Author Topic: Mexican convert to pisslam kills his infidel parents at "a****'s" behest  (Read 2895 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Mexican convert to Islam slaughter his own parents because Allah told him they were infidels
June 22, 2013 · by Moderator · in Muslims WorldWide   

That book he quotes and loves that justifies the murders have nothing to do with it

Blame it on mental illness. Why did he only try to decapitate his own parents after he converted to Islam? Surely he was mentally ill before he converted. Yet he never tried to kill his own parents in 43 years of his life – until he converted to Islam, that is.

A relative to the victims write:

His parents were from Acapulco. Their names were Noemi Chavez Garcia and Aurelio Jacinto Vargas. They were returning from San Cristobal, Chiapas to visit their son and to help him out with money, but instead of being grateful, he grabbed a kitchen knife and slit his dad’s throat, killing him.

His mother tried to escape into the streets, but the killer caught up with her and slit her throat open too, dragging her lifeless body back to her dead husband where he tried to decapitate them.

Witnesses saw him murdering people and called the authorities. They promptly arrested the killer and found his dead parents in his room with a book of Koran next to them.

The reason I know this is because the victims were my uncle and aunt, whom I’ve known since I was a child. Everyone in my family is taking it really hard. It’s a horrible tragedy for us all.

Crazy slew subjected his parents to “divine mandate” in Palenque
* Gilberto Garcia Chavez, 43 years old, killed with his fists to his mother and stepfather because God asked him to.

Palenque, Chiapas / Friday, February 8, 2013

Enrique Romero  |  El Independiente del Sureste (Mexico)

A man deranged, apparently a religious fanatic and follower of Islam, coldly slaughtered his elderly parents in the colony Pakalkin of this city, after he received God’s command to kill them, which made him wildly attack them with a knife.

The couple had just arrived from San Cristobal to visit their son who lives in this city of Palenque.

The bloody events took place after 9:00 pm yesterday, in a house that is located on the street Bonampak, Kin Pakal colony, when neighbors called the emergency number 066 to report the assault, after witnessing how the demoniac subject grabbed the back of the elderly woman while she was trying to escape to the street and then cut her throat with a knife. He then took her limp body and drag it to the house, where he left it by the body of the stepfather.

No sign of sadness or remorse: Muslim convert Gilberto Garcia Chavez, 43 years old, slaughtered his mother Naomi Chavez Garcia, 63 years old, and stepfather Jacinto Aurelio Vargas, 65, because “Allah told me to.” The incident occurred in the colony Pakalkin city of Palenque, Chiapas.

Muslim convert, Gilberto Garcia Chavez, being lead away by Mexican police with a copy of the Koran in his lap.

Mexican Convert to Islam Murders Both His Parents

The parents of Gilberto Garcia Chavez, who he tried to decapitate after slitting their throats because they were ‘infidels’ according to the Koran.

Several municipal police patrol arrived on the scene and surrounded the house while trying to convince the subject to surrender.

After several minutes a male person, who identified with the name of Gilberto Garcia Chavez, 43 years old, left the house wearing bermuda shorts and bloodstained shirt to be delivered to the municipal police.

They subjected him and put him under guard, and later entered the room located behind a home where they found two elderly people lying on the floor in a pool of blood with stab wounds in different parts of the body and a throat slit where life eluded them.

In the fourth of the murderer was found a copy of the Koran, the holy book of Islam where the prophet Muhammad proclaimed that Allah is God and Mohammed is his prophet. Apparently his parents did not belong to that religion, and that had put them in the crosshairs of the fanatic as “infidels” and therefore worthy of death.

The prosecutor in turn, accompanied by experts from the District Attorney moved to the site to attest to the facts and carry out the removal of the bodies, of those respondents living names Naomi Chavez Garcia, 63 years old and Jacinto Aurelio Vargas, 65, native of Acapulco, Guerrero, to be transferred to the plates of Semefo to practice them the autopsy to determine the cause of death.

The suspect was handed over to the police officers of the State Specialized (PEE) to be transferred to the regional headquarters where he argued that the main reason which brutally murdered was because God asked him, since the opposite would be the soul that was to be sacrificed.

The parricide reported that during the first hours of the day, the victims, his mother and stepfather, arrived first class terminal after tell who came to visit and took them to his home where minutes later he received divine messages to kill them and they were satanic worshipers who did not believe in God, so they took a machete and went about Mr. who responded and received a defensive wound on the hand that fingers flew.

However it was submitted and stabbed several times, even though his wife tried to defend him, to see him lying on the floor his mother tried to escape but stopped in the courtyard and stabbed her several times before cutting the jugular.

Gilberto Garcia Chavez said he dragged the body of his mother to the side of his father and then tried to decapitate the  father.

Minutes later he heard the sirens and decided to surrender to authorities, but would rather be arrested by the army, and who he was a member of the 12th. Cavalry Regiment in the state of Sinaloa, until 1987 when he resigned.

The alleged murderer was taken to the cells of the Prosecutor’s Office and made available to the ministerial authorities, accused of possible crimes of homicide and the issues, to be given legal status. Initial investigations indicate that the alleged perpetrator may suffer from some mental imbalance that drove him to commit the savage murders.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline The Noachide

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Offline briann

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It had nothing to do with the Koran... this is simply an example of knife violence.

Offline Israel Chai

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In a normal world it would be illegal for police to leave something as unlawful as the qu'oran with arrestees.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Israel Chai

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12 Strange Muslim Rules

1. It is a sin to pluck your eyebrows.

2. It is against Islamic doctrine to have pictures in your home.

3. If a Muslim wife refuses to wear a veil, others will see her as her husband's slave rather than his wife.

4. The punishment for having unmarried sex is whipping with a hundred lashes and then being exiled for a year.

5. Getting into Paradise is usually not a sure thing. Your good deeds must outweigh your bad deeds, but who knows for sure if they do? But there are three things you can do to guarantee you'll make it to Paradise: a) killing a non-Muslim in battle, b) if two of your children were killed fighting for Allah, or c) memorizing the ninety-nine names of Allah.

6. Allah not just allows, but encourages Muslims to deceive non-Muslims if it will further the goals of spreading Islam.

7. Women are not allowed to wear hair extensions or a wig.

8. Wearing the color yellow is forbidden.

9. A Muslim must avoid yawning. Mohammad said, "Yawning is from Satan."

10. Dogs should be killed. All dogs.

11. Mohammad recommended women breastfeed young men. Then the men are considered family and would be allowed to talk to the woman unveiled. However, once she breastfed him, he would not be allowed to marry her.

12. It is a sin to lie on your back and cross your feet.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline syyuge

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Anyone should not hastily jump to the conclusion that these are the psychological or side effects of reciting khuran or visiting to the moskutties.
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Offline Super Mentalita

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Doesnt matter where they from, or wich country they are, there always stupid dumb and crazy...
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We are in a new phase of a very old war.''

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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Another disgrace is that they keep referring to some G_d. That's allah, a piece of garbage that muhammed imagined.