Author Topic: LIVNI MUST GO!  (Read 1208 times)

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« on: October 25, 2013, 05:20:30 PM »
This woman is a traitor to the Jewish people. She is working to placate the enemies of the Jewish people by preventing a vote which would prevent the release of terrorist prisoners who live only to kill Jews. How could a Jewish woman fall so low?

I pray that something happens to her which would prevent her from continuing the 'give-away' of the Jewish homeland by this traitorous moser. According to Halacha we know what should be done with her...

Collaborating with Gentile Authorities

Chapter 3, Law 12

"There are two types of informers (lit., 'giver overs,' Heb: 'moser'): (a) One who gives his fellow over into the hands of the Gentiles to kill him or to hit him. (b) One who gives his fellow's property to the Gentiles or to a seizer who is [considered] as a Gentile. Neither [type of person] receives a share [in the World to Come]."

For the past several weeks, we have been covering the Rambam's very short list of sinners so evil as to merit no share in the World to Come. This week the Rambam discusses the informer, one who turns over his fellow Jew to the temporal authorities.

In rabbinic writings and throughout the ages, the "moser"/informer has been considered one of the most evil and despicable characters in Israel, the Jewish Benedict Arnold who sics our worst enemies on us. Either to avenge his own petty hatreds or to curry favor with the authorities, he snitches on his fellow Jews, generally giving the all-too-willing authorities all the excuse they need to go in for the kill.

An important counterpoint to this is in line. Judaism is not against informing because it makes it difficult for Jews to evade the law. Abidance to the secular law is a Torah obligation ("dina d'malchusa dina"). Jews are obligated by the Torah to pay taxes and obey the law of the land. Rather, informing is viewed so negatively because throughout most of our history, informing on a fellow Jew was tantamount to killing him -- as well as endangering the greater Jewish community once suspicion is aroused on its behavior. Not only is snitching in itself viewed as a very lowly and cowardly act, the danger is real, immediate and more than likely to get terribly out of hand.

While we all are not perfect, this kind of aberration must be dealt with, like a cancer...

Political sources who spoke to Arutz Sheva on Friday morning revealed that Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, who heads Israel’s negotiations with the Palestinian Authority, has been working to bury a bill that would ban the release of terrorists as a “good-will gesture” to the PA.

Livni apparently fears that the bill would make it harder for her to appease PA leaders, who have repeatedly threatened that there will be no peace agreement with Israel without the release of every terrorist from Israel’s prisons.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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« Reply #1 on: October 26, 2013, 07:13:01 PM »
Sh*tler wants a second Holocaust. That's old news at JTF.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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« Reply #2 on: October 26, 2013, 07:48:21 PM »
Netanyahu hired her.  It is he who must go.

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« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2013, 12:15:37 PM »
Netanyahu hired her.  It is he who must go.
Very true, if Pipi didn't hire her she would be a nobody. She lost the elections & Pipi revived her.
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
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Offline Dan193

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« Reply #4 on: October 27, 2013, 02:17:38 PM »
Exactly, Livni's Kapo party only got 6 seats in the last election.
The Israeli people rejected Livni's appeasement policies of Arab terrorists.
So why did Netanyahu make her the lead negotiator for Israel.
Because Netanyahu is no different then Livni, that's why.
What next for Netanyahu, putting Beilin as Foreign Minister and Yossi Sarid as Defense minister.

Offline Dan193

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« Reply #5 on: October 27, 2013, 02:26:08 PM »
Comments   (29)

1. Livni is just a tool for Netanyahu as she was for Sharon and
many, many others. That item will do any trick she is told to do on call.Netanyahu is the one that is doing it.
SHmuel, Eretz Israel (25/10/13)

2. Of course she tries to stop such a vote!
She shall also try and stop any national referendum which Bibi promised to hold, after she successfully ends the "peace talks" giving half of Israel and half of Jerusalem to the palestinian arabs for nothing in return but some empty promises on a worthless piece of paper to be revoked or broken as soon as Abbas and herself have cashed in their Nobel peace prize.
mindRider, The Free World (25/10/13)

