Author Topic: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!  (Read 1265 times)

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NY Gov. Cuomo pushes strict gun-control measures in wake of shootings -

I wish I could write more words to express my aggravation at the current status quo.  This piece of dog vomit thinks he has the right to trample on the rights of American citizens.  Well, this article in the New York Post did a great job at essentially proving how futile, worthless, wrong and dangerous an Assault Weapon Ban would be.

Rather than just express my view or rant, I will just post some quotes I found very interesting and some very unnerving:

Cuomo’s plan, if approved by the Legislature, would:

* Ban civilian sale of assault weapons and eliminate large-capacity magazines regardless of when they were manufactured. He said New York’s current law exempts assault rifles made before 1994.

* Require background checks for sales of guns between private people, not just from dealers or gun shows.

* Boost penalties and jail time for those who illegally buy guns, for those who use guns on school property and for those engaged in violent and gang-related activity.

* Allow law enforcement to confiscate guns from an owner when a mental-health professional issues a report to police that determines that the person is dangerous.

Cuomo ignited a backlash from gun owners in a radio interview last month when he talked about tightening the state’s assault-rifle ban and even suggested, “Confiscation could be an option.”

The governor quickly backed off confiscation — except when it comes to the mentally ill who are considered to be dangerous. Details of how a person’s risk would be determined were not provided yesterday.

Notice the quotes that I bolded and enlarged.   Cuomo says "Confiscation Would Be An Option".  All Assault Weapons and High Capacity magazines will be banned in New York.  Hand them in nicely or we will put you in the New York State Penitentiary where you will be beaten up and gang raped by criminals for not complying.  So, what do you think most people will choose to do in this scenario when the angry men with badges, vests and "assault weapons" come knocking on their door demanding for them to hand in their guns?

Then Cuomo after getting blasted for his blatant draconian Third-World/Fascist Dictatorship decree said that he would then just want to confiscate guns from people he believes are "dangerous" or "mentally-unfit" to own guns.   Considering, the State who is anti-gun will license and train the very same psychiatrists or mental health professionals who will judge whether you are worthy or unworthy of the 2nd Amendment rights granted to you in Constitution, this very well may be a more covert option to help disarm the state, especially if he tries to enforce mandatory health examinations in order to purchase a firearm.   Who would want to bet, that a good majority of people may not pass such health exams?

And the New York Post summarized in one paragraph, about how an Assault Weapon Ban is completely pointless, at least in the state of New York, but of course, for the rest of the country, in my opinion, as well:
Five people were killed with assault rifles in New York state in 2011, according to the Division of Criminal Justice Services. Meanwhile, 397 were killed by handguns and 161 by knives.

161 people were murdered in New York with knives!  That is more than the total number of people who were murdered in the states of Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming in the last 5 years!  And , these are states where so-called "Assault Weapons" are legal.

Is it just me, or does some piece of crap in a big nice office is very power hungry and is using scare tactics and media sensationalism to fulfill his agenda of making a name for himself in Washington?   

Why doesn't he declare an knife ban instead, considering in his state 20 times more people were murdered with knives than "Assault Weapons"?  Probably, because it is not politically advantageous for him to do so.  He only cares about moving himself to the top.  I hear this traitor, who is referred to as a governor, has aspirations for a run in 2016.  Power hungry people love to remove powers from those they rule over.

All I have to say is these are dark times and it is actually scaring me a bit that these politicians think they can make up their own rules and laws that supersede our Federal laws.  It is just a matter of time before they start rounding up your religious books because they are deemed "homophobic".  Or, perhaps it is time they will shut down your church, temple or religious institution because they feel it threatens the State.  In China it is against the Law to praise G-d, because they fear your belief in G-d may be greater than that in the State.  So the Chinese government made a mandate to enforce Praising the State, before you Praise G-d in your prayers.  Your church/religious institution must be certified by the government even to operate.

With traitorous dog scum like Cuomo in power, it won't be long before the USA ends up like China.  That is, unless we can do something to put an end to these autocrats who forget they are governing in a "free country".  Or, at least I thought it was?
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2013, 04:22:01 AM »
At this very time, I encourage every Jew and Gentile in New York to get the hell out and move West or South..  I am going to eventually write a new thread later about suggestions of organizing Kahanist/Right-Wing Jewish communities in Redder States that promote freedom for its citizens.   New York is going straight to hell, IMO.

