I am a 56 year old male, who is somewhere between an agnostic and an atheist. I am so old
that I actually studied history in school, something I fear is no longer being taught. Just because
I am not religious does not mean I do not have a well defined sense of morality.
After studying WWII and the Holocaust, and the history of the state of Israel, it did not take me
long to choose sides. For decades, I have seen thousands of news stories on TV about the
terror attacks against Israel. They usually include some liberal "Expert," who injects the PC
moral equivalence buzzwords "The cycle of violence."
The cycle of violence my Tucas! One side wants peace, the other wants to kill Israelis down to
the last man, woman, child and baby in their cribs. My choice was easy.
As an American, I am embarrassed by the fact that our current president has turned his back on
our greatest political ally. Due to unrestricted immigration and explosive birth rates, much of
Western Europe is in danger of becoming Islamic states within a generation or two.
With Iran on the verge of having a nuclear weapon, and the "Arab Spring" delivering Islamic
nations into the hands of Muslim radicals, I fear that another Holocaust is on the way. I stand
with Israel. I stand with the Jews in Europe. One cannot negotiate with an enemy utterly
committed to you destruction.
Your two greatest natural allies are conservatives (Like me,) and Evangelical Christians.