Not "nothing in return": blood and death, like Oslo.
It's territories for blood.
Sergio HaDaR Tezza, Not "nothing in return": blood and death, lik (25/10/13)

3. Did Livny ever ask for the shortening of the sentences
to Jews? No, only Palestinian Arabs. So on whose side does she stand?
ralphtheogre, Sweden (25/10/13)

Reply to ralphtheogre
You make a very good point...this and similar points should be directed to livni in an open letter carried by the major newspapers across Israel.
Shmuel, NJ (27/10/13)

Make Aliyah in 2013 Nefesh B'Nefesh

4. Livni is a traiter to the Jewish people
Livni has become a danger to Israel the land that she lives in and says is hers and the Jews. I would like to see Livni out of the Government and tried for treason
Sydney, Johannesburg (25/10/13)

5. There can only be reason for this
PaulD, Jerusalem (25/10/13)

Whatever was written was not enough to describe her (n.c)
Sergio HaDaR Tezza, Q4"H (25/10/13)

6. I hope Likud throws Bibi out if he goes along with this evil
weiss, syracuse ny (25/10/13)

7. Are you all mad?
John, London (25/10/13)

8. Livni is a tool for Kerry, not Netanyahu
Zionist, (25/10/13)

What are you trying to say, that the PM is blameless?
Mark, (25/10/13)

9. Livni Trying to Avoid Vote on Terrorist Release
Livni is a traitor.
Simon, Madurai (25/10/13)

10. Tell the murderers they will have to wait! (n.c)
David S. Levin, Bet Shemesh (25/10/13)

11. Prisoner Release: Possible, but NOT Logical
It Should be Possible to release "every single prisoner",in exchange for resolving every single issue of the Palestine-Israel Dispute, but "every single prisoner" should Not be released:-  before every single issue of the Dispute is resolved, and-  every single one of the 104 prisoners of the last agreement shouldNot be released without Israel also getting something in return again !!
Tobias, New York (25/10/13)

12. As with every other third world country, when the corrupt
dictator murders the country's own citizens, the only redress is an armed revolution to overthrow the corrupt despot & his cronies, and hang their putrid corpses from the lamp posts. They are worse than traitors.
Jose Rizal, Napoli (25/10/13)

13. Scapegoats
Unfortunately, Netanyahu uses all these politicians as his pawns , or scapegoats. How could ANYONE support thos PM knowing what he HAS done and PLANS to do?!?!?!?! NOW, everyone has the chance to see who Moshe Feiglin REALLY is-NOT a monster! Next time, we need to ship this PM OUT!!
David, Alom Shvut (25/10/13)

14. " Peace" Talks
Unfortunately no good can come  of these meetings which are probably to appease US.
Yaakov, England (25/10/13)

15. The Justice Minister is determined to release murderers
This can happen only in Israel
Yisrael, Jerusalem (25/10/13)

16. for Livini
OK, all the released terrorists need to live at your house, and you take care of them!
dennis, lindale, tx. (25/10/13)

17. Here we go again with the same old problem of terrorists
We will continue having this problem with convicted terrorists being released as long as there is no death penalty for those convicted of murdering innocent people.  This is especially true with some guilty ofmultiple murders.  ISRAEL  -  WAKEUP!!!
Eliyahu, Skokie (25/10/13)

18. DEMAND Livni be immediately dismissed.
Bibi is to blame for allowing one of the worst politicians Israel has ever known to represent Israel in talks with the genocidal terrorist P.A. Talks which never should have occurred in the first place. We should all DEMAND Livni be immediately dismissed and the talks ended forever.             
Chaim           &nbs, Israel (25/10/13)

19. how about Israel demanding the pa stop terrorism and
incitement? Or the pa honor its oslo obligations?? Enough stupid good faith gestures by Israel How about some honesty from the pa. They are getting a STATE isn't that more than enough!!  NO MORE GESTURES OR CONCESSIONS. You know the pa will scuttle the talks and demand more concessions and more US pressure. What will you give hamas??
What happens when the pa nullifies any agreement because abbas is an ILLEGAL HOLDOVER with no legal authority
ART, JC (25/10/13)

