because I have yet to see a negro truly calling himself an American instead of seeing everyhing as race this race that.
fine if he wants to stop black on black crime.
everytime I think I found a good negro he proves one way or another to be not what I expect.
everytime I hear one of these self critical negros, its only to the benefit of their own superior kind.
Unfortunately I've noticed this too. There's a couple of phrases for this "The inner chimp always comes out" and "you can take the black man out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the black man." However those phrases sound really bad to people if you say them, even though in my experience with black people it has been true. I wish that these things didn't pan out, and that we could just be free to assume that someone from that background has the same chance of being a bad seed as anyone else.
Case in point there was a black girl that worked with me and I respected her because she didn't joke around much, she seemed to have a really good work ethic, she seemed to have a decent sense of morals, etc. and she was pretty intelligent and seemed like a nice person. I was surprised, and so were many of our coworkers, when she was caught stealing shoes. She had put them in a drawstring bag that she would carry out. She got several pairs of shoes before she was caught with them.
I don't take any pleasure in coming to this conclusion or for having the stories turn out this way. I think all people have equal value at birth, but since we live in this flawed world we have to be realistic in that we can't expect that people from certain cultures are going to behave in the same way as others would in a given situation.