making war and cleansing your store of all Jewish products.

What about the over one million Mizrachi and Sefardic Jews who were thrown out of their homes and had their synagogues and communities destroyed by the Muslims in the Middle East?  Most of the Jews had to flee to Israel to survive.  How come you haven't formed a boycott against products from countries where these atrocities were committed against Jews?

What about the thousands of children being massacred in Syria?  Has your store banned Syrian products?  Does your store sell any dolmas or middle eastern products from Syria?   I doubt you would care that the Syrian government massacres their children, because they are not Jews.  Your fight is against the Jews! 

Look at the news today:

What about the horrible treatment of women in the Palestinian countries?  I bet you have not made any petition against honor killings and the brutal treatment so many women undergo in the PA.  There are many reports of human right violations against women in the Middle East, with the Palestinian area being a bastion of it.    I would advocate you make a boycott against all Arab products until they put an end to the horrible mistreatment of women.  Women are having their throats slashed because they attempt to pick a husband on their own.  Many times they are killed out of rages or paranoia by their families that they may have had sexual feelings.  Many of the killings are senseless and without provocation.

What about the fact that the Hamas and Fatah use their children as human shields?  How come you support the Palestinians who on purpose use schools, hospitals, soccer fields and mosques as their rocket launching fields?  If they are going to murder the Juden, at least you can petition that your friends move their missile launching sites away from the civilian population.  Strangely, your friends choose to launch their rockets where there will be the most loss of innocent human life. 

What about all the homosexuals being massacred in the PA and Gaza territory?  Many Arab homosexuals have moved to Israel to escape the persecution of their sexual orientation.  Why haven't you boycotted Arab products, considering how homosexuals are oppressed and being massacred in these countries??  It sounds to me that the Olympia Food Co-op is either homophobic or just doesn't care the atrocities that are being committed against gay people in the Middle East.  Without Israel, where can these oppressed homosexual people go?  Tel Aviv is the only safe haven for many of them.  Why don't you boycott Arab products until the conditions of homosexuals improves in the Middle East.  Why isn't Israel being commended for giving refuge to the many Palestinian homosexuals oppressed in their own country?

What about the Jewish families , women and children who were murdered and wounded by rocket attacks by Palestinian Hamas?  Are Juden babies inferior to Arab babies?  IS Jewish blood trash, whereas Arab blood garbage?  How come you support the murder of Jewish babies??

What about the Yeshiva boys who were shot to death by a vicious Palestinian murderer in Jerusalem?  A group of children studying were shot to death in cold blood at Mercaz HaRaV Yeshiva.  But I suppose a bunch of dead Jewish boys is not a big deal.  I mean they are just a bunch of inferior Juden, right?   You are probably happier they are not in the world.  Let's cry for the poor Palestinian murderer who was shot dead in the incident, because he could not kill more of these worthless Juden, right?

Why are you one sided on this issue?   My feeling is, that it goes back to your European heritages, where your ancestors were probably brainwashed to hate Jews.   Our race has been blamed for all the wrongdoings of the world for 1000s of years.  We were oppressed, tortured, robbed, raped and cast out of our homes in Europe and the Middle East.  Both the Arabs and Europeans were very oppressive hosts to the Jewish population who was treated inferior and as second-class, subhumans in these countries.  Israel was the last bastion of hope.  Being oppressed in the Middle East and Europe, where did we have to flee? 

I will do everything in my personal power to spread the word about the evil deeds your health food store is promoting and the Anti-Semitism that is being propagated in your community.  Only a couple years ago, most likely, one of your coop members spray-painted "Die Jews" on the Menorah at the Olympia Chabad.  Also, there has been reports that many of your members have been supporting your ban using the most atrocious anti-Semitic language.  Many of your emails and letters have contained very volatile and dangerous anti-Semitic language.  StørmFrønt, the KKK and David Duke I am sure are supporting your coop's anti-Israel legislation either directly or indirectly.  StørmFrønt, like yourselves, has made a great drive to put an end to all support for Israel and banning Israeli products.  The Ku Klux Klan, like yourselves, supports the Arabs and their terrorist attacks to achieve the means of cleansing the Jewish state and making the region "Judenfrei".

