Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Why Is Montenegro Becoming Independent?

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Albanians are like arabs they have there crummy Albania now they want 2 countrys

muslims think they own everything. In their vile religion  anywhere a muslim puts his foot must come under muslim control.

True the nations aretoo numerous to list

Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac):
Did you know that the army (serbian) couldn't wait for the NATO troops to land. That my friends i doubt you'd hear in America.

The army knew that sooner or later, the NATO forces had to come in like in afghanistan. And you know what would have happened?

Think about this. Iraq, The iraqi insurgents have crappy weapons tbh. They fight in the Desert. Yet 3600 US/Ally soldiers have died.

Now consider this. Serbia has been at war since its creation. Constant wars for 1400 years. We have modern weapons.
We have vast forests. We INVENTED guerilla warfare. (Cetniks fighting the Nazis). What do you think would have happened to the NATO forces:P Just imagine.

Forget about Vietnam, That would be a Vacation compared to Serbia. But Milosevic the idiot surrendered. I understand him because NATO killed about 3000 CIVILIANS during their campaign of "humanity".

True Serbia has mountains and forrests and Serbs are great at guerrila warfare


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