Comments (29)
1. Livni is just a tool for Netanyahu as she was for Sharon and
many, many others. That item will do any trick she is told to do on call.Netanyahu is the one that is doing it.
SHmuel, Eretz Israel (25/10/13)
2. Of course she tries to stop such a vote!
She shall also try and stop any national referendum which Bibi promised to hold, after she successfully ends the "peace talks" giving half of Israel and half of Jerusalem to the palestinian arabs for nothing in return but some empty promises on a worthless piece of paper to be revoked or broken as soon as Abbas and herself have cashed in their Nobel peace prize.
mindRider, The Free World (25/10/13)
Not "nothing in return": blood and death, like Oslo.
It's territories for blood.
Sergio HaDaR Tezza, Not "nothing in return": blood and death, lik (25/10/13)
3. Did Livny ever ask for the shortening of the sentences
to Jews? No, only Palestinian Arabs. So on whose side does she stand?
ralphtheogre, Sweden (25/10/13)
Reply to ralphtheogre
You make a very good point...this and similar points should be directed to livni in an open letter carried by the major newspapers across Israel.
Shmuel, NJ (27/10/13)
Make Aliyah in 2013 Nefesh B'Nefesh
4. Livni is a traiter to the Jewish people
Livni has become a danger to Israel the land that she lives in and says is hers and the Jews. I would like to see Livni out of the Government and tried for treason
Sydney, Johannesburg (25/10/13)
5. There can only be reason for this
PaulD, Jerusalem (25/10/13)
Whatever was written was not enough to describe her (n.c)
Sergio HaDaR Tezza, Q4"H (25/10/13)
6. I hope Likud throws Bibi out if he goes along with this evil
weiss, syracuse ny (25/10/13)
7. Are you all mad?
John, London (25/10/13)
8. Livni is a tool for Kerry, not Netanyahu
Zionist, (25/10/13)
What are you trying to say, that the PM is blameless?
Mark, (25/10/13)
9. Livni Trying to Avoid Vote on Terrorist Release
Livni is a traitor.
Simon, Madurai (25/10/13)
10. Tell the murderers they will have to wait! (n.c)
David S. Levin, Bet Shemesh (25/10/13)
11. Prisoner Release: Possible, but NOT Logical
It Should be Possible to release "every single prisoner",in exchange for resolving every single issue of the Palestine-Israel Dispute, but "every single prisoner" should Not be released:- before every single issue of the Dispute is resolved, and- every single one of the 104 prisoners of the last agreement shouldNot be released without Israel also getting something in return again !!
Tobias, New York (25/10/13)
12. As with every other third world country, when the corrupt
dictator murders the country's own citizens, the only redress is an armed revolution to overthrow the corrupt despot & his cronies, and hang their putrid corpses from the lamp posts. They are worse than traitors.
Jose Rizal, Napoli (25/10/13)
13. Scapegoats
Unfortunately, Netanyahu uses all these politicians as his pawns , or scapegoats. How could ANYONE support thos PM knowing what he HAS done and PLANS to do?!?!?!?! NOW, everyone has the chance to see who Moshe Feiglin REALLY is-NOT a monster! Next time, we need to ship this PM OUT!!
David, Alom Shvut (25/10/13)
14. " Peace" Talks
Unfortunately no good can come of these meetings which are probably to appease US.
Yaakov, England (25/10/13)
15. The Justice Minister is determined to release murderers
This can happen only in Israel
Yisrael, Jerusalem (25/10/13)
16. for Livini
OK, all the released terrorists need to live at your house, and you take care of them!
dennis, lindale, tx. (25/10/13)
17. Here we go again with the same old problem of terrorists
We will continue having this problem with convicted terrorists being released as long as there is no death penalty for those convicted of murdering innocent people. This is especially true with some guilty ofmultiple murders. ISRAEL - WAKEUP!!!
Eliyahu, Skokie (25/10/13)
18. DEMAND Livni be immediately dismissed.
Bibi is to blame for allowing one of the worst politicians Israel has ever known to represent Israel in talks with the genocidal terrorist P.A. Talks which never should have occurred in the first place. We should all DEMAND Livni be immediately dismissed and the talks ended forever.
Chaim &nbs, Israel (25/10/13)
19. how about Israel demanding the pa stop terrorism and
incitement? Or the pa honor its oslo obligations?? Enough stupid good faith gestures by Israel How about some honesty from the pa. They are getting a STATE isn't that more than enough!! NO MORE GESTURES OR CONCESSIONS. You know the pa will scuttle the talks and demand more concessions and more US pressure. What will you give hamas??
What happens when the pa nullifies any agreement because abbas is an ILLEGAL HOLDOVER with no legal authority
ART, JC (25/10/13)
20. ... working to bury a bill...
democracy a la Livni...
dana rothschild, jerusalem (25/10/13)
21. Releasing murderers means it is OKAY to Kill Jews`
releasing murderers rewards the murder of Jews. These killers then return to the pa as heroes with a salary and new homes. Meanwhile the families of Jews murdered get nothing. Would anyother country release convicted murderers?? NO.
art, jc (25/10/13)
22. Mrs Livni
My pity and shame for her knows no bounds. That she has the power to do this evil thing is beyond me. The political picture emerging is terribly depressing - when will Israel have a Govt that will govern like men and not like monkeys?

Miriam, Johannesburg (25/10/13)
23. Bibi
Abbas runs around Europe begging that settlement products be boycotted , yet Israel is supposed to release terrorists.
Enemy combatants out of uniform are shot as spies , murderers who walk
onto buses or into pizza parlors are subject to the death penalty .
Livni was appointed by Netanyahu , and is working for the PM.
Tom, New York (25/10/13)
24. Jews have FAILED
The Jews have FAILED. While we criticize the Muslims, we had better learn from them. JEWS REVOLT! NOW! Forget your 'Nobel Prizes' for medicine and science that divert your minds from self preservation!. While your nation and people are burned to the ground! Jews have NO legitimate self respect!
Abe, Buffalo (26/10/13)
25. What did the prophet say?
This woman's efforts are some of the most disgusting ever to come out of anyone's mouth. And as the prophet said, "as for my people, children are their oppressors and [silly]women rule over them.." Who were the JINO's who were instrumental in elevating her to such a place? Advocating the release of murderers and terrorist thugs back into the population is NOT the true JUSTICE as given to us by the Almighty! Livni is a fraud! And those who support her--Shame on YOU! You are Jews In Name Only!