Of course I do. We won't vote for him and the majority won't vote for him. By the time this election happens, he won't stand a chance.
I would not be so sure... I heard a story yesterday that made me laugh all morning... Some male office worker sent a report in to his manager from his computer the file contained an attachment with a nude photo of himself...

When he selected the item to attach he aparently picked the wrong file picking one he had of himself nude

I guess his supervisor was not amused or impressed because the worker was fired despite the fact he tried to explain the fact that he sent the photo by mistake... My point here is in today's cell phone, My space, Face book world people do keep pictures like that of themselves and send them out at the drop of the hat... In the bigger picture what Weiner did is not unlike what millions of his constitutents do without much hesitation... People make a joke of the issue becuse Weiner although popular is sort of easy to make fun of even before he got into trouble... In the end he has a very good chance of becoming the next mayor of New York because many potential voters are doing the same thing he did a a regular basis.