Author Topic: Israel to be [censored]: 35 million "Judaized" Nigerian Blacks on the way!  (Read 14595 times)

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Offline Shlomo

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I do not appreciate trying to use certain words to bypass the forum rules and word filter. I'll let this one slide. Do not do it again.
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Offline Zelhar

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It's like Ethiopians say they are all from "the line of Solomon", not just the Ethiopian Jews. Even Ovadiah Yosef who ruled they are Jewish and don't need to convert says they are from Dan, not Judah. Judah isn't even a lost tribe.

I think I heard as far back as the year 2000 that Igbos say they are descended from Kohanim who only married local black women and converted them. Since when do Kohanim marry converts? And obviously as they are not rabbis, they don't have the power to convert. I heard they have the Kohen Y Chromosone as do many other Africans. But they are clearly not Jewish since their mothers are not Jewish and definetely not Kohanim.

At least Ethiopians (both Jewish and Non-Jewish) have Semitic facial features. The nation of Kush are racially white Hamites with black skin. The black race diverged from Kush and are known as Congoids. There are also Capoids (The blacks of the Kalahari Desert who are hunters and gatherers to this day.). Ethiopians speak a Hamitic langauge which like other Hamitic langagues (Like Ancient Egyptian) are related to Semitic langauges. But to claim that all of Ethiopia is decended from Jews is border line "We da original Hebros.". To claim any other part of Africa is from the real Jews is just the same as the Black Hebros of Dimona. There is no relation between some blacks in the deep dark parts of Africa that have no relation with Ancient Israel and the Jewish People. Only Arabs who Islamized parts of Africa introduced them to the outside World and Europe's connection with them is limited to the slave trade and later colonization of Africa. What does a white Jew or European want to go to such a country like Nigeria, Congo, or the Central African Republic for (or other place deep in the middle of the jungle.)? At least South Africa has white places and North Africa was once civilized in Roman times before being Arabized. Maybe people like safaris in Kenya which is East Africa, but West Africa and Central Africa are dark and deep in the jungle (It's like going alone in Harlem in the middle of the night.).
The Ethiopians don't claim they all descend from Jews, they say their ancient king Menelic was the son of King Solomon and Queen of Sheba. Ethiopian royalties claim they descend from that Menelic and one of the title of their king is "true lion of Judea". However, they (the Ethiopian church) believe in replacement theology according to their belief their King Menelic had stolen the Ark of the Covenant from the temple in Jerusalem and brought it with him to Ethiopia where they claim it is still  stored in some church. They claim since that event they are the true Israel and their land of Ethiopia is the holy land.

Of course to me their theology and myths are pure rubbish but at least they don't expect Israel to start letting in millions of Ethiopian gentiles in on account of their imaginary connection to the Israelites.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Anyone can be a Jew if converted properly.

The Israeli government considers almost anything that resembles a Jew to be a Jew even not halakhicly. Many people from different countries including Russia, have infiltrated into Israel without truly being Jewish and have ruined cities.

Are these Nigerians really Jews?  I bet some of them will be outstanding citizens. But I'm sure amongst that bunch there will be infiltrators.

Israel has dual intentions. Yes they want to save Jews but the secular self hating ranks want to prove something to the world by acting politically correct.

The appropriate thing to do with the discovered immigrants is to put them through yeshiva and smoke out the fakers and send them back where they came from.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I do not appreciate trying to use certain words to bypass the forum rules and word filter. I'll let this one slide. Do not do it again.

I thought Negro was an okay word. Yerusha meant to use the verb "to Negro" which means "to make black" or "blacken" or "blackify".

Offline TruthSpreader

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I thought Negro was an okay word. Yerusha meant to use the verb "to Negro" which means "to make black" or "blacken" or "blackify".

Same here. I thought it was the Spanish word for "black."

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Are these Nigerians really Jews?  I bet some of them will be outstanding citizens. But I'm sure amongst that bunch there will be infiltrators.

Israel already has Nigerian foreign workers, many of whom are illegal. So many of the foreign workers can hide amongst them.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Israel already has Nigerian foreign workers, many of whom are illegal. So many of the foreign workers can hide amongst them.