In case you haven't visited the StørmFrønt website, the address is www.StørmFrø   I think both you and StørmFrønt see eye to eye on most of these issues.  Perhaps, you can advertise your store to the members in the Washington forum on the site.  You will be sure to receive many donations and loyal customers from the neo-nazi crowd. 

A picture of David Duke, a man with a vision just as your own, with his friend the leader of Iran and proud supporter of the Palestinian resistance, Mahmoud Achmedinejad:

Considering, my Jewish ancestors were victims of having their products banned from stores in Europe, it is my duty to rally up support to fight your ban.  Your ban is not against Israel, it is against the Jewish people.  How do I know? Because, you support a group of people who oppresses women, homosexuals, kills children and fights against the freedoms you claim to support.  You most likely come from backgrounds of people who were raised to hate Jews, whether you think it is because we ruined the economy, killed Jesus, mix your children's blood with our matzah or that we start all the world wars, you have inherent hatred of Jews that you, yourselves, probably cannot explain.

I petition you on this account.. If you want to ban Jewish products, then please ban Arab products too.  It is only fair.  If you are against the Jewish killing people (which is almost always done in self-defense), then you can also be against the Arab people killing people.  The fact you singled out the Jews, yet turn a blind eye on all the atrocities that are being committed by the Arabs, proves to me that you are the sons and daughters of nazis and/or anti-semites and share the same vision as many white supremacists and neo-nazis in this country.

I wonder how many minorities even shop at your coop?  Probably few..  Well, I am one more minority who refuses to shop at your racist coop until you put an end to your bigotry!

Hitler would be proud of your coop.  That is all I have to say.  It's shameful that Anti-Semitism is so active in a community that masquerades itself as being progressive, open-minded and liberal.  I guess I should congratulate you on being the first health store in the nation that is "Judenfrei".
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2012, 12:55:30 AM »
Jayne Kaszynski's Response To Me:

Dear Mr. Daniyel,

Yes, in 2010 the Olympia Food Co-op joined the boycott of Israeli products called by Palestinian civil society. We do not have a "ban on Jewish products". We stock products by Jewish producers, as well as products for Jewish holidays. Our boycott of Israeli products (which removed nine items from our two stores) is explicitly intended to respond to Israel's actions in Palestine - actions which have been condemned by neutral observers from agencies including the United Nations, Amnesty International, etc.

This boycott follows in a long tradition of the Olympia Food Co-op joining boycotts, including boycotts of other states and countries (Colorado, for anti-gay legislation; Norway, for whaling violations; and China, for human rights violations in Tibet.) Israel is not being singled out in an unfair way. Our support of this boycott is based on our mission statement which includes "encourag[ing] economic and social justice."

We do not currently stock any items from Syria, Fatah or Hamas. In response to your lengthy list of atrocities committed by other countries and religions, please consider this definition of "tu quoque".

You can also find a great deal of information on our boycott by reading past posts on our blog (, particularly from July 2010-January 2011.


Jayne Kaszynski

Outreach & Training,
Staff Rep to the Board

Olympia Food Co-op
360-357-1106 x11
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2012, 12:56:15 AM »
My Response Back to Jane Kasynski's First Reponse To Me:
I guess the Jewish people are evil for defending themselves against non-stop rocket attacks and terrorism , a Palestinian man detonated a bomb on a bus filled with women and children.  I bet if your home was being pounded by rockets you would be screaming bloody murder if your leader just sat there and did nothing while you watch your children suffer and perish.  How can there be a human rights violation when the Palestinian leaders on purpose put all their missile and rocket launching sites in crowded civilian areas, including schools, mosques and hospitals??   There are as many Palestinians being shot dead and executed for resisting the Hamas or Fatah leadership or trying to even escape to Israel or surrounding Arab countries, than there are Palestinians being killed in Israeli air strikes.

