In Israel petitions count for
less than nothing, are laughed at, and ignored with impunity!
In Israel it's not what you know but
whom you know!
Now if ChabadKahanist can use his family ties to former Shabak head Avi Dichter to
pull strings to get Chaim in to Israel, then you're talking!

Chaim is not Meyer Lansky and is not currently being sought for any crime in the USA. So the only grounds they have to debar him a 3 month tourist visa is that he is "an inciter and threat to national security and public order", unless there's more to it.
Having a past criminal record, even for petty crimes, can be used as an excuse to ban entry, but for this you need a top lawyer and $$$, which Chaim 'aint got.
Remember that in Israel just for quoting the Chumash Bamidbar 33:55, you can be arrested and deported!
Is/was JTF on the US State Dept list of "terrorist organisations" like Kach & Kahane Chai?