Author Topic: New Iranian President tweets Happy New Year to all Jews  (Read 515 times)

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Re: New Iranian President tweets Happy New Year to all Jews
« Reply #1 on: September 08, 2013, 08:51:35 AM »
No, unfortunately, it does not. Not even a little.

He says one thing in English (for political reasons so he can continue to build nuclear warheads) and a completely different to his own Muslim people that call for the death of all Americans and Israelis by the tens of thousands (which we show on numerous videos).

WASHINGTON, DC – Newly-elected Iranian President Hassan Rouhani today stated, "The Zionist regime is a wound that has sat on the body of the Muslim world for years and needs to be removed." His remarks were echoed by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, who said, "Not one clod of Palestine can be given up. Israel is a tumor which must be uprooted." Both remarks coincided with the celebration of Al-Quds Day, an annual event that has frequently occasioned radical terrorist leaders to release vehemently anti-Semitic remarks. In recognizing Al-Quds Day last year, then-Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said, "You planted wind in our region and you will reap the storm. I swear to God that a ferocious storm is coming and it will uproot the Zionist entity."

Those 7000 centrifuges have been installed since Hassan Rouhani was elected the new president in June. Rouhani, of course, has been widely hailed as a “moderate,” and again Western leaders—undeterred by any of their errors and failures so far—are all too eager to enter even more rounds of negotiations with him. Negotiations that are worse than useless since they—transparently—allow Tehran to buy time.

Cooler heads, of course, have noted that this “moderate” is a longtime disciple of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini and chaired Iran’s National Security Council in the years when both the Buenos Aires bombing and the Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 American airmen, were planned.

Iran’s new president, Hassan Rouhani, has been involved in the Islamic revolution since its murderous inception. In 1978 Rouhani helped Khomeini found the regime and has since allegedly assisted in plotting the country’s vast terror operations.

Most notably, Rouhani was chairman of the Supreme National Security Council from 1989 until 2005, during which time the Council is reported to have helped mastermind the 1994 bombing of the Jewish cultural center in Buenos Aires and of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.

Furthermore, like his presidential predecessors, Rouhani has demonstrated clear anti- American and anti-Semitic views. In 2002, for example, Rouhani conducted an interview with ABC News, in which he blamed the Jews for America’s foreign policy: “After September 11,” he said, “the hardliners, especially the Zionist lobby, became more active and, unfortunately, influenced Mr. Bush.”

Rouhani also defended Hezbollah as “a legitimate political group” and called Israel “a terrorist nation.”

This beast has so much blood on his hands. It's all politics so they can stall and finish up those nuclear missiles, G-d forbid, that they already promised to release on Israel (whom they call the little Satan) and the United States (whom they refer to as the great Satan).  This is no different than that mass murderer Yasser Arafat shook hands with the presidents of Israel and the US. Muslims are allowed to lie (it's called taqiyya) to further their murderous goals.

This article is just typical of the leftist media. Israel and America better wake up and take out Iran's nuclear program.
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