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In light of the below post by Mike Guzofsky regarding Revava suggesting Revava supports Marzel's people and the Kach approach and not the Kahane Chai approach, why does Revava oppose JTF if JTF also is part of the Kach approach?

--- Quote from: Yekutiel on October 04, 2006, 04:30:06 AM ---After the Rav's death actually prior to Rav Meir Kahane's murder in Nov 1990 there was a dispute already in Kach about the concept of Revolution or Referendum. The board of Kach opposed rabbi Kahane's new focus and he basically shut Kach down to take effect Dec 1990. He was assassinated Nov 90 in the states and they continued on their merry way as if nothing had happened. I was one of the few board members and leaders in the movement who agreed and remained loyal to the Rav.

When Binyamin - rav kahane's son and myself insisted on continuing that program, after his murder, (that was the crux of the split between rav kahane and his Kach board of directors even in his life time), they basically said, "Mike, Binyamin, the Rav is dead we will not be bound to stupid ideas that we had problems with even when he was alive, if you wish, go make your own movement but we will not tolerate you guys doing that program and certain others here". And so Kahane Chai was born and cofounded by myself and Rav Binyamin Kahane in 1990. The folks in Tapuach from the Gareen that I had started there in 1989 supported Binyamin and myself in our new endeavor with exception to a few folks that went with the original Kach.

Slowly but surely with the help of G-d and hard work around the globe we gained the support of  most of the old members and chapters as well as a lot of new people.

Binyamin and his wife were murdered 6 years ago.

Note that Mr HaIvri who is married to Moly who was born the sister of Taly, who was Binyamin's wife. In other words David and Binyamin were brothers -in -Law. In any event in the initial years of Kahane Chai Mr HaIvri was close to Rav Binyamin and his neighbor. Later on, HaIvri became frustrated with Binyamin's "lack of assertiveness" and he went his own way, supporting Agudat Yisrael in former elections. Rav Binyamin naturally opposed and condemned this move. HaIvri later opened his own groups and distanced himself from Rav Binyamin. The two were not on particularly good terms prior to Rav Binyamin's murder.

After Binyamin's assassination MR HaIvri left the various failed business and organizational ventures he was operating and became a very dominant force among those who wished to continue to publish Rav Binyamin's writings and parsha newsletter. I, who had been the codirector of international Kahane activities from NY, saw no particular problem with Mr HaIvri playing a central role in preparing the bi-weekly parsha sheet for production and distribution. While understanding that he lacked the ability to manage content or do much more, I permitted him and the others in Tapuach to gather old writings and prepare a parsha sheet to be sent out every other week. haIvri's role was more to collect funds and to make sure that the people who prepared ocntent and who stuffed the enevelopes came in every few weeks to do just that...

 I figured that there was little room to go wrong. At best some importnat writings would be recirculated. At worst the project would fall apart due to lack of funds or lack of new material and lack of interest. What ultimately did happen.

At a meeting after the murder of Rav Binyamin some key activists met and discussed who should run things, so to speak. It was requested of myself, after I had now returned to Israel to take on the leadership of the organization in Israel. Whatever. And Rav Richter was asked to assume some sort of spiritual leadership position. I saw no need for formalities and was quite busy with Jewish Legion affairs, and other personal and organizatinal issues, however, I did commit to "Keep an eye on things" and  promised to make myself available AS NEEDED. Since the whole local activity amounted to a bi - weekly publishing of the parsha sheet and perhaps a reprinting of a book once a year, I figured the local 2-3 people who were preparing the page content and HaIvri coming in to the office once every few weeks to make sure things were being packed etc would suffice. Naturally,  I came to regular editorial meetings and helped submit materials when requested to do so.

While I thought it was odd that Haivri should draw a full time salry for doing no much more than overseeing production and mailing not more than 5-10 hours a week or a month to do that, I supported the continuation of the new status quo.

Eventually, I saw that the newsletter was not reflecting some of the key programs and that in fact the B Kahane newsletter took a turn resembling the Kach side of the debate and not the Kahane Chai style and content, and worse I saw that certain unworthy individulas were being given editorial disgression and that the parsha started to literally emphasize the building of HaIvri and yisrael Cohen in a cult style fashion as well as their new group revava. It was at this point that I privately stepped forward and tryed to have them rehabilitate  the parsha sheet which started to look like their own personal campaign for Prime Minster or something. I insisted that the editorial borad meet and that there be a board to oversee the content.

As time went on, the parsha sheet came out less, and less, up to the point where it perhaps comes out 5-6 times out of 52 weeks per year. No great harm, in my opinion. The parsha sheet was used more as a platform to sell HaIvri, Cohen and revava than to spread a necessary and actual message of truth. As one of the founders of Kahane Chai and of the parsha sheet and as al eader in those movements, I recently took the initiative to reinstate the parsha sheet, on a weekly basis.

