Now that is hilarious. I can't stop laughing.
Come on now newman fess up how much did you pay that niggeris is to put that silly thing on her head 
One other thing you guys don't know about GOOD black culture is that there are some really talented hair stylists here. This girl and her hairstyle was part of a hair show. This isn't how black women wear their hair on a day to day basis, its just for show. Its creative.
Yes, but does the rotor spin? Maybe that's what the cable leading to the back of her head is for. Now that would really be creative.
Yes, the rotor does spin! LOL The cord coming out of her hairdo is attatched to a control she may be holding in her hand to operate the rotor. Its something to see. There have been hair models who have sported skyscraper hair-dos where lights were posted in the windows of the sculpture, and other creative and fun shapes and sizes. Its all for show.
I can only repeat my original post. That is hilarious. Pity the rotors aren't a little larger. She looks skinny enough to possibly attain flight. 
Its funny and great. See not ALL black people are stealing, drug dealing and doing other incomprehensible things. There is a lot of greatness in the black community. This example notwithstanding.
So if I saw a black person came into my office for a job with this on her head I should think its normal?
My first day back and you haven't read a single thing I've typed.
This is not a style that black women wear to work or outside for that matter. Its art to be showcased at a hair art show. Of COURSE I wouldn't recommend hiring anyone who came to work with this hairstyle, I'd question their seriousness to the business. But since its not the case and no one ever does wear styles like this to work or out on the street, you wouldn't need to worry about seeing a female with a hairstyle like this.
In all honesty if that something this girl did with her hair and its not a piece it is very creative. I would have no problem seeing this at a NewYears or some other kind of party.
Its not a professional hairstyle so like I said it wouldn't be seen in any other function than a Halloween hair show, a hair show, or during a New Year's party. The hair is comprised of many peices, some sewed in, some glued and sculpted with gel and synthetic extentions. I think the propeller is a separate peice altogether with a motor (surrounded by plastic) on the inside of the base of it. I only do braids, I'm not nearly as creative in that aspect but I think its beautiful.