I have to agree with IZ and Dr. D. You can use alcohol without becoming buzzed and alcohol in moderation can be beneficial--you can't say the same of weed on either count.
And Muman--you are neither young nor a Christian, so why does this poll matter to you?

You are wrong with that statement... There are benefits to pot, I have posted them before and since then there have been more benefits discovered. And it is not true that alcohol can be used in moderation. I have witnessed those who drink, and the idiotic things they have done. I have seen alcohol destroy more lives than pot has.
I respect the opinion of Chaim and I do not wish to argue one way or the other. I am stating my opinion in comparison with other substances which people use and abuse. I firmly believe, because of my experiences, that alcohol is WAY more destructive than pot is.
And what difference does it make concerning whether the poll was of Christians? Do you think that means I cannot have an opinion on the topic? At least I have compassion on the entire human race, and not just those of my own people...