Anyway, it seems you have chosen your side.  What I say doesn't matter to you.  The UN was also the same agency that hosted Idi Amin and gave him a voice to scream his opposition to Israel and turned a blind eye to the fact he was mass murdering his own civilians in Uganda.  BTW, I was in Uganda doing humanitarian work with orphans and widows suffering with HIV for 6 weeks and got to learn firsthand how hypocritical and useless the UN truly is.  In addition, it was sobering to hear the atrocities committed by Idi Amin, who was constantly given refuge by the UN.   UN soldiers also have been guilty of raping and taking advantage of many of the native people in various countries, including the Congo.  Who will raise a campaign to expose the human rights violation campaigns committed by UN-backed troops?

The UN, like yourselves, never bothers to recognize human rights violations committed by other nations.  The Jewish people have always been the number one scapegoat for the UN!  There is a reason why Jews are immigrating in large numbers from Europe to Israel.  We are hated in Europe and being chased out.   Did the UN bring up any human right violations for the Jewish children massacred at the Yeshiva in Jerusalem??  No, because they were just lowly Juden who don't matter.  The Europeans have been trying to wipe out the Jews for centuries.. Is it any surprise they will consider any act against the Arabs as human rights violations? 

Perhaps, I am right about the heritage thing being an influence for your animosity towards the Jewish people (Israel = Half Jewish Population).  Your last name sounds Polish to me.  I am a Ukrainian, Russian, Polish Jew.   My great aunt Chave was murdered during a pogrom in her village in Belarus by Polish villagers.  She died in my great grandfathers arms in a puddle of blood, being shot by a drunken Polish villager during the pogrom.  They would scream "Die zhid, Die zhid!"  She was trying to run to her uncle's house, but couldn't make it in time.  They were punishing us for great human rights violations we committed at the time.  This including murdering their G-d, kidnapping and murdering their children and keeping them poor.   My grandmother always told me how she feared the Polish more than the Czar's soldiers.  I know most Eastern Europeans have a great disdain for the Jewish people.  I am not surprised.

It seems to me that you have found a more politically-correct excuse for freeing the world of the Jews.  You have gone from blaming us for "Murdering Jesus" to "Murdering Palestinians".

You claim that you do not carry any Syrian, Palestinian, Colorado, Chinese or Norwegian products.  I would seriously like to take a detailed look at your coop to see if your claims are true!  I have yet to visit a coop that does not contain some product from one of these regions.  Are you aware how many canned middle Eastern products come from Syria?  How many beers come from Colorado?  Anyway, you have chosen your enemies and your heroes, blindly!  That I can certainly say!   You have rallied the support white supremacists, Islamic fanatics and bigots all around the globe with your Jewish boycott.

The fact you punish an entire nation or state of people for the acts of the few makes you have as bigoted and close-minded as the people you hate!  The poor hippy family in Colorado shouldn't have their products banned because of anti-gay legislation.  The poor, struggling hummus company in Israel shouldn't have their products banned because of bombing rocket launching sites near schools, etc.  Perhaps, we should ban products produced by African Americans, because rap music is degrading to women?  You see how dangerous is your mentality is??!  If you banned products produced by the Israeli government, that would be one thing, but you are attacking the people, which is a Nazi/Eugenist tactic!

This entire Palestinian conflict is distorted!!  What other nation is not allowed to defend themselves against a group of people (Palestinians) who have voiced openly for the destruction of the Jewish race?  Does it bother you that a majority of the Palestinians themselves were Nazis in WWII and supported Hitler's regime?  Mufti Al-Husseini was the leader of the PLO in the 1948 war of Independence and was one of Hitler's inner circle, as well as one of the architects of The Final Solution.

Your Palestinians friends look up to this high ranking Nazi official as their hero and mentor!  He is the father of modern Palestine.  He was also the mentor and uncle of Yassir Arafat.   Considering, most Palestinians share a goal of exterminating the Jews, is it any wonder the Jews must fight to retain this tiny piece of land in the Middle East? 

