How did you figure it out, do you have any horror stories?
You mean how did I leave it? I was never a "Muslim" to begin with. I was secular like many secular Jews today I stumbled on. I remember my Jewish classmate and I used to share many pornographic materials in high school.
My horror stories lie within my folks dealing with this cult. I'd read a quran years ago and shortly it'd make me doze off that I had to quickly turn on my video game system to occupy myself.
I thought it is a bedtime story that's good at collecting dust on a shelf. Stories of how a magical horse flew across Jerusalem and the patriarch Abraham supposedly built the kabaa stone for ishmael after Adam had built one in mecca. I found myself yawning at the fairy tale and thought to myself why do 1.6 billion followers believe in muhammed as their role model seeing his crime rap sheet. This always concerned me and I don't understand.
One morning a Jewish sister showed up to offer me advice and said "you don't want to be Jewish" after I made my trip to Israel.
I considered being Jewish but only if muslims are not in my way here in the states or middle east. The 7 laws don't suffice enough for me in life. I wish to pay another pilgrimage to Israel, but I don't want to go through the violent crap out there now.