The L-rd LOVES men to be in a state of semi-terror: "The L-rd desires those who are scared of Him" (Tehillim 145).
And He loathes
nothing more than G-dless, shallow, stupid over-confident, over-complacent deep growly-voiced Israeli generals like Boogie who preach "everything is normal", "go about your daily routine", "keep vactioning on the beach" etc etc: a
sure sign that another "October Surprise" is
pending like in 1973 to wake the Israeli
dudus up!,7340,L-4427267,00.html
"The complacency of fools will be their undoing" (Mishle 1).A brace of Sarin-tipped SCUD Bs on Ramat Aviv Dalet will bring the Israeli Jew back to Teshuvah!