Seriously, why are so many Jews so frickin naive and all congregate in a police state?  Are we magnets for fascist governments?
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #2 on: January 10, 2013, 10:16:17 AM »
At this very time, I encourage every Jew and Gentile in New York to get the hell out and move West or South..  I am going to eventually write a new thread later about suggestions of organizing Kahanist/Right-Wing Jewish communities in Redder States that promote freedom for its citizens.   New York is going straight to hell, IMO.

Seriously, why are so many Jews so frickin naive and all congregate in a police state?  Are we magnets for fascist governments?

Jewish people are not safe in the USA, no matter where in the USA. I think that Jewish people will be targeted and blamed as a scape goat for the economy getting worse and worse. People will be itching for a scape goat and will be too cowardly to point the finger at the real perpetrators so they will blame innocent Jewish people. There are some areas that are probably safer than others, but nowhere in the USA is really safe.

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #3 on: January 10, 2013, 04:08:49 PM »
There is no where in the world that is safe for Jewish people.  So, at least be in a place where you can be well armed and protected, rather being in places like New York, France or Russia, where you will be both hated and disarmed.    Yet, more Jews live in these places than anywhere else, except Israel.  IN this day and age, I don't even think Israel is a safe place for Jews anymore, at least not for the Kahanist minded Jews.
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #4 on: January 13, 2013, 01:43:17 PM »
More and more it becomes evident what the true agenda of the oBumma adm. is....

Obama Opposed Law Preventing Homeowners from Being Prosecuted for Using a Gun in Self-Defense

Total confiscation of all firearms..... until that can be achieved, they want to make gun ownership as difficult and costly as possible with the hope that fewer (law abiding citizens) will bother with it.

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2013, 03:50:04 AM »
If you are looking for safety, all the world can offer is illusions. If you were ducks in a duck hunt, the hunter may go to bag the live ones first, but the time of the dead ducks will still come. You can hope not to go first, but what point is there in it, since you're all on the list. Every word a Kahanist holds back for fear allows leftists to turn the world into a bit more of a fearful place. What is your life worth, if you're worth nothing?

Sorry, I didn't quite get your point?   I feel every Jew is safer with a gun in his/her hand and in a fortified position rather than being disarmed and out in the open in a concentrated village or neighborhood with no defenses.  We Jews keep repeating history over and over.  We move to areas with high concentration of other Jews that are run by a government that prohibits us from owning weapons or defending ourselves.  Most of the places we lived were flat, in the open and surrounded by large numbers of people who had great resentment and/or hatred for us.    I suppose the attraction of these places is that there is a large number of kosher restaurants, stores, synagogues within walking distance and of course,  our Jewish community.   

Another trait many Jews tend to have and have had throughout history is a complete trust of the draconian, anti-Semitic governments that they lived under.  For some reason, Jews were always trusting and accepting of the tyrannical governments and would try to serve them loyally until the end.   We had the mentality that it was best to just submit and follow leaders, whose intentions always were the worse for us.   Guess what, the Jews of Europe who trusted and obeyed Hitler are not obsolete.  Today, we have many Jews who trust Obama and the liberal government.  Jews trust the very people who advocate for their extermination, even today in the USA.  What is this phenomenon, I'd like to know?  Was it like 80% of American Jews voted for Obama and his fascist , Jew hating government?

I read a document stating the nazis truly hated the task of exterminating gypsies compared to exterminating Jews back when the firing squads were used.  The reason being is that the Jews would quietly and obediently march into an be very quick and painless to shoot and kill.  On the contrary, the gypsies would fight and resist and would refuse nazi orders and withstand more torture, beatings and intimidation.   When they were shot, many times they would howl , shriek and scream and many would make attempts to charge at firing squads.  They would have to be shot many times and with the loud howls and cries they made, it was very challenging to some of the young nazi soldiers who were given the orders to carry out the tasks.    The Jews on the other hand did not pose  as much of a challenge.   Of course, gas chambers would later ease the process of mass extermination of everyone.

