YSV to that creep. And yes, he was far worse than Duke.
That idiot David Duke is actually a blessing because he discredits "antizionism" in the eyes of the public because of his associations with the KKK, nazism, and white nationalism, which are extremely unpopular in the west. The first thing most people with half a brain think after hearing one of Duke's rants is that he is just prejudiced and motivated by Jew hatred. We should be grateful that Duke does not shut up and allow leftists like Norman Finkelstein, Noam Chomsky, neuterd karta et al, who have far more credibility in the west, to do a much better job of defaming israel and zionism. Don't get me wrong, he's still gonna burn in hell, but he is unwittingly being used by God to make defamation of zionism seem less credible. All of the positive ratings on his videos are from his little cult of fanatics, similar to Ron Paul's. Even then, if you look on his videos such as "Will the White Race Survive" the ratings are much lower than on the videos defaming zionism and jews.