I didn't knew Israel had Nigerian workers. I knew there workers from Asian countries though.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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I didn't knew Israel had Nigerian workers. I knew there workers from Asian countries though.

South Tel Aviv has all the garbage. Sudanese infriltrators, Nigerians, and illegal workers from Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

Offline TruthSpreader

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South Tel Aviv has all the garbage. Sudanese infriltrators, Nigerians, and illegal workers from Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries.

Really? And I thought we had it bad with the illegal immigrants. At least the Asians do work.

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Zelhar

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Really? And I thought we had it bad with the illegal immigrants. At least the Asians do work.
I would gladly exchange every African alien we have got with one latino illegal alien you have got.

Offline Yerusha

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And now suddenly another large tribe of Blacks, this time the Gogodola Tribe of Papua-New Guinea of all places, claim that they are of Israelite origin and are demanding Aliya, money and appartments, with the Israelis keen to oblige!

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Papua-New Guinea is not a Negro black country. They're related racially to the Aborigines of Australia. They only thing they have in common with Negroes is black skin. But they are a separate race.

Offline Zelhar

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Papua-New Guinea is not a Negro black country. They're related racially to the Aborigines of Australia. They only thing they have in common with Negroes is black skin. But they are a separate race.
But they are almost a separate human species.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Halachically they are Hamites but so are the white natives of North Africa.

Australoid Race

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Australoid race is a broad racial classification. The concept originated with a typological method of racial classification.[1][2][3] They were described as having dark skin with wavy hair, in the case of the Veddoid race from Sri Lanka and other parts of South Asia (including the eponymous Vedda people autochthonous to Sri Lanka) and Aboriginal Australians, or hair ranging from straight to kinky in the case of Papuan, Melanesian and Negrito groups.
According to this model of classification, Australoid peoples ranged throughout Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, New Guinea, Melanesia, Andaman Islands and India. In the mid-twentieth century, a separate argument emerged that Australoids were linked to Proto-Caucasoids.

In the Out of Africa theory, the ancestors of the Australoids, the Proto-Australoids, are thought to have been the first branch off from the Proto-Capoids to migrate from Africa about 60,000 BCE, migrating along the now submerged continental shelf of the northern shore of the Indian Ocean and reaching Australia about 50,000 BCE. This ostensible Proto-Australoid–Proto-Capoid link, however, has been contested.

1 History
2 Use to describe populations in India
3 Physical features
4 The first Americans?
5 See also
6 References


The three great races according to Meyers Konversations-Lexikon of 1885-90.

In the late nineteenth century, anthropometric studies led to a proposition of racial groups, one of which was termed "Australioid" by Thomas Huxley in an essay 'On the Geographical Distribution of the Chief Modifications of Mankind' (1870), in which he divided humanity into four principal groups (Xanthochroic, Mongoloid, Negroid, and Australioid).[4]

Huxley also concluded that the Melanochroi (Peoples of the Mediterranean race) are of a mixture of the Xanthochroi (northern Europeans) and Australioids.[5] Later writers dropped the first "i" in Australioid, establishing Australoid as the standard spelling.

According to Peter Bellwood, "many of the present Southern Mongoloid populations of Indonesia and Malaysia also have a high degree of Australo-Melanesian genetic heritage."[6] One proponent, R. Ruggles Gates, argued in 1960 that "If the Ainu are partly of Australoid origin it is also clear that they are even more nearly derived from archaic Caucasian ancestry".[7] M.K. Bhasin (2006) suggests that the "Australoids" "differentiat[ed]... perhaps from a common type before the separation of the Mongoloids and Caucasoids"[8]

Use to describe populations in India

A modern Veddah of Sri Lanka

Huxley's original model included populations in India. Some scholars still use the term Australoid to denote the small populations, mainly of some of the Adivasi and the Andamanese people in India and the Veddas in Sri Lanka. The American Journal of Physical Anthropology (1996, p. 382) by American Association of Physical Anthropologists. L. L. (Luigi Luca) Cavalli-Sforza, Paolo Menozzi and Alberto Piazza in their text, The History and Geography of Human Genes (1994, P. 241) both use the term.

