Author Topic: Aztlanist Suspect Held In Vehicular Murder Of Devout Jewish Family In NYC  (Read 872 times)

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Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Man Held Without Bail In Triple Murder Case

Half a dozen Bennies says this piece of subhuman filth with a rap sheet a mile long gets less time than you get for selling some weed.


Murderer Julio Acevedo
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 07:06:55 PM by Waiting for the Mother Plane to Come »

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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And watch his filthy gangbanger"hermanos" attack Jews when he's found guilty...

Offline White Israelite

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He is only crying because he got caught

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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This ogre makes Helen Thomas look beautiful.

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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60mph in williamsburg?
no senior. bad move.
but senior I was being shot at. I was running away and I thought I was on de dominican highway.

Offline Sveta

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The man who killed the couple is very ugly on the inside. A seasoned criminal with a long history if trouble, and just evilness.

The Glauber were a beautiful couple! Devout, beautiful on the inside and outside.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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What are the odds that this was a deliberate hate murder and not just vehicular manslaughter?

Offline Sveta

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I don't know. Maybe he was drunk and that's why he fled the scene, to not be caught with alcohol in his system. Now that they can't prove that he was drinking, he turns himself in. But yes, it is VERY suspicious that the looser went into a religious Jewish neighborhood. In his drunken mind, he might have been thinking of the possibility of running over some Jews with the car.

And the whole story about running away from a gunman, ridiculous. If someone would have been shooting at him, there would be bullets in the car, around the neighborhood, people hearing gunshots. And he would not have just been going at 60- not if he was running "for his life". Nor would he had gotten out of the car and run away by foot, if someone was really chasing him. A killer AND a liar!

Offline cjd

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I don't know. Maybe he was drunk and that's why he fled the scene, to not be caught with alcohol in his system. Now that they can't prove that he was drinking, he turns himself in. But yes, it is VERY suspicious that the looser went into a religious Jewish neighborhood. In his drunken mind, he might have been thinking of the possibility of running over some Jews with the car.

And the whole story about running away from a gunman, ridiculous. If someone would have been shooting at him, there would be bullets in the car, around the neighborhood, people hearing gunshots. And he would not have just been going at 60- not if he was running "for his life". Nor would he had gotten out of the car and run away by foot, if someone was really chasing him. A killer AND a liar!
He was most likely high enough on something that would have made him go to prison for the rest of his days after an accident like that however he still had enough presence of mind to know to make his way out of there after an accident like that... As far as being in the wrong neighborhood the neighborhoods run so close there that a few blocks one way or another puts people in a whole different demographic situation... The neighborhoods are such that driving through any of them is sometimes a must in order to get to the main roads... Anyway this guy might do some time but the charges will be more in the line of leaving the scene off an accident and things like that... From what I read on the accidents location he actually had the right of way and the livery cab had the stop sign... The bottom line is when all is said and done this guy will at the worse face a few years in jail if even that... People really need to consider their safety when getting into some of the livery cabs that run in the city neighborhoods... Not to say the cab driver caused the accident however if he would have taken more caution at the stop sign he may have saw the car coming at a such high rate of speed... Sometimes drivers at intersections like this feel once they are out into the intersection it's the other guys problem to slow down... The problem with logic like that is you never know whats driving the other car.
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