Why was it the gypsies who would rebel and fight to the last breath?  Why not Jews?   We are a race with a long history of fighting and overcoming the greatest challenges and horrors.  Once Israel was formed, we vowed never to become those poor, submissive ghetto Jews again.  Yet, here we are again, 2013, submissive ghetto Jews.   And, the worst of us, are the ones with a lot of money, who put our trust in the government and our riches.  The German Jews had more wealth than most other Jews in Europe and they were some of the first to be wiped out.

Just ask my aunts, uncles and cousins who were forced to dig their own graves, along with their children and babies before being all butchered in Belarus in the early 1940s.

Did King Dovid sit around and say there is no hope.. He relied on Hashem for help and Hashem gave him a fortified kingdom and powerful weapons (for the time).

I think its time for Jews in the USA to take advantage of the freedom that is left in this country.  Jews should stop congregating in areas where they are easy targets for genocide and attacks.   There are many states in the USA where Jews would be more protected from government and islamofacist attacks, where they have more laws that protect citizens and give them rights to defend themselves.  Yet, most Jews refuse to live in these places.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2013, 04:34:21 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #6 on: January 14, 2013, 09:32:08 PM »
I thought NY already had tough gun laws.  I'd like to get one, but I don't want to go thru an onerous process.  Anyway, I'd have more respect for Cuomo if he tried to confiscate guns possessed by all the black and spanish criminals.  I am sure he thinks YT is the problem.

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #7 on: January 14, 2013, 09:51:12 PM »
Law-abiding gun owners of every race are generally punished for the gun violence committed by black and hispanic criminals in this country.   Many libtards love to say how America has a gun violence problem caused by "rich, whiiiite peeeeeople" , but in reality America has a gang violence problem committed by poor black/mexican people.

New York has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, but not quite as bad as Kommiefornia.

Sadly, a Jewish b*tch and Italian [censored] are the two big players in the Assault Weapon Ban, Diane Feinstein and Cuomo, respectively.

It seems that self-hating Jews and fascist Italians are two of the biggest players in this new Assault Weapon Ban, all being orchestrated by the president of Kenya, Barack Hussein.
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2013, 12:21:34 AM »

New Yorkers are royally screwed..  Let the Puerto Ricans, Italians and Blacks have the state, all Jews should get the hell out of New York.  Mussolini Cuomo and his sickening draconian fascist laws..  Guns are only the first thing he will ban.. 
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Offline Every Jew AK47

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #9 on: January 15, 2013, 12:41:09 AM »
Sorry 112..  I think I kind of get your point now, but still not entirely.   There are many noble things you have said.

All that being said, if you don't think guns will help you , then you can go ahead and give me yours or sell them to me for a good price.  And, you admit , yourself, you do not live in Israel now?  So, if Israel is so great, why are you not there?  You will move to Israel, how many times have I heard that.  Go move there and tell me how safe and secure you feel there.   Israel of today is totally ruled by self-hating European tyrants who are not even real Jews in my book, because they rather oppress their own people for financial support and publicity then boldly and nobly defend their race, like a real Jewish leader and government should do.  Once the Knesset is rid of all its corrupt mafia thugs who serve European/UN/Arabian interests, I would seriously consider moving and not looking back.

First requirement to make Aliyah to Israel., sell all your guns (they are not allowed), possessions, Kahanist memorabilia/shirts/liturgy (not allowed), and freedom and then move to a country where Arabs have more rights than yourself.  BUt of course, living free and proud and helping proliferate the Jewish race is not essential?   Where does Chaim live now?  As I recall, he doesn't live in Israel..  How is that, if living in Israel is the utmost importance.   What I like to know is it the American government or the Israeli government who prevent him from making Aliyah?  If it is the Israeil government, I think my point is proven even more.  I can freely promote Rabbi Kahane here in the USA without fear of imprisonment or deportation.  But in Israel, I hear if you promote Rabbi Kahane and JDL theology you can be arrested and even deported or you citizenship revoked (if you are dual citizen).  That doesn't sound very appealing.

By the way, this is a global world, we can help empower Israel from anywhere in the world.    There is a lot of great things that can be done for the nation of Israel right here in the USA.   

And, once again, I don't agree with you that guns cannot keep us safe against a government invasion.

