My Dues Are Paid, So Why Shouldn't I Vote?23 of the Fourth Month 5767

Here's the
latest on the impending Likud Party primaries from Hillel Fendel at Arutz 7. Many are predicting a 20 Ellul (Sept. 3) date for the primaries, which thus far appear to include only
Binyamin Netanyahu and
Moshe Feiglin.

From almost the beginning of Moshe Feiglin's venture into the Likud, I've been a registered Likud member. I voted him in primaries and for his
Manhigut Yehudit block on the Likud Central Committee. Being a member even meant that I was able to vote in the referendum on Sharon's YSh"W Expulsion Plan. A lot of good that did us to vote his plan down. He went ahead and did it anyway.
Previously, I have expressed my appreciation for Moshe Feiglin, yet increasingly luke-warm feelings toward his venture, believing that the time have arrived
to throw the baby out with the bath water, and spend my NIS 48 (just over $10 these days) on something else.
So, why have I stuck around for the last additional year and a half? To be honest, I just kept forgetting to cancel my Likud membership and the
hora'ath qeva' (standing instruction) allowing the NIS 48 to be withdrawn from my account every year. But, now since I'm paid up until next February, there is nothing stopping me from voting in the primary. I don't know think Moshe has a chance of taking down Binyamin Netanyahu. But, I have no doubt he'll increase his percentage of support from the last go around, and be able to further his publicity of some crucial issues.
Well, unless I end up going on my [once every 10 years] trip to the US.
Shhhh! Don't tell Moshe.