BTW, I found this paragraph in the Tu quoque wikipedia article quite disturbing:
Quote from: Wikipedia
In the case of the Nuremberg trials, charges were only being leveled at the former Nazi regime, and as such it was felt that the tu quoque argument in some cases to be relevant. In fact both at the time and in the subsequent decades many jurists and scholars have argued that the whole proceedings should be seen as illegitimate because Allied crimes were not indicted or even acknowledged even when they overlapped with Nazi crimes; most obviously many German leaders were charged with a conspiracy to wage a war of aggression in the Nazi-Soviet pact, meaning that if a criminal conspiracy existed then the Soviets must have been party to it but no charges were brought against them.

The author of the article you gave me sounds like they are advocating that the Nuremburg trials were a mistake, as the Allies who fought the nazis should have been persecuted.    This almost reads like something I could have found on the StørmFrønt website.  Also, even though I am not a member of StørmFrønt, as I am Jewish and the people devote most of their lives to posting hatred of me and my race, I am inspired to setup an account there for the sole purpose to post about your ban on Jewish Israeli products.  You will receive the greatest praise and admiration and you can be sure the Ku Klux Klan and StørmFrønt members will send donations into your coop.   You deserve their support, but certainly not mine!  This whole Tu quoque argument is senseless, with respect to the Israelis.  IMO, the Israelis have been the most humane military in the Middle East.  What other military warns the enemy civilians to evacuate before a bombing?  But, obviously being of the Anti-Semitic/Anti-Jewish mindset, the people on your side of the fence could care less about civilities of the Jewish military.  To them, a dead Jew is payback, a dead Palestinian is murder!

Nazi Germany started with the boycotting of Jewish products.  It wasn't all Jewish products, it started slow, but it grew to the point where all Jews were condemned.  It grew to the point of banning Jewish businesses and then banning the people themselves!   What you are doing can spread like a wildifre! 
« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 01:13:22 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2012, 12:56:56 AM »
If they even bother responding to my last email, I will post the response here..
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #5 on: November 27, 2012, 01:06:58 AM »
G-d bless you, EveryJewA44!  Terrific!  Just terrific!  What a Jew hater she is.  I'm praying that some horrendous disease befalls that beotch Jane Kasynski. 

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #6 on: November 27, 2012, 01:41:51 AM »
That crooked Co-Op needs to be boycotted and if they were responsible for the defacing of the menorah then there should be a curse on their property...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #7 on: November 27, 2012, 01:47:53 AM »
I just had a thought. It would be nice if they could provide us a list of products which they have banned. Then we should call the suppliers to find out how much of these items were purchased by the co-ops.... Based on this we could figure out what the demand for these Israeli items are. Then we could make a deal with the suppliers to supply us with these products and sell them on-line for less than what they were sold for at the co-op... Then we could make exclusive deals with the suppliers which would prevent the co-op from ever re-establishing sales from these suppliers.... If there is sufficient demand we could make some money on their failed policy and send it to Israel so that Jews are protected, no matter what befalls the poor arabs...

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #8 on: November 27, 2012, 02:20:35 AM »
Interesting ideas Muman..  I will have to think more about it when my brain has the capacity.  I am burnt out from all the energy I have been in promoting a boycott of this wretched coop, as well as contacting this Jew-hating nazi who runs the coop.

Here is another inflammatory article I read about the coop and its ban.. The sad part is self-hating Jewish scum support the Coop's ban of Jewish products.  However, the coop has made one exception!! There are products produced by an Arab company in Israel that is "Judenfrei" that they allow to be imported, called Palestinian Peace Oil.   It seems only "Jewish" Israeli products are to be banned.  Is this not racism and anti-Semitism in the first degree!!  They have proven themselves now to be discriminating based on race, not nationality!

Without a doubt, a BDS member or an anarchist with connections to the Olympia Food Co-op was involved in the defamation that occurred at the Olympia Chabad.  They found a beer bottle at the scene, that probably belonged to the vandal.   It would be interesting if they could trace where that beer bottle came from.  But, I doubt the police would make the effort.   We can most likely rule out that this was done by one of the Arab residents, as most of them do not drink.  Although, who knows?

