Rivera has called Israeli soldiers "Nazi pigs" for supposedly mistreating Muslim terrorists.
This is the type of slime that "conservative" Fox News hires - Rivera has a one hour program every Sunday evening and is a paid Fox News commentator. Rivera has appeared on Fox programs many hundreds of times. JTF, of course, has not appeared even once.
He also accused Mitt Romney of using "Draconian" language to talk about "the undocumented" (illegals) in this country. We ran one of the safest, most left-wing Republicans in the country for president in the last election (his Romney Care was similar to the president's), and still he's unsatisfied.
You mentioned Charles Krauthammer in your other topic. I made a topic shortly after the election about him & Karl Rove, and how unprincipled they are. The Republicans on Fox worship him, even though he dismissed Rick Santorum as a "social conservative" when he was running and tried to make a big deal out of his position on contraception just for the sake of supporting safe Mitt Romney.
The Fox Republicans need to recognize that Krauthammer is only a feel-good Republican who only tells you what you want to hear, and not what you need to hear (90% of the time, that's the case. He used to be decent on foreign policy, until he praised Rand Paul's filibuster as a "stroke of genius").