Author Topic: How You can Help Destroy Write to O'Reilly, Ingraham  (Read 1703 times)

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Offline Matthias Corvinus

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Talk show host Bill O’Reilly has recently described how the left-wing Daily Kos encourages racist, anti-Semitic, and other forms of hate speech. Here are things you can do to expose for what it is.

(1) Write to Laura Ingraham ( ) and ask her to talk about’s vicious denunciations of Catholics as pedophiles, and its derogatory picture of Pope Benedict. Ingraham is a Catholic who finds this kind of thing highly offensive and, as a conservative talk show host, she would probably lay into if she knew about this.

(2) Write to Bill O’Reilly at oreilly “at” If he thinks what the Daily Kos did is bad, wait until he sees what says about Jews, Catholics, and even African-Americans.

Here are examples of the hate speech at I harvested this stuff from the online Action Forum, or Google's cache of the Action Forum, before MoveOn took it down in disgrace last year. I have literally dozens of examples, including an actual blood libel of Jews (says the Talmud commands Jews to hate and even kill non-Jews), denunciations of Condoleeza Rice and Colin Powell as "house slaves," and so on from's Action Forum. We need to have people like Laura Ingraham, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Michael Savage talk about this to millions of people, so they know that Barack Obama and his friends are backed by racists, anti-Semites, and Catholic-haters.

Note: "8 out of 9 voted to AGREE with this" means that, of the nine Action Forum members voted on the entry, eight agreed with it. In the following example, eight out of nine agreed with the phrase "Catholic Pedophiles of America."


By continuing the attack on the GOP's culture of corruption with a call to arrest the Catholic pedophiles of America, we have the ability to break up the perverts and criminals running the country today. WE know there are hundreds of thousands of pedophiles created by the Catholic church's shuffling them around since 1950. WE know most of these people went on to higher education. By pushing for a complete outing of the 12,000 pedophiles they've admitted to so far we can put incredible pressure on any politicians who might be part of the cult. How many DeLay types want their constituents to find out that they've taken advantage of the teenage sex trade of the Marianas islands? How many victims of these pedophiles are now working in our schools, boy scout camps, governments and police forces? How would this impact the secret societies like the Skull and Boners if half their membership were convicted for sex crimes involving their highest ranking members? There is a reason why our Government refused to prosecute these citizens for covering-up this scandal for over 50 years. The citizens of America haven't given up on this, it's the politico's who really want us to shut up. It isn't like America is the only country in the world to have this problem either. Ireland a couple months ago booted the Catholics as a National religion. As long as the GOP led Congress keeps preventing the prosecution of people like Bernard Law for deliberately violating the laws of the country he's a citizen of, I'll continue to believe that our elected leaders are like-minded individuals. Pedophiles beget pedophiles. In my area they are trying to figure out a way to keep the victims of these crimes imprisoned for life after they serve their sentence. Priests abuse citizens and don't get arrested. The citizens they molested go on to create more pedophiles, but they ain't priests, so they go to prison. As they should. But until the priests are hounded down and arrested like the baby rapers they are, the neverending cycle will continue. You want to throw a monkey wrench in both political parties? Call for the arrest and immediate incarceration of the Catholic Pedophiles of America. Then we can do a little research. These priests were teachers. Find out who their students were and do a cross reference to see how many elected leaders were "educated" by them. Records of arrests for pedophilia have been kept for years. Are the hotspots of pedophilia in areas where the priests were relocated to? Until our elected leaders pursue this matter we won't know if the people we entrust our children to are people we can trust, or people trying to lower the age of consent to birth.