The Student Run, Flaming Eggplant Cafe at Evergreen State College in Olympia has followed suit with the Co-op to ban Jewish products at their restaurant:

BTW... I just realized that the links I provided are from the BDS website, which is the organization that has promoted the boycott of Jewish products.   They are a highly anti-Semitic organization that is currently being criminalized in Israel.  If I am correct, it may be illegal to support any BDS initiative or to invest or donate money in BDS in Israel.  I know the Israel Knesset is passing some type of legislation against this organization.
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 27, 2012, 02:47:51 AM »
It appears every event this Nazi co-op has, has something to do with ending the Jewish race.  Now they are going to have Middle Eastern (Palestinian) cooking classes with a school teacher from the Gaza Strip named Amani Inshashi, who also happens to be a rabid Jew hater.  Wow, go figure!  The fees for the class will go to funding the Hamas to help exterminate and cleanse Palestine of the Juden.

Here is the host, who also supports Hamas's murders of Juden babies:

Maybe I should show up to the class with my Kippa and Israel Chai t-shirt and if they throw me out I will sue them for discrimination!
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #10 on: November 27, 2012, 11:06:46 AM »
Are you surprised there are Jew haters in Olympia, Washington ?

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #11 on: November 27, 2012, 11:14:30 AM »
Great letter to the street whore however some Jews in Seattle are just as bad.Take for example the little fagela  Rich slitherstein and his buddy David Duke 
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #12 on: November 27, 2012, 08:01:16 PM »
You are right about there being Jew haters in Olympia.  Seattle isn't great either.  However, the same organization tried calling for a ban of Israeli goods at Seattle' Central Co-op and the store refused to do the ban.  No matter how bad Seattle is, there are still an overwhelming majority of people who don't think becoming Judenfrei is the solution to the problems.

Most people are under the delusion of a Two-State Solution, whereas the Olympia Food Co-op believes that "Palestine" must be "Judenfrei".

They even tried passing the same legislation in one of the major food co-ops in Brooklyn, which failed with a 3:1 vote not in favor.

Anyhow, I will not shop at the health food stores in Olympia, rather I will go to Seattle.  The money spent at the Olympia Food Co-op goes to support Hamas and to promote the murdering of Jewish men, women and children.

BTW, Mord, there seems to be lot of links missing in that thread.  That is interesting to hear that David Duke has his Judenratt PR representative.  Every Neo-Nazi group needs a naive, self-hating Judenratt B*tch to help promote their deeds.  Even Hitler hired a group of Jews to help with the process of rounding up Jews and managing the concentration camps before he ended up turning on them and murdering them as well.

Anyway, the more phone calls and angry letters the Olympia Food Co-op gets the better.  The fact that Jayne lied to me as is banning "Jewish", not "Palestinian" products from Israel lets us know this is a war against the Jewish people, not the nation of Israel. 

It is a horrible deed when stores become "Judenfrei".  People must remember that this is how Nazi Germany started. It started with banning Jewish products and then Jewish businesses.  From there, a wildfire started that resulted in Jews being banned altogether from German society.  It will be just a matter of time before the people in Olympia start burning down Jewish businesses and Jewish synagogues.  They will claim it is to save the "Palestinians".  This is the same as how the Germans attacked and conquered Poland to save the "oppressed Germans". 

At the time the Nazis claimed Jews were committing all types of "human rights violations".  Racist people always hide behind noble causes.  David Duke and the Olympia Food Co-op both have similar statements of reasons why America must be Judenfrei.

I think picketing the store with pictures of dead Jewish children may be the most feasible option.  Considering, the Olympia Food Co-op has aligned itself with the Palestinians, I have the Constitutional right to show the pictures of children murdered by their friends and who they financially support.
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2012, 04:04:23 AM »
What if they lift their boycott on Israel for commercial or other selfish reasons, will you lift your boycott on them ? I hope not. I think it is clear they are Jew haters who should be boycott in perpetuity.