Balgir (2004)[9] designates tribes as Australoid or Proto-Australoid according to language family:

It may be mentioned here that the major scheduled tribes of Odisha belong to three linguistic groups, namely, Indo-Aryan or Indo-Europeans, i.e. Non-Australoid, Austroasiatic (Mundari) speakers, i.e. Proto-Australoid, and Dravidian (Gondi or Kuvi) speakers, i.e. Australoid. Proto-Australoid racial group includes Bhumiz, Gadaba, Juang, Kharia, Koda, Kolha, Mahali, Mirdha, Munda, Santal and Saora tribes. Tribes like Bathudi, Bhatra, Binjhal, Bhuyan, Lodha and Saunti belong to non-Australoid racial stock while Australoid racial stock is represented by Gond, Kondha, Kissan, Oraon, Poraja and Pentia Halva tribes.
A 2006 CFSL research article which assessed "3522 individuals belonging to 54 (23 belonging to the Austroasiatic, 18 to Dravidian, 7 to Tibeto-Burman and 24 to Indo-European linguistic groups) endogamous Indian populations, representing all major ethnic, linguistic and geographic groups" for genetic variations to support such classifications found no conclusive evidence. It further summed that "the absence of genetic markers to support the general clustering of population groups based on ethnic, linguistic, geographic or socio-cultural affiliations" undermines the broad groupings based on such affiliations that exist in population genetic studies and forensic databases. [10]

Physical features

Forensic anthropologist Caroline Wilkenson wrote in 2004 that Australoids have the largest brow ridges "with moderate to large supraorbital arches".[11] Caucasoids have the second largest brow ridges with "moderate supraorbital ridges".[11] Negroids have the third largest brow ridges with an "undulating supraorbital ridge".[11] Mongoloids are "absent browridges", so they have the smallest brow ridges.[11]
Huxley wrote in 1870 that Australoids are usually dolichocephalic;[12] their hair is usually silky, black and wavy;[12] they usually have large, heavy jaws and prognathism;[12] their skin is the color of chocolate and the irises are dark brown or black.[12]

The first Americans?

A reconstruction of the features of Luzia

Skulls of peoples with Australoid morphologies have been found in the Americas, leading to speculation that peoples with phenotypical similarities to modern Australoids may have been the earliest occupants of the continent.[13][14][15] These have been termed by some Pre-Siberian American Aborigines. If this theory is correct, it would mean that some Proto-Australoids continued the Great Coastal Migration beyond Southeast Asia along the continental shelf north in East Asia and across the Bering land bridge, reaching the Americas about 52,000 BCE.

Christy Turner notes that "cranial analyses of some South American crania have suggested that there might have been some early migration of "Australoids."[16] These early Americans left signs of settlement in Brazil which may date back as many as 50,000 years ago. However, Turner argues that cranial morphology suggests "Sinodonty" in all the populations he has studied.

One of the earliest skulls recovered by archaeologists is a specimen named Luzia. According to archaeologist Walter Neves of the University of São Paulo, Luzia's Paleo-Indian predecessors lived in South East Asia for tens of thousands of years, after migrating from Africa, and began arriving in the New World, as early as 15,000 years ago. Some anthropologists have hypothesized that Paleo-Indians migrated along the coast of East Asia and Beringia in small watercraft, before or during the last Ice Age.

Neves' conclusions have been challenged by research done by anthropologists Rolando Gonzalez-Jose, Frank Williams and William Armelagos who have shown in their studies that the cranio-facial variability could just be due to genetic drift and other factors affecting cranio-facial plasticity in Native Americans.

Offline TruthSpreader

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But they are almost a separate human species.

Aren't Aborigines black or another race entirely?

Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Sveta

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There was also a Native American tribe that claimed to be a lost tribe and was demanding recognition.

This has really got to stop. Anyone can now claim to be a list tribe. Israel is a little country and can only absorb so many people, but it can't absorb the entire world or nations of people who now feel like they're a lost tribe. When Moshiach comes, all the tribes will be reunited but I don't believe everyone who suddenly claim to be a lost tribe gets to make aliyah. At some point, this abuse has to stop. Their governments should fix them instead of them looking at Israel with little money sings in their eyes.

