How much he know about politics we can see in this:
thanks to the JUL's fascist allies in the Serbian Radical Party (SRS). SRS members frequently travel to IraqJUL and SRS are the biggest enemies in the country

lets continue:
Seselj, who was homosexually raped while imprisoned in Belgrade, was driven insane by that experience, and became the most violent of all the Serb throat-cutter politicians.
Now thing about this for moment. Men who has thousands of soldiers under his political wing and thousands of heroes in wars is raped just like that?

Seslj is Serbian hero and only hero left in Serbian politics currently imprisoned in Holland for so called inflammatory speeches which supposedly led some Serbs to commit war crimes. In the beginning of his political career he was very Pro-Western oriented (traveled to USA and other countries) but after the West turned against the Serbs he became the main enemy of the West in Serbia and their main target.
He is imprisoned in Holland for 9 years without final verdict!!! So much about human rights. To this day this man is the biggest anti-communist politician in Serbia's history and maybe in whole Europe and for his activism he we arrested numerous times. Because he hates Serbia's enemies in the West it does not make him a communist. This man have no idea what he is writing about.
The trash that cheers when Macedonian Slavs kill Albanians say that some day the Albanians will show their true colors and attack American troops in the Balkans.
What? I wish this is true.
I won't waste any time on this article because it is trash. If anyone has any question I will be glad to answer.