Also, I trust the American military more than I trust the Israeli military.  The American military has not yet thrown any Americans out of their homes, but the Israeli government has done so and beaten, mutilated and murdered Israeli citizens to do so.  They then give all this land to savage Arab people. The American military have never given Jewish homes to Arabs or even Mexicans.   Yes, this may change soon, most likely start in the states of New York and Illinois.

America has one advantage.  The military is conservative, freedom-loving and has utter disdain and lack of respect for the leadership.  They follow orders, but the Kenyan Dictator Hussein Obama, has bit the hand that feeds him.   He has reduced salaries, support, pensions and has reduced supplies and decreased the living conditions of the American military.  Many of the American military have disgust for this leader they serve reluctantly.  If America erupted into Civil War, the amount of military that would defect against the tyrannical government would be so large.  It would not be like you are fighting a war all by yourself.  In such a crisis situation, you being well-trained with firearms would end up joining the resistance armies that would be fighting against the tyrannical regime.    Obama Hussein would most likely want to remove all our armed forces and replace them with African, Middle Eastern or EU soldiers in the future if he could, because he knows he would face a certain coup and military takeover if he ever tried overstep his boundaries and assume a dictator position.  Our Constitution and a right-wing military is a great defense that Americans have in this country.

And, how far fetch is it to think that a corrupt, evil and desperate Israeli government wouldn't commit genocide against its own helpless, unarmed civilians to save their own backs?  The one thing I notice about Israeli politicians is that they love money and power more than they love their people.  Hence, why they have done the atrocious and treasonous acts they have done.  People are so afraid of genocide by a foreign entity, but many don't realize some of the worst genocides in the history of the world were performed by their own governments, just look at the genocides in China, Ukraine and Cambodia.  Millions of people massacred by their own people, even people who could have been relatives.  Who is to say an unarmed Israeli populace cannot be mass murdered by corrupt evil Israeli leader who is commanded by UN tyrants or Obama Hussein.

I will say and people are free to disagree, I refuse to live in any country (or even state in USA, like NY, Illinois, CA) where I do not have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2013, 12:54:34 AM by EveryJewA44 »
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #10 on: January 15, 2013, 01:03:47 AM »
One thing leftists dont understand is that merely showing the gun..... or even better... firing the gun... will scare off criminals.   I have had a couple near-intruders at my house... and all I had to tell one of them that I was armed.... and he ran away.

Criminals hate houses that are armed.... they would much rather attack a stupid unarmed leftist house.

And by the way... the gun laws are even worse here in Kalifornia....   looks like NY is copying us again.

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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #11 on: January 15, 2013, 01:10:17 AM »
What you say is true, Briann.  I sure as hell wouldn't want Diane Feinswine as my state Senator. 

I encourage all Jews to leave New York and California..   Please come to the Northwest..  There is actually a somewhat conservative Sefardic and Ashkenazi community in Seattle.

Wyoming just passed a law that said it would prosecute any Federal agents, such as ATF, FBI,, etc who come to the state to enforce Unconstitutional gun laws.

In these dire times, I think it would be wonderful if large groups of Jewish people made an exodus to the states of Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho.  Oregon and Washington are more liberal, but there is enough freedom loving people and large and empty places where the Feds would have a tough time making war against the locals.   Oregon and Washington also have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.
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Re: New York Governor Cuomo Wants Your Guns.. Oh New Yorkers Beware!
« Reply #12 on: January 15, 2013, 01:20:23 AM »
What you say is true, Briann.  I sure as hell wouldn't want Diane Feinswine as my state Senator. 

I encourage all Jews to leave New York and California..   Please come to the Northwest..  There is actually a somewhat conservative Sefardic and Ashkenazi community in Seattle.

Wyoming just passed a law that said it would prosecute any Federal agents, such as ATF, FBI,, etc who come to the state to enforce Unconstitutional gun laws.

In these dire times, I think it would be wonderful if large groups of Jewish people made an exodus to the states of Wyoming, Montana, or Idaho.  Oregon and Washington are more liberal, but there is enough freedom loving people and large and empty places where the Feds would have a tough time making war against the locals.   Oregon and Washington also have some of the least restrictive gun laws in the country.

Believe me... I want to... Ive brought it up many times... and I really wanted to move after 2008...     Its hard to move since my whole family.. and my wife's family all live here... Its also depressing.. because California used to be a great state.... and now its an absolute nightmare....