Author Topic: Jewish leftys support nazis  (Read 5756 times)

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Jewish leftys support nazis
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:16:03 AM »

[quoteVNN, StørmFrønt, Jewish Voice for Peace, and the Rebuilding Alliance all agree that a Jew “murdered” blonde, blue-eyed Aryan peace activist Rachel Corrie.

by Bill Levinson

We did a Google blog search, and it looks like A Jewish Voice for Peace has some interesting fans and supporters: the Vanguard News Network and StørmFrø Let’s begin by showing what the Vanguard News Network is all about.

You know something’s wrong. You have a sense some important things have been kept from you. The essays at the following link, by White Nationalist writer Yggdrasil, will help you make sense of our troubling world. Read them, digest them, understand what’s going on - finally.

Yes, “some important things have been kept from you,” as told by Cecilie Surasky at Muzzlewatch (a publication of A Jewish Voice for Peace): “As many working in the Jewish press know all too well, truth-telling about Israeli policy is not exactly embraced. In fact, it is often treated with outright hostility, especially by funders, especially those with large pockets.” It is no surprise that the Vanguard News Network has embraced A Jewish Voice for Peace as a source of “information” about Jews. Continue reading this article »« Fold this article up

Jewish Peace Activist - Don’t Fear ‘Anti-Semite’ Label was posted by an individual whose avatar includes the line, “Hiya (K)ikez! Hiya,Hiya.”

Dr. Mark Braverman, a member of Jewish Voice for Peace who serves on the Boards of Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, Partners for Peace and the Washington Interfaith Alliance for Middle East Peace. He states:

If you be a USA Christian. I hope you will listen to his plea and be encouraged to DO SOMETHING and also speak out:

“To our Christian sisters and brothers I say - do not, out of a sense of guilt for anti-Semitism, give the Jewish people a free pass. Do not confuse anti-Semitism with critique of Israel, and in so doing fail to hold Jews accountable for our choices and our actions, as members of the human community, as individuals, and as a nation state — especially as a nation state. To make this mistake, to allow yourselves to be - I will use the word - bullied by the threat of the charge of anti-Semitism, is to commit a pernicious fallacy.” - Mark Braverman

He now writes on the website which is dedicated to promoting discussion and dialogue within and between communities throughout the world on issues of justice for the people of Eretz Yisrael and Israel

…All is for naught without a good edJEW(K)shen.

To the above posting, “High Speed Nazi” replies,

This is what David Duke and others who get on TV and get asked, first question : “Are you an anti-Semite?” need to do. Answer “Do I believe Zionists control our government? Do I believe Israel was involved in 9/11?” and keep going like that as fast as you can until they cut you off.

This seems pretty consistent with what A Jewish Voice for Peace says in its recruitment ad for a National Director. “Breaking the chokehold that major Jewish organizations have had on debate on these issues – JVP’s new and acclaimed blog Muzzlewatch exposes efforts at stifling debate.”

“outside proposphere” adds a reply to “High Speed Nazi” that could easily apply to A Jewish Voice for Peace’s statement above:

Originally Posted by High Speed Nazi
“This is what David Duke and others who get on TV and get asked, first question : “Are you an anti-Semite?” need to do. Answer “Do I believe Zionists control our government? Do I believe Israel was involved in 9/11?” and keep going like that as fast as you can until they cut you off.”
This is because those who ask the questions are the ones in control of the conversation.

Right: “Breaking the chokehold that major Jewish organizations have had on debate on these issues – JVP’s new and acclaimed blog Muzzlewatch exposes efforts at stifling debate.”

The Vanguard News Network also posted an entry on “The Israel Lobby”
The Israel Lobby

John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt

…Jewish Americans also differ on specific Israeli policies. Many of the key organisations in the Lobby, such as the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organisations, are run by hardliners who generally support the Likud Party’s expansionist policies, including its hostility to the Oslo peace process. The bulk of US Jewry, meanwhile, is more inclined to make concessions to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis, and a few groups – such as Jewish Voice for Peace – strongly advocate such steps. Despite these differences, moderates and hardliners both favour giving steadfast support to Israel.