20. ... working to bury a bill...
democracy a la Livni...
dana rothschild, jerusalem (25/10/13)

21. Releasing murderers means it is OKAY to Kill Jews`
releasing murderers rewards the murder of Jews. These killers then return to the pa as heroes with a salary and new homes. Meanwhile the families of Jews murdered get nothing. Would anyother country release convicted murderers?? NO.
art, jc (25/10/13)

22. Mrs Livni
My pity and shame for her knows no bounds.  That she has the power to do this evil thing is beyond me.  The political picture emerging is terribly depressing - when will Israel have a Govt that will govern like men and not like monkeys????
Miriam, Johannesburg (25/10/13)

23. Bibi
Abbas runs around Europe begging that settlement products be boycotted , yet Israel is supposed to release terrorists.
Enemy combatants out of uniform are shot as spies , murderers who walk
onto buses or into pizza parlors are subject to the death penalty .
Livni was appointed by Netanyahu , and is working for the PM.
Tom, New York (25/10/13)

24. Jews have FAILED
The Jews have FAILED. While we criticize the Muslims, we had better learn from them. JEWS REVOLT! NOW! Forget your 'Nobel Prizes' for medicine and science that divert your minds from self preservation!. While your nation and people are burned to the ground! Jews have NO legitimate self respect! 
Abe, Buffalo (26/10/13)

25. What did the prophet say?
This woman's efforts are some of the most disgusting ever to come out of anyone's mouth. And as the prophet said, "as for my people, children are their oppressors and [silly]women rule over them.."  Who were the JINO's who were instrumental in elevating her to such a place? Advocating the release of murderers and terrorist thugs back into the population is NOT the true JUSTICE as given to us by the Almighty! Livni is a fraud! And those who support her--Shame on YOU! You are Jews In Name Only!

Offline Dan193

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« Reply #6 on: October 27, 2013, 02:41:03 PM »
Deputy Defense Minister Urges Gov't: Don’t Encourage Terrorism
Danon links terrorist release to increase in terror, and warns government that it’s time to stop.
Maayana Miskin

Deputy Defense Minister Danny Danon (Likud) is continuing his campaign to stop the release of terrorist prisoners from Israeli jails as a gesture to the Palestinian Authority.

The government is scheduled to vote Sunday afternoon to authorize the release of 26 terrorists in the second of four releases. Danon has been talking to ministers in an attempt to use direct persuasion to prevent the release.

The previous terrorist release, which saw several convicted killers walk free, was clearly linked to a rise in terrorism, Danon warned, speaking to Arutz Sheva. Since that release there have been many attacks, he noted, including the murders of two IDF soldiers, the murder of Yaya Ofer, and the terrorist infiltration and attempted murder of a young girl in Psagot.

Releasing prisoners “means encouraging terrorists, making them stronger, boosting their spirit,” he declared.

Danon rejected the argument that Israel must release terrorists from prison in order to show its good will and avoid accusations that Israel is the party that is preventing Israel-Palestinian Authority peace.

“I can’t imagine that any sane country, including the United States of America, would free terrorists after attacks,” he said. “The United States wouldn’t consider releasing one terrorist.”

“So I say we need to speak the truth, to see what has happened over the past month and to understand that there is no reason to encourage terrorism,” he stated. “Any sane country would do the same, we don’t need to be embarrassed.”

The same is true regarding Israel’s decision to stop cement shipments to Gaza following the revelation that terrorists in the region had used huge amounts of cement to build tunnels to Israel, he said. “When you see that your compassion is being used against you, it’s logical to stop,” he argued.

Danon said he plans to keep fighting the planned terrorist release this month even if it gets government approval. As long as the terrorists have not actually walked free to celebrations in Ramallah, he said, “it is not too late, I believe we can still prevent it.”

He joined MKs from the Bayit Yehudi (Jewish Home) party – and PA officials – in dismissing claims from sources close to Hatnua head Tzipi Livni that the government was forced to release terrorists because the political right refused to allow it to freeze construction in Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria (Shomron) – a move which, they said, would have appeased PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

“That’s nonsense. This alternative was never presented to anyone I know, and the attempt to connect construction in Jerusalem and the land of Israel to the release of terrorists is twisted,” he said.

