Actress Victoria Justice Denounces Gun Ownership In Ad, Supports Far-Left Causes nasty, sick little kurva, who has clearly had thousands of dollars worth of plastic surgery in order to look like fellow teen-market harlot Vanessa Hudgens (yimach shema vezichra, shem reshayim yirkav) is making a name for herself by promoting Goebbels-like demagoguery against lawful firearms owners and their supporters. Since she hates traditional manly men who own guns, it is extremely safe to say that Justice is a vile feminazi who wants to "wear the pants" in any relationship she is in and supports unlimited baby murder on demand. In fact, there's a good chance this slut rejects men altogether and sleeps with chicks like so many Hollyweird whores do.
It also appears that INjustice may support the murder process against the tiny Jewish nation. What does this sound like to you?
Justice has taken part in several charity events. She has supported charities such as the United Nations Foundation, which benefits numerous causes such as AIDS, Children, Environment, Health, Human Rights and Peace.
I would say something to this sickening sharmuta, but I think you can all use your imagination.

Vile tramp Victoria INjustice's sick ad against gun owners