Well, it’s nice to know that Mearsheimer, Walt, and the Vanguard News Network all think A Jewish Voice for Peace is the good guy! Now let’s take a look at what StørmFrø has to say about A Jewish Voice for Peace.

JVP - Jewish Voice for Peace…01734606074870

What do you think about this?

A Stormfronter who uses something that resembles a Nazi eagle as his avatar, posted the following

The Christian Post
Monday, Nov. 29, 2004

“A New York-based human rights groups called on Caterpillar Inc to suspend sales of its D9 bulldozers to the Israeli army, echoing the voice of the Presbyterian Church (USA), in a Nov. 22 statement. On the same day, the San Francisco-based Jewish Voice for Peace issued a resolution that urged Caterpillar to review whether the sale of the D-9 bulldozer violates its corporate code of conduct…The D9 stands more than 13 feet tall and 26 feet long; it has killed several protestors in the last year alone.”

On March 16th, 2003, a Jewish soldier ran over White American Rachel Corrie with a 9 ton Caterpillar bulldozer. She was unarmed and clearly visible in her orange fluorescent jacket. Witnesses said the jew used the plow of the Caterpillar to grind the girl into the ground. She was protecting a PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi home slated for (illegal and U.N. condemned) demolition by the Israeli army.

Rachel Corrie in our White world

Rachel Corrie in the jews’ world

The Caterpillar bulldozer, manufactured in the United States was sent to Israel as part of the United States’ regular aid package to Israel. Such aid amounts to overt $4 billion annually, courtesy of the U.S. taxpayer. {Insert George Washington’s Farewell Address here.} The U.S. Arms Export Control Act prohibits the use of U.S. military aid against civilians.

Well, it’s nice to see that StørmFrønt’s people agree with A Jewish Voice for Peace and the Rebuilding Alliance about how a Jew “murdered” Rachel Corrie, a nice, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Gentile.

Jews defile the memory of Rachel Corrie/Let us remember her … adds,

Well, I can tell you what the famous Israeli Army was doing while our boys were fighting their way up to Baghdad. They were busy murdering an unarmed American girl named Rachel Corrie. Oh, didn’t you hear about Rachel Corrie? I guess Sid Salter and the rest of the Yankee Jew media just plain forgot to tell you. Rachel was a young American girl who was intentionally run over and killed by an Israeli Army bulldozer. You can find the facts on the Internet, complete with full color pictures of Rachel being murdered. That bulldozer was knocking down another PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi family home in the Gaza Strip.

It looks like “Magnus Volk” of StørmFrønt and A Jewish Voice for Peace are on exactly the same wavelength.

JVP renewed its call in honour of the American peace activist Rachel Corrie on the third anniversary of her murder on March 16, 2003, when an Israeli Army Caterpillar bulldozer crushed her to death. Rachel was standing in front of the bulldozer as part of an effort to protect a PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi home from being demolished in the Gaza Strip City of Rafah.

Lest we forget, A Jewish Voice for Peace’s friends at the Rebuilding Alliance also agree with StørmFrønt about how a Jew “murdered” Rachel Corrie, a nice, blonde-haired, blue-eyed Aryan Gentile.

Rachel Corrie and Eretz Yisrael
by Sonja Karkar
Women for Eretz Yisrael
16 March 2007

Rachel’s last act of humanity

A slip of a girl faced one of Israel’s most feared war machines in the Occupied PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Territories – the armed bulldozer – and died. This deliberate killing was no accident. Maybe the Israeli authorities would have preferred it not to happen because of the public relations backlash, but the driver of the bulldozer was wielding power that day. He had a mandate from his government to clear PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis out of their homes at a moment’s notice and he knew that he would be protected regardless of the crimes he dared to commit. Rachel Corrie was a US citizen, but even the US government closed ranks behind Israel and the bulldozer operator. Being an American did not protect Rachel, and four years later, the US administration still refuses to investigate her death denying her American family justice and closure.