“What needs to happen? Only if Jews are murdered, we can build? It’s an outrage to draw that parallel,” he declared.

But Danon also warned against blaming Livni alone for Israeli concessions to the PA, simply because she heads the negotiation team.

“I’ve openly criticized Livni for her behavior in negotiations, both in the past and today, but I agree that today the general responsibility is on the shoulders of the Prime Minister and the government ministers. We can’t blame Tzipi Livni alone for terrorist release,” he said.

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« Reply #7 on: October 27, 2013, 03:08:05 PM »
As usual Pipi does nothing while Palestinian terrorists terrorize Israel.
Israelis wake up and get Chaim in Israel.
Gaza Terrorists Attack Israel with Mortar Shells
The news is not that Gaza terrorists shelled Israel with mortars. The news is the IDF and the government did not comment. Perhaps the IDF will “retaliate” by bombing one tunnel but not enough to halt "peace talks."
Tzvi Ben-Gedalyahu
October 27th, 2013

Israelis taking cover in Nitzan under a barrage of mortar shells.

Terrorists from Gaza attacked southern Israel Sunday afternoon with two mortar shells, but the government and the IDF have not commented. No damage or injuries were reported.

The attacks may have been timed with the expected release of more terrorists this week as part of the four-stage plan Israel announced in July to free 104 terrorists in return for the privilege of Israeli negotiators sitting down to talk with their Palestinian Authority counterparts.

Hamas, which rules Gaza, would like nothing more than to embarrass the rival Fatah movement, headed by the Obama administration’s peace partner known as Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and cause casualties on the Israeli side that might abort the second stage of the plan.

The military policy, dictated by the Defense Ministry, has been to “retaliate” for every mortar attack by bombing a weapon storage depot or a tunnel, leaving a few hundred other “terror sites” remaining. After all, if Israel were to knock all of them out, what could the IDF do next time around when Hamas or Islamic Jihad terrorists strike the country with missiles and mortar shells? Invading Gaza or bombing areas where terrorists hang out among

civilians would be considered a “disproportionate” response.

That strategy goes by the boards if, God forbid, one of those mortar shells or Kassam missiles explodes on a kindergarten.

But as long as that does not happen, Israelis living in the Gaza Belt region continue to be victims of the government’s version of Russian roulette.

In between the mortar shell and Kassam rocket attacks, there is no scarcity of attempts to kill soldiers. The IDF last week prevented a possible mass casualty attack when soldiers discovered a large roadside bomb that was intended to be detonated as a vehicle drove by. Army sappers neutralized the explosives, and no one was hurt.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu does not want to rock the boat right now and punish Hamas, face an escalation in terrorist attacks and then risk a suspension of the talks, which are being conducted under the misguided hand of President Barack Obama’s personal Middle East envoy Martin Indyk.

The Prime Minister is dead-set to go through with the second round of freeing terrorists even though it has all of the right reasons not do so. The Cabinet agreed in July to spread out the release of terrorists to test the Palestinian Authority’s ability and intentions to preserve the peace, at least until all of the terrorists are safely home where they can return to terror.

Since the start of the talks, terrorists have murdered four Israelis and tried to murder several others, including a nine-year-old girl.

 Prime Minister Netanyahu told the Cabinet Sunday morning, “We have to honor government decisions even if it is difficult and unpleasant; we can’t constantly change our stance.”

But which promise? No, not the promise that Abbas keep up his end of the agreement.

The only promise that Israel has to keep is the one that Netanyahu made to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to resume the so-called negotiations.

There is one other promise that Netanyahu may keep, although almost a year late. He said earlier this year than 3,000 more homes would be built for Jews in Judea and Samaria and in parts of Jerusalem that Abbas wants to turn into the capital of a Palestinian Authority state without any Jewish residents.

To this date, zero new homes have been built in PA-claimed Jerusalem, Efrat, Maaleh Adumim, Kiryat Arba, Beitar Illit and other cities. There have been announcements of new homes, which is good material to keep the nationalists in line, but facts on the ground equal zilch.