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2012, 04:42:09 AM »
It's a step in the right direction Zelhar.. Whether or not a business hates Jews is hard to gauge.   Obviously, the Olympia Co-op is a business that certainly is anti-Semitic/anti-Jewish.    However, by promoting a ban on Jewish products they are going a step further; they are promoting nazi-era like tactics and this can be damaging to the Jewish people.  By their store selling Jewish Israeli products, it sends a message that Jews are humans too and that punishing the Jewish race for this or that wrongdoing (that they think is being done) is not the solution to the problem. 

Would I want to shop there if they lifted the Jewish product ban?  Well, I have other options, so no..  If I had no other option, I would say yes.. It is a co-op and I become a member and have a voice.  I am one more voice promoting the cause of the Jewish people and supporting Jewish members of the co-op.  Sadly, the co-op broke their own rules to push this legislation.  They were met with stiff opposition even among their co-op members, which resulted in a high-risked lawsuit that backfired on the plantiffs.  However, I rather starve to death than to shop at a store that seeks to be "Judenfrei" as this co-op is doing.  I will never support a store that implements a Nazi-like Jewish product boycott or sends money to support Hamas.  In this case, the Olympia Co-op does both!

If they want to purchase Jewish Israeli goods for commercial reasons, they are still sending money to Israel and helping our country and cause.  I will support that, even though I may have personal disagreements with the people.   

Whether I shop there or not is not the issue at all here.  I am fighting the dangerous nazi-like policies this store is promoting.  What they are doing is very similar to what Adolf Hitler did in Europe  in the early 1930s.  The tactics the co-op is using obvious been researched and modeled after the successful propaganda and boycott measures that Adolf Hitler implemented in Europe.  The Poles and several other Jew-hating neighbors caught on and performed boycotts of their own.

BTW, does anyone see anything coincidental here?  It says Anti-Semitism was very popular in the universities.  Businesses at Evergreen State College in Olympia has implemented a boycott on Jewish products.  The college also had a lot to do with helping the Olympia Food Co-op with their boycott.  Obviously, many of their Jew-hating supporters are the young liberal collegiate.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2012, 04:52:43 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2012, 07:22:38 AM »
What if they lift their boycott on Israel for commercial or other selfish reasons, will you lift your boycott on them ? I hope not. I think it is clear they are Jew haters who should be boycott in perpetuity.
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2012, 08:02:17 AM »
Anti-Semitism is mothers's milk to Poles.

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2012, 03:01:30 PM »
It appears this lady will not open her mind at all, she keeps giving me back her BS robotic response, here is her last response to me.  Her response being, we feel so bad for how bad Jews are treated, but the Jews in Israel are just human rights violators, blah blah blah. 

It appears, she no longer wants to use her Polish name.  I assume she is married to a Polish guy, but is herself, a self-hating Jew.  For some reason she addresses herself as Jayne Rossman now.   I don't know her reason for doing so.  Perhaps, because in the article about the Nazi boycott, it talks about the Poles partaking in Hitler's boycott along with the Germans. 

Jayne's second response to me:


Just to be very clear:

We believe that the Jewish people have been persecuted in terrible ways throughout the past hundreds of years.

We believe that this persecution continues today in various forms, from outright murder in some places, to hurtful comments in others.


We believe that the country of Israel has a documented history of human rights violations in regard to the Palestinian people. These violations are ongoing.

To me, those are not mutually exclusive. Both can be true at the same time.

I'm sorry that our small boycott has caused you such personal anger and pain.

Jayne Rossman
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2012, 03:02:23 PM »
My final response to Jayne..  You can teach a Jew hater history, but you cannot make them think...