8 out of 9 voted to AGREE with this

If we start to focus on the known criminals in the GOP like DeLay, Ney, Ralph Reed, Cunningham, Libby, Frist and all the other GOP "trendsetters", eventually the rank and file GOP'ers will be so embarressed to call themselves Republicans thta they should hide their head in shame for supporting this group of miscreants. As a citizen who has heard a judge say, "I'm gonna make an example outta you, Boy!" I am amazingly offended by all the so-called citizens who have no problem with the crimes perpetuated by  these ultra fortunate rich folk. Don't you understand that when they are done us, they will turn their attention to you? Either attack them first through the acceptance and enforcment of our Constitution or get used to  teaching your child that they will have a master. It never ends with the victim class because they only have to change the criteria to create another group to be persecuted. The vicitm class will expand until you too can be jailed for    ridiculously minor offenses while the Catholics are raping your children.

94% of people voted to AGREE that the Catholics are raping your children.

(Excerpt) "If the Catholics and Southern Baptists can gang up on the rest of America to further their plans for world domination. Then a group of highly trained espionage experts shouldn't have a problem organising the attacks of 9/11." 19 out of 21 voted to AGREE with this.

There is also an official cartoon from 2005, of Pope Benedict waving a gavel in front of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Here are examples of what MoveOn's people say about Jews:

If you are a Jew and want respect;
    Denounce Israel’s abuse and occupation of Palestinians for the last 50 yrs and stop spreading the lies you heard on Fox Israel News.
  Condemn AIPACs manipulation of the US foreign policy.
  Read and acknowledge the validity of the “Israeli Lobby” papers.
  Until you do you’ll just sound like the Bush administration defending their reasons for going to war.
  If you just can’t do it deny that you are Jewish.
  Our parents abused some of us, some were drunks, some were divorced and some had Jewish parents. We don’t have to hang on to our past.

We need your help in finding a word that is less offensive.
One that describes the Jewish congressmen and Jewish owned media that has a greater allegiance to Israel than the US. And who are demonizing Israel’s neighbors and supporting Israel’s bombing and occupation.
Read "Israeli Lobby" google it.

7 of 8 voted to AGREE with this

We can all see how AIPAC/Israel has taken control of America. Not to get nasty but jews have a long history of subverting governments for their own enrichment and glory to the detriment of whole societies. Many more than "6 million" have died by semetic aggression, 100's of millions even, remember the conqueror writes history. Even the roman empire feared jewish power. Over and over again, whites, particularly semites have distorted truth through their supremacist, zenophobic minds. Ariel Sharon Oct of 2001 per Kol Israel, "... Don't worry about america, we control america and the americans know it." There is a mental pathology gripping my tribe, as the native americans say, "white man have forked tongue", we must become enlightened, or we will be destroyed.

13 of 16 voted to AGREE with this

Israel has 8,000 Palestinian prisoners, Hezbollah and Hamas has 3 Israeli prisoners.
Israel is killing civilians and their children with our missiles and has never stopped stealing Palestinian land, farms, and precious aquifers.
Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing.

12 of14 voted to AGREE with this

Another neo-con appeared today on C-Span to defend Bush and his spying program! I am Jewish and proud of it (despite everything) but I am sick of seeing those neo-cons posing as average joes on national television to defend Bush and his lies. Since they don't have the decency or honesty to identify themselves by saying: "But you know, I am a Zionist and may be biased" and since most Americans can't tell the difference and don't have the courage to ask, maybe they should be forced to wear an Israeli flag on the lapel of their jackets. Isn't it time to tell the American people the truth, i.e. that Jews control all the media.

8 of 8 AGREE that the Jews control all the media

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: How You can Help Destroy Write to O'Reilly, Ingraham
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2007, 12:36:36 AM » is funded and financed by George Soros.
There's basically nothing to be done that can make them go away.
Too many billions and billions of dollars behind them; all from a sick self-hating Kike atheist who wants to be the manager of his own global socialist dictatorship.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How You can Help Destroy Write to O'Reilly, Ingraham
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2007, 04:22:08 AM »
O'Reilly has profiled the media sources' Soros funds including:, center for american progress and some others, which funnel to Soros' Media Matters.   

Retired General and Democrat Wesley Clark previously went on O'Reilly's TV program to defend Soros. 

What's ironic is that some of the captured people from the US in Iran, work for Soros, all who support the Iranian regime.