In the horse trading that reduces the human factor to a piece of paper on which Abbas can sign another agreement to be tossed in the waste can , Netanyahu is prepared to start building homes in return for freeing terrorists.

Once upon a time, Israel negotiated with terrorists by killing them.

Then, Israel started trading them for a handful of Israelis who had been kidnapped.

And the Olmert government under the leaderless Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni, agreed to release heavy-duty terrorists for corpses of IDF soldiers.

Two years ago, the Netanyahu government freed 1,000 terrorists for the release of a single soldier, Gilad Shalit.

Last July, he led the move to release terrorists in order to resume talks with the Palestinian Authority.

Now he freeing terrorists in return for building new homes, which Kerry presumes will be occupied by Arabs in the future.

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« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2013, 03:14:38 PM »
Great article which shows what a loon this Livni is.
Tzipi Livni Using Three Hats to Block Bill Against Terrorist Release
Tzipi Livni needs a law that says she can't release killer prisoners like she needs a hole in the head, but you can't say "hole in the head" in Israel – the term may be Rabinized.
Yori Yanover
October 27th, 2013

Tzipi Livni is Justice Minister, Chief Negotiator with the Palestinians, and Chair of the Ministerial Legislative Committee. So she holds many of the cards needed to uproot Jewish life from Judea and Samaria.

Tzipi Livni is Justice Minister, Chief Negotiator with the Palestinians, and Chair of the Ministerial Legislative Committee. So she holds many of the cards needed to uproot Jewish life from Judea and Samaria.

Justice Minister Tzipi Livni wears two additional hats which, in the context of this story give her the ability to kill a Jewish Home initiative that on its face appears rather reasonable. MK Orit Struk has offered the bill for deliberation at the ministerial committee on legislation. The gist of it is:

No prisoner with blood on his hands may be released as part of the political process.

On its face, the new law would free future prime ministers from the insanity of the Gilad Shalit campaign, when the government capitulated to the mob and let go of prisoners who were responsible, altogether, for the murder of some 600 Jewish victims, men, women and children – in return for an Israeli hostage.

As has become evident, the Israeli capitulation, spearheaded by Netanyahu, has encouraged the other side to invest millions in new attempts to kidnap Israelis – including, most notably, digging up “terror tunnels” equipped with tracks for the quick removal of abducted Israelis back into Gaza.

Having a law on the books that prohibits this shameful negotiations with terrorists, and nipping in the bud any future attempt to release deadly prisoners back into the wild, makes perfect sense to anyone who gives half a hoot about the victims of Arab murderers. But the new bill will not even be discussed in today’s meeting of the ministerial legislation committee, much less be offered to the Knesset at large.

Remember the two additional hats worn by Justice Minister Tzipi Livni? well, one of them is of chief Israeli negotiator to the peace talks with the Palestinian Authority. As part of these talks, Israel has already let go of several hundred Palestinian prisoners, some of whom were nearing their release date anyway, others who have been diagnosed with a variety of illnesses.

Now, as part of the Tzipi Livni-Saeb Erakat negotiations, Israel is expected to release 32 veteran prisoners this coming Tuesday. The names of the 32 long-term prisoners will be announced today, Sunday, so that anyone opposing their release will have about 24 hours to research how much Jewish blood is dripping from their hands, demonstrate late Monday night in front of this or that official government building and the killers go free. Nice, clean, efficient.

So Tzipi Livni needs a law that says she can’t do that like she needs a hole in the head. But you can’t say “hole in the head” in Israel, because it sounds like a call to murder – Tzipi’s number 2 in the Movement (HaTnuah in Hebrew), Minister Amir (looking through the capped binoculars) Peretz, has been suggesting that there’s a quick and slippery slope between some 17-year-old in some moshav up north spitting on MK Elazar Stern and the wholesale assassinations of Tzipi Livni, Stern, and, possibly, himself, Peretz.

Some images you just don't live down. This is HaTnua no. 2 man Amir Peretz in his capacity as defense minister, looking at things through a capped binoculars.