The Palestinians have been much greater human rights violators than the Jewish people.  There is over one million Muslims in Israel right now.  How many Jews live in Arab countries?   You turn a blind eye to the suffering and pain of Jewish children.  It is almost a mockery to our people what you are doing.  This is not a case of black people not being allowed to enter a white restaurant in Alabama.  Rather, it is a case of a race of people (the Palestinians) who have a deep hatred for the Jewish people and are firing rockets into heavily population civilian areas that are aimed to kill Jewish men, women and children.  Not only do they purposely aim to kill Jewish civilians, a tactic used by Adolf Hitler in WWII in London to break morale, they also build all their rocket launching sites, weapon caches and military installations right in the center of civilian areas on purpose.  This is done to maximize civilian casualties so that they can use the deaths of their people as propaganda.  In effect, you are supporting the death of innocent Palestinian civilians (if I can call them that), with your boycott. By you boycotting the Jews, you are promoting the use of human shields.  You are turning a blind eye to the atrocities committed by the Arab states.  Basically, you are saying "Dead Jews Are Good", "Dead Arabs Are Not, Unless Used As Human Shields". 

You do not know what the people in Israel have to endure day to day.  Have you ever been in a rocket attack?  You are another ignorant American/European who lives so safely in your home here in the USA.  It is so easy for you to point fingers at how bad the Jews are in Israel, yet you have not spent the last 70 years fighting for your right to exist.  You didn't witness the body parts of somebody you love being spread out over the street or see your friends blown up in a night club.  What should Israel do?  Sit and do nothing when Hamas is launching a barrage of rockets from schools and hospitals?  No!  Israel must destroy those rocket launching pads and the terrorists who are firing them, even if it means blowing up the school or mosque the rockets are being fired from.   I wish you could understand that, but you probably don't care.  You have an agenda!

BTW, if you read the article, you will see the Palestinians performed the same boycott on Jewish products and stores as Adolf Hitler did and were even supported by Hitler with their boycott. 

In Palestine, the Arab leadership organized boycotts of Jewish businesses from 1929 onwards, with violence often directed at Arabs who did business with Jews.[11]

If you want to know who commits some of the great human rights violations, it is the Arabic states, including your beloved Palestinian people.  There are long lists of their atrocities, especially against the Jewish people.   The fact that you have decided to take their side means that you are also responsible for the deaths of innocent Jewish people who are murdered by Palestinians.  You are responsible for the honor killings and brutal treatment against women, the oppression and murder experienced by Palestinian homosexuals (many who seek refuge in Israel) and for the murder of Palestinian civilians, including women who either are used as human shields against Israeli air strikes. 

Jewish people have suffered for thousands of years under the oppression of Europeans and Arabs. Read your history book, but pogroms were performed by both Europeans and Arabs.  Jews were treated as subhuman. Many of those Israeli Jews you hate were thrown out of their homes by Arabs.  Did you ever read what happened to the Jews in Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Iraq and Yemen?  Do you care? Probably Not!    The Jews on the other hand protect and give equal rights the same citizens who walk into their schools and shoot to death their young children.  As I said, Jewish blood is worthless to you, but Palestinian blood is like gold. 

Perhaps, the biggest mistake was when the Europeans, would scream "Go To Palestine, Jews!" .   We took them up on their offer.

Today you boycott Jewish businesses, tomorrow Jewish store owners will be boycotted for their crimes against the Palestinians.  Whatever excuse you need you will find to cleanse your town of Jews.  How does it feel to be one of the first stores to boycott Jewish products since the Nazi era?  You must be proud.

This is the sign your store should bear:
Kauf nicht bei Juden!

I know nothing I say will convince you and the board members of your co-op.  The Jewish people (and their supporters) must get together to take action against your co-op.  I am hoping we can setup rally and protest and form our own boycott against your store.   I would love to show signs to people of dead Jewish children murdered by Arabs.  I want the world to see the dead Jewish children whose murderers, you support and finance.  You cry about human rights violations, I hope to show you human rights violations!   A protest where we carry signs of dead Jewish children maybe will wake up all the ignorant people in your town to realize that what Jews have done is self-defense.  Our human rights were violated horribly, but Jew haters like yourself, were not there to boycott anyone!   The UN never condemned any attack on our children. 

