LOL! Now I read it and I thought it was literally going to be about pro-homosexual agenda which I guess they also have.
I know what about mean about upgrades. Yahoo Mail also has gay "upgrades". They list the whole inbox on one page which means scrolling through tens of thousands of E-mail since 1999. It used to say how many unread E-mail. Then it just said 999+. Then they made it with the scrolling down. There is no way to get it back to 25 E-mails per page. Now they converted 2 of my accounts to the even stupider upgrade which only lists 99+. Thank G-d my main account was left without the newer upgrade. Sometimes when your computer is acting gay, when you delete something it then shows up again after refreshing. It's because it makes it look instant rather than looking like a normal web E-mail page. No more back and forward, etc.... They want to make all computer things like iPhones and whatever other new garbage they have no.
Even on Facebook everything pops up live like in a chat room rather than like on a forum. As a result, it's very hard to see your private messages if the person you are messaging has been you friend for a long time. Rather than each message archived as a single message. It shows the whole thing as "one conversation" that is really years and years of writing. You can't delete all of it without deleting the whole history of writing to that person.
Also it's hard to read things when things just pop up and then it's hard to get back. The same thing for the gay "timeline". Rather than just scrolling down through someone's wall, it moves some to the right and some to the left and sometimes it switches sides while scrolling down. With all the advancements of computer speeds, if they left things simpler our computers would work very fast. Instead they make the programs use too much memory and hard to use. Maybe that's why ZooTube freezes sometimes while watching a video and then it takes a long time to get back to the same point only to freeze again. ZooTube would probably work great on new computers if ZooTube went back to how it was 5 years ago. But back then I had a 2002 computer so it wasn't fast for me then. New computers with simple programs would be great.
There's no excuse for websites to run at dial up speed with a FIOS Verizon modem or a cable modem with the latest Intel chip and the latest Windows. Speaking of that, it seems the new Windows is gay. Luckily I got my computer 2 years ago when they had regular Windows. Everything has to be dumbed down for the generation that wants instant gratification with fast moving images, constant text messages, and garbage TV programs rather than the quality that we grew up with. When I say we, I mean people old enough to remember life before the Internet. New technology is good but it also messes up the new generation which no longer knows how to write complete sentences, as well as destroying communication where everything is in text rather than talking to real people.