Obama is a Muslim. The Quran forbids him to keep any promises. Thus it is impossible for Obama to have kept ANY of his promises. Cris crispy Creme is a liar
Could you provide a quote which supports your statement? Or did you just make this up?
I think you may be referring to the islamic practice of taqiyah which involves lying to the enemy, but it doesn't preclude ever keeping promises. If you could provide the quote from the quran it would be more helpful than making a statement without any reference..
PS: Not that I am defending islam (far be it from me to do that)... But I am one who seeks to speak the truth, and the truth is Hashems witness... It makes no sense to make up things about our enemies when the truth speaks for itself. But it seems that there is a commandment for muslims to tell the truth... See
http://www.al-islam.org/greater_sins_complete/26.htm... But of course any promise made to an 'infidel' must be broken...