I have included websites with pictures and articles about the Jewish children murdered by your friends:

The blood of dead Jewish children is on your hands!   I hope one days you can open your eyes and see! 
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2012, 09:03:44 PM »
The FILTH is a Bolshevik, BOYCOTT this B*TCH
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2012, 09:56:04 PM »
G-d bless you Every Jew a 44!

Great letters! 

I'm now in the process of writing this [censored]. 

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2012, 10:49:38 PM »
Here's what I wrote to her:

Ms. Kaszynski,

I am shocked, appalled and dismayed to discover that your food coop is boycotting goods made by Israeli Jews on account of that country supposedly abusing the so-called Palestinians. 

Now I'm just curious as to why you like these "Palestinians" so much.  Do you like the fact that they engage in acid attacks and honor killings of  their own women?  Do you like that they send their children to become suicide bombers.  Or do you like that they kill homosexuals, or anyone they think is collaborating with the JOOOS?  Perhaps you admire them for celebrating when America was attacked on 9/11/01.  How about the fact that they receive billions in foreign aid which they use to attack and kill Jews in Israel. 

So again, why is it that you consider this group of people to be victims of the EEEVIL JOOOS?  Is it because CNN, the BBC and NPR say so? 

The fact of the matter is, when little Israel was formed in 1948, the neighboring Arab/Muslim countries threw a hissy fit, and decided to all attack her and "push the Jews into the sea." 

Fortunately they lost.

They tried the same thing again in 1967, and 1974, at which point Israel took over territory for defensive purposes.  And of course the neighboring countries couldn't deal with the fact that they initiated wars and lost.  So they went whining to the U.N about how Israel "stole" their land. 

I would like to know why you're OK with Arabs firing rockets into Israel and sending their children to blow themselves up.  What is Israel supposed to do?  Sit there and take it? They already gave up Gaza and the Sinai.  Should they give up their entire country so people like you can feel morally superior? 

Why are people like you after Israel to give up land when there are over 50 Muslim countries in the world?  Why is one tiny Jewish country in that region such a cause for liberal angst?  Why is it I never hear anyone demanding that Muslims give back the lands of North Africa to their rightful Christian owners?  Speaking of which, have you devoted the same amount of time and energy into boycotting the goods of Muslim countries where your fellow Christians are persecuted? 

My guess it that it's more chic these days to be pro "Palestinian," whereas in the past, it was fashionable to blame Jews for killing Jesus and controlling the world. 

Anyway, two can play at this game.  I will never purchase anything from your coop, and will encourage others to stay away from you as well.


Lisa R.

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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2012, 11:55:53 PM »
Wonderful letter Lisa!  You expressed yourself well and brought up some good points that I wish I could have in my original email.  My brain was already spinning so fast.  Challenging her on her ideals will be hard, as she indeed is out to be "morally superior" versus help those who suffer and are in need.  All these libtard morons on these power trips are out to make a name for themselves rather than "Save The World".  This whole boycott is to impress the close-minded, impulsive politicaly- correct crowd who was brainwashed into thinking that blaming the Jews for the woes of their fabricated heroes, "The Arabs" will bring world peace and end suffering.  These people are delusional and I guarantee you almost none of them would spend more than one or two days in any of the Arab countries they support.

The Olympia Food Coop has declared war on the Jewish State and its people.  Hashem will help defend the Jewish people against their drive to exterminate us.

Thank you for contacting her and sharing your opinion.    I encourage others here to do the same.  Sure, maybe it's a lost cause and we feel we cannot change them, but every person's voice counts!  The more people who voice opposition to the store and its policies, the better!
« Last Edit: November 29, 2012, 12:55:15 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: Boycott The Nazi Food Co-Op In Olympia, Washington!!!!
« Reply #24 on: November 29, 2012, 12:08:53 AM »
Why don't these liberal fools every talk about the evil things the palestinians do?

Would this woman ever talk about how they mistreat and steal from crhistians in "palestine"? 

Or how they persecute gays. Not that I am in favor of homosexuality but people like the coop moron love gays and lesbians. Yet the palestinians they defend are the biggest haters of them.

What does this female have to say about that?