Author Topic: Re-build our temple  (Read 449 times)

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Offline golanchiq

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Re-build our temple
« on: August 14, 2013, 11:56:15 AM »
This is just part of an ever increasing story about how God said things are going to be in the latter days. The entire middle east moves from problem to problem. Assad the dictator of Syria remains in power and Iran continues unwavering on it’s march in the development of nuclear weapons. 99% of their missiles are pointed across the gulf @ the GCC

Current intelligence seems uncertain of when Iran will get the bomb and Israel cannot afford to gamble with this. Will the Syrian stock pile of Chemical and Biological agents fall into terrorist hands or is Syria preparing to use them?

We also have a touchy cease fire in Gaza and not surprisingly, Egypt has broken it's part of the deal by kicking the overseers out.

This has all now been added to the list of issues in this region. If this situation does not drastically change soon for the better, I believe the war will likely take place.

Damascus, Beirut & Cairo will be destroyed.

The worlds economy would likely collapse as a result and usher in a one world government movement