StørmFrø even has a poem dedicated to Rachel Corrie:

A soul so innocent, a soul that shined
From rich green forests to the deserts of Eretz Yisrael
You gave up so much to be on the front line

Fighting a common enemy
Rachel Corrie

The goodness in her heart knew no end
To those in need forever a friend
With more courage than a dozen men

Fighting a common enemy
Rachel Corrie

Against the zog machine she stood tall
For her ideals she did fall
Let her death be a wake up call

A true Aryan beauty
Rachel Corrie

–Drake Witham

StørmFrønt supported a Rachel Corrie petition (the petition is no longer active)

And another StørmFrønt tribute to the International Solidarity Movement’s, Jewish Voice for Peace’s (but we repeat ourselves), and Rebuilding Alliance’s doe-eyed peace martyr:

How the jews killed Rachel Corrie

Originally Posted by Kragen
“She got what she deserved. Just another bleeding heart liberal who was probably as anti-racist as they come.”
How could you say that? Racist or not, she was white and being killed by Zionist terrorism. She died for the case in which she believed. Everyone could learn something about that, its much more better than hole the day watching Mtv or going to a negro-concert of Whigger-King Eminem.

Rachel Corrie is a Aryan Martyr, killed by jewish terrorist with American Caterpillar-bulldozers. I will honour her from the river until the sea.

RaHoWa 88/14

RaHoWa = Racial Holy War, 88 = “Heil Hitler” (H is the 8th letter of the alphabet), and 14 = The Fourteen Words, a white supremacist slogan. Well, we are quite prepared to entertain the idea that Rachel Corrie was “murdered,” because at least three people expressed motives for wanting her dead:

1) “Recently, the Director of the Solidarity Movement, George Rishmawi, explained to the San Francisco Chronicle that the recruitment of American student volunteers is useful to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi Movement because “if some of these foreign volunteers get shot or even killed, then the international media will sit up and take notice.”“

(2) Joseph Smith, who was present when Corrie died and whose highest priority was apparently to take pictures, said, “”The spirit that she died for is worth a life. This idea of resistance, this spirit of resisting this brutal occupying force, is worth anything. And many, many, many PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis give their lives for it all the time. So the life of one international, I feel, is more than worth the spirit of resisting oppression.” Rachel Corrie’s life, of course, and not Joseph Smith’s life. Martyrdom is for naive doe-eyed peace activists and not for important key personnel like Joseph Smith.

(3) A Hamas terrorist said openly that Rachel was worth more dead than alive. “‘Her death serves me more than it served her,’ said one activist at a Hamas funeral yesterday. ‘…Her death will bring more attention than the other 2,000 martyrs.’” Making of a Martyr by Sandra Jordan, Guardian Newspapers.
][/quote]   you really must link to this to get the full meaning of the Kike Lefty/nazi alliance
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 10:18:24 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Ehud

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 10:28:18 AM »
That "poetry" is downright hilarious. 

"Against the zog machine she stood tall
For her ideals she did fall
Let her death be a wake up call

A true Aryan beauty
Rachel Corrie"

Against the ZOG machine?  These leftist beasts are White Nationalist's greatest enemy (other than Jews of course, but I'm speaking about reality here).  The leftists are probably the biggest "threat to the white race" because they support white guilt, affirmative action, turd world illegal immigration, etc.  They're willing to make an alliance with anyone as long as it's against Jews.  Leftists who want to destroy them, Muslims who want to destroy them, all to get the BIG BAD JEW AND THE ZIONIST CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT.   :laugh:

I'm glad she died, anyone who supports terrorism or stands in the way of government actions to protect the Jewish people from being mass murdered, deserves it.

Also, that woman is no beauty, she looks like an ugly evil dyke.