If you don’t know it already, what Peretz is doing is milking the Yitzhak Rabin hysteria cow for all the sour milk it would give. And around this time of the year, when Israel’s left commemorates the Rabin assassination on the Hebrew date, then on the general calendar date, and then on all the dates in between, the art of Rabinizing absolutely every expression that challenges the left is blossoming. The logic goes: you object to the peace process – Yigal Amir objected to the peace process – Yigal Amir assassinated Yitzhak Rabin – you are an assassin.

Of course, Amir Peretz is more likely to be the victim of mischief, because of the capped binoculars…

On with our Israeli Political Science 101 lecture this morning: so you’ve seen already how Tzipi Livni has a clear conflict of interest when it comes to the new legislation regarding the release of killer Arabs. What you didn’t know, possibly, was that her third hat is that of Chair of the Ministerial Committee on Legislation. Meaning that she decides which legislation should be entertained by the committee and hence by the Knesset, and which legislation should never see the light of day.

Now, you would think that in such a situation, when the chair of the legislative committee is so close to the events in discussion, she would recuse herself and ask another committee member to chair the discussion. The law could still be killed, but at least it would be given the fair-minded treatment it deserve.

I’m kidding, of course. What tzipi Livni did was declare that she will never let that law through, and that it is a blatant attempt on the part of Jewish Home to subvert the peace process – her other hat.

Incidentally, as Justice Minister, Tzipi also decides which prisoners get released. So, the process of checks and balances in this case goes: Tzipi the peace negotiator tells Tzipi the legislative committee chair that she hates the new bill, and so Tzipi kills the bill and tells Tzipi the justice minister to start lining up the next batch of killers to be loosed.

But wait, there’s more. The Israeli government, based on its understanding of how the peace process was happening, was led to understand that the good will gestures along the negotiations path would be mutual. For instance, Israel understood that while it was letting go of some of the most despicable terrorists on the planet, in return the PA would remove its objection to a few hundred housing units in the disputed territories.

Turns out Israel was wrong. In return for the releases we get nothing. Or, as PA Minister Hanan Ashrawi (the Palestinian Golda) put it, the most we’re getting from this is that the PA will not apply for now to be accepted as a member state in various international organizations. They’ll do it eventually, but as long as Israel keeps setting free the killers of its citizens, they PA will show restraint.

Yasser Abed Rabbo, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), denied any understandings regarding a quid pro quo on killer-go-home and Jew-build-home.

“Establishing a link between settlements and the freeing of prisoners goes against all the undertakings made,” Abed Rabbo told AFP. It would “create a very dangerous situation that we would not accept at any cost.”

So, as things stand today, Tzipi Livni is acting more as an agent of the PA than as a defender of the right of Israeli citizens—who didn’t vote for her, but are entitled to be protected by her. She squashes legislation that would empower our government to stand up to hostage-taking terrorists, she misrepresents the concrete understandings regarding continued Jewish life east of the 1949 armistice line, aka the green line, and she accuses the folks who object to all this of plotting to assassinate her.

Under these circumstances, I see only one way out of this mess. Someone should start a rumor going that Tzipi Livni is saying that Sara Netanyahu is fat. Once those rumors reach their natural target – that’ll be the end of Tzipi Livin’s career.

Otherwise, folks, we’re up against the most ambitious, self-righteous, venomous, spiteful operation against Jewish life in Judea and Samaria, and she’s wearing three hats.

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« Reply #9 on: October 27, 2013, 03:17:33 PM »
What stood out in one of the articles above.

Netanyahu said earlier this year than 3,000 more homes would be built for Jews in Judea and Samaria and in parts of Jerusalem that Abbas wants to turn into the capital of a Palestinian Authority state without any Jewish residents.

To this date, zero new homes have been built in PA-claimed Jerusalem, Efrat, Maaleh Adumim, Kiryat Arba, Beitar Illit and other cities. There have been announcements of new homes, which is good material to keep the nationalists in line, but facts on the ground equal zilch.

Chaim Ben Pesach has told people over and over what a fraud this Netanyahu is.
Pipi always caves to the Europeans and State Department.

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« Reply #10 on: October 27, 2013, 03:52:28 PM »
Livni genuinely hates Torah and Torah observant Jews. This has long been a well know issue.
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"