It is incredible. People that had not seen the page for a year or two now see it and they are so thirsty for it. New people are calling daily to receive our message. I am sorry I did not take the initiative long ago. No matter. That is the history of the split with Kach and the split within what was once known as Kahane Chai if you want to call it that.

I dont care about splits. I care about getting out a message that people want and need to hear now more than ever. I have no problem with HaIvri or the Kach people on a personal level and they should all live and be well. As for the projects such as the Parsha sheet that I was a cofounder of, I am committed to trying my best to continue to get the word out period.

I am obsessed with 2 messages today: the Forty Year message, this being the fortieth year since the liberation of the Temple Mount and a year for Israel to deside its destiny and fate and the message of referendum or revolution. The people are ripe to demand to decide their own destiny here. We see the masses moving in that direction. It is sad that so  many former Kahane people fail to realize the power and the role of the masses to topple the corrupt regime in Israel. I think Rav Kahane's books forty years and revolution are prophetic and vital to be broadcasted loudly and clearly today more than ever, The HaiVris and Marzels dont share that view. That is their right. And it is my right to focus on the messages that I think are vital. Split? I dont know, I dont care. We have a job to do and we will get it done with whoever wishes to join us. I have the ability to move forward and organize programs to create platforms for these messages and for Rav Kahane's proposals to save Jews. Young people are joining daily. We must continue, in spite of the obstacles that the governments place in our way. With G-d's help we will succeed. Time is running out. Who has time to talk about splits. The question is what needs to be done. Let us not ask how we will do it, but get the job done with those who share our views and who wish to join us.

We need to reconnect with the thousands ij the street who need and wnat to see our message. It is a shame that 5-6 of the oldtimers may think they kno wbetter than Rav Kahane. No matter. It is more important to go out otthe masses and to connect with the hundreds of thousands of people who are waiting ot hear direction from us. Over recent years, the people on the streets have lost contact with any of the Kahane movements. Now, with organizational coordination back on track and with a message fo substance I am rebuilding the ties with the old chapters nad with the new people. Split? Quit ethe ocntrary! Hard work and good work in the right direction and with a passion and dedication coupled by new organizational talent to reignite that Kahane torch in every town thorugout Israel. Split? Nah, the way it once was and the way it shall be gain, with G-d's help in spite of government persecution and in soite of years of inaction, incompetency and lack of direction by those who thought they knew better than Rav Kahane.

--- End quote ---

Guzofsky does NOT say that revava supports the Kach approach.  He claims that at one point HaIvri was supporting the Kach side in the split.  I don't if that's true, but anything is possible with HaIvri, who has always been a fraud taking all types of different positions over the years.

Today revava does NOT support Kach or the Kahanist movement.

As Guzofsky mentions, HaIvri supported the anti-Zionist whores of Agudah in the Knesset elections.  The same Agudah that currently is part of the Smolmert coalition government.  The same Agudah that was against the creation of a Jewish state in 1948.  The same Agudah that was a part of Ben Gurion's coalition government when Sephardi Jewish children were sent to anti-religious schools where they were taught to abandon the Torah and the mitzvot. 

When Guzofsky writes about his decision to try to split the Kahanist movement, he again says many things that are untrue.  Chaim dealt with this issue on the last Ask JTF program.

Let's stop worrying about these irrelevant little splinter groups.  The former Kach group that JTF supports is the only HEBREW SPEAKING, NATIVE ISRAELI Kahanist movement.  Guzofsky's group and revava are English-speaking American Jews who cannot possibly appeal to Hebrew-speaking native Israelis in a serious way.

However, there is a difference between Guzofsky's group and revava.  We disagree with Guzofsky's decision to split the Kahanist movement, and with other aspects of what he is doing.  But despite our differences with him, Guzofsky is not an evil person.  HaIvri and revava ARE evil.  They allowed one of their administrators to compare Chaim to Hitler!  All they do is preach hatred against good Jews.  They are the scum of the earth.

I agree with jsullivan. We see what happens when real right-wing movements around the world splinter because some leaders have their own agenda. It allows crazy leftists to fill the void in any situation where it happens. It appears Revava is no different.


--- Quote ---HaIvri and revava ARE evil.  They allowed one of their administrators to compare Chaim to Hitler!  All they do is preach hatred against good Jews.  They are the scum of the earth.
--- End quote ---

I'm saddened to learn about this.   :(

Only JTF and the organizations it endorses are the "real deal."

Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
no offense but jsullivan your criticism of David Haivri isnt based on anything solid- its just becuase some 1 on the forum called chaim a name , ill let you know that David H. isnt allways active on the forum and ho personally doesnt allways read and see whats going on the forum, he mainly makes some of his article posts from time to time and thats pretty much all. soo if he personally called chaim something then thats a diff. story.


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