Now Rachel Levy, THAT is a REAL beauty. HY"D

« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 11:24:06 AM by Ze'ev Jabotinsky »
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #2 on: July 21, 2007, 10:31:01 AM »
The Leftists in this article are Jews 'Jewish voices for peace'
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Ehud

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #3 on: July 21, 2007, 10:32:50 AM »
Oh ok, I was referring to the anti-Israel protesting leftists like Rachel Corrie.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

Offline mord

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2007, 10:44:58 AM »
Oh ok, I was referring to the anti-Israel protesting leftists like Rachel Corrie.
Yes but all leftists join with the nazis when it comes to Israel

BTW this is an excellent site for commentary and hundreds of links
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2007, 11:07:40 AM »
Yes I'm aware of that great site, I was watching the Brigitte Gabriel videos on there earlier.  Here's a good picture of the "peace-loving" leftist beast.

By the way, that piece of paper scrap is the American flag.  I guess she couldn't afford to buy a real one either for the fact that her weakling hippy arms couldn't rip it or because the salary from her hippy "job" isn't enough to buy one.

If I was the bulldozer driver and I saw this rabid animal in front of me I would run over her on purpose.
« Last Edit: July 21, 2007, 11:10:36 AM by Ze'ev Jabotinsky »
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2007, 11:13:14 AM »
She was educated by Berkley. What do you expect?

Offline mord

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2007, 11:15:13 AM »
She was educated by Berkley. What do you expect?
Berkley will never change
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline TheCoon

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2007, 08:14:41 PM »
The kids look pretty disinterested in that picture. Most of them are prolly haven't even been brainwashed yet.
The city isn't what it used to be. It all happened so fast. Everything went to crap. It's like... everyone's sense of morals just disappeared. Bad economy made things worse. Jobs started drying up, then the stores had to shut down. Then a black man was elected president. He was supposed to change things. He didn't. More and more people turned to crime and violence... The town becomes gripped with fear. Dark times, dark times... I am the hero this town needs. I am... The Coon!!!


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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2007, 08:19:40 PM »
The kids look pretty disinterested in that picture. Most of them are prolly haven't even been brainwashed yet.

Arab kids are given sweets to turn up at these things. They'd probably be just as happy to turn out in support of Israel if offered a larger bag of lollies and a toy car.

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #10 on: July 22, 2007, 04:13:49 AM »
The subject of Rachel Corrie is a favorite of mine.  I just have one thing to say; hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... I think I will go buy extra stock in Caterpillar!
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!

Offline Ehud

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2007, 04:48:59 AM »
The kids look pretty disinterested in that picture. Most of them are prolly haven't even been brainwashed yet.

No, I think these kids have already been thoroughly brainwashed.  I think the reason they look so apathetic is that even THEY know that this woman is off her rocker and they don't want to identify with her.
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2007, 04:50:21 AM »
The kids look pretty disinterested in that picture. Most of them are prolly haven't even been brainwashed yet.

No, I think these kids have already been thoroughly brainwashed.  I think the reason they look so apathetic is that even THEY know that this woman is off her rocker and they don't want to identify with her.
Yes i agree they think she's a dumb leftist white girl
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #13 on: July 31, 2007, 02:21:17 AM »
The subject of Rachel Corrie is a favorite of mine.  I just have one thing to say; hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha... I think I will go buy extra stock in Caterpillar!

What do you mean?

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #14 on: July 31, 2007, 10:57:11 AM »
Rachel Corries parents want to sue the catipillar company btw. I hope they fail.


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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #15 on: July 31, 2007, 11:01:40 AM »
Rachel Corries parents want to sue the catipillar company btw. I hope they fail.

It's even dummer than those bogus law suits against gun makers.

Give me a D9 Cat' and a paddock full of peaceniks and I'd have a bloomin' field day! :D

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Re: Jewish leftys support nazis
« Reply #16 on: July 31, 2007, 07:36:59 PM »
Cosmo answered the question for me.  Corrie's parents wanted to sue, but I will support a company that not only isn't boycotting Israel, but also clearing it of garbage!
I LOVE dogs because muslims do not!!!!  Have your dog kiss a muslim today!