Muman, my Brother no hard feelings, I listen to Alex Jones every day, he defends Israel all the time and he is right their are some Jews in Israel who are NEW WORLD ORDER Lovers and it is the ultimate sin against the Torah and Israel. You see if you hear one broadcast and are insulted you don't return instead of hearing it every day as I do, Alex Jones is in no way a anti-Semite he defends Israel all the time, I have met Alex Jones face to face and had a great conversation with him, this man, yes all though Christian is not against Jews in any way, and neither is Rand Paul another wonderful man I have met in person, Ron Paul is not a Jew hater either as I have also met him five times!
Don't be fooled by the media as they try to promote lies to confuse everyone into thinking, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Ron Paul hate Jewish people and it's not true!