Offline Zelhar

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Aren't Aborigines black or another race entirely?
They are a different race.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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There was also a Native American tribe that claimed to be a lost tribe and was demanding recognition.

This has really got to stop. Anyone can now claim to be a list tribe. Israel is a little country and can only absorb so many people, but it can't absorb the entire world or nations of people who now feel like they're a lost tribe. When Moshiach comes, all the tribes will be reunited but I don't believe everyone who suddenly claim to be a lost tribe gets to make aliyah. At some point, this abuse has to stop. Their governments should fix them instead of them looking at Israel with little money sings in their eyes.
This would not be a problem if Israel took back all of her land. And I say, why not the whole world? G_d sent the Northern Tribes out to be a great multitude among the nations.  After some 2670(this is probably way off) some years, how big could they possibly be? HUGE! They would have to take the world...         
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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This would not be a problem if Israel took back all of her land. And I say, why not the whole world? G_d sent the Northern Tribes out to be a great multitude among the nations.  After some 2670(this is probably way off) some years, how big could they possibly be? HUGE! They would have to take the world...

Israel should only control from the Nile to the Euphrates. Also, in the Next World, evil people won't exist so there will be more room for righteous people.

Offline ZionIDF

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I don't like saying this but let the truth be told, wherever you find large black communities regardless of religion, language and culture you will most certainly find the lowest standard of living even lower than the Arabs. Crime is always high and worst of all immorality is everywhere. Many Rabbis teach that God hates immorality far more than any other sin. A Jew is a Jew regardless of color but you would be a fool if you didn't have some paranoia when it comes to Africans. I for one don't believe real Jews are Black, the Torah teaches that a Jewish soul possesses 3 things.
1. Humility
2. Kindness
3. Shyness

Draw your own conclusions.

Offline briann

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I don't like saying this but let the truth be told, wherever you find large black communities regardless of religion, language and culture you will most certainly find the lowest standard of living even lower than the Arabs. Crime is always high and worst of all immorality is everywhere. Many Rabbis teach that God hates immorality far more than any other sin. A Jew is a Jew regardless of color but you would be a fool if you didn't have some paranoia when it comes to Africans. I for one don't believe real Jews are Black, the Torah teaches that a Jewish soul possesses 3 things.
1. Humility
2. Kindness
3. Shyness

Draw your own conclusions.

This is true.   If this is the future of Israel.... then this is not a good sign.   For those blacks who genuinely are good righteous Jews... then its ok  But lets be honest here.... many want to come to Israel for the same reason all blacks want to leave Africa.... because Africa is a horrific place with no jobs.. no hope.. no nothing.... They will move anywhere as long as its away from there.

Offline Sveta

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The arab countries should offer free housing, money incentives, government support and automatic citizenship- then we will see how fast these so called "lost-Jewish nations" become muslim in a matter of seconds.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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This is true.   If this is the future of Israel.... then this is not a good sign.   For those blacks who genuinely are good righteous Jews... then its ok  But lets be honest here.... many want to come to Israel for the same reason all blacks want to leave Africa.... because Africa is a horrific place with no jobs.. no hope.. no nothing.... They will move anywhere as long as its away from there.

Yet they blame whitey for bringing them to America where they have it better than anywhere in the World.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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The arab countries should offer free housing, money incentives, government support and automatic citizenship- then we will see how fast these so called "lost-Jewish nations" become muslim in a matter of seconds.

They say they were Muslims in Africa before the trade slave brought them to America, yet it was the Arab Muslims who through Jihad conquered Africa and converted them. It was also Arabs that started the slave trade. Also, their fellow black Africans sold them to white slave traders. Muslims always fight amongst each other so it's nothing to be surprised of.

Even Swahili which blacks call the "Pan-African language" is based on Arabic. East Africa actually had a History because it was near the Middle East and near places like Ancient Egypt. Where blacks were left to live amongs their own in the middle of the jungle in places like Congo or Nigeria, you can imagine what they were like. Even in Southern Africa, the blacks of the Kahalari Desert are still in the most primitive stage of human development (hunters and gatherers). I guess if it wasn't for the white South Africans, South Africa would all still be like that.