He just sent me a section of a Chapter from his book, I think we should read it after all. Here is part of the Chapter and this is also for the Islamic threat interlinked with the open borders.
This is his quote.
put it in..the book has 5 star reviews. I think if you read chapter 1 you'll get a "sense".
One of the characters is Hector Lopez..a poor day worker who swims across the Rio Grande at El Paso one day with a rope in his mouth. Once he reaches the Texas side, he pulls a barrel across, opens it, dumps an item out, buries it, swims-back across the 60 feet, throws the empty barrel in a junk yard, and using his matricula consular card drives across to El Paso. He picked up the item, a 2 kt Russian warhead. His name isn't Hector, it's Muhammed Saad, a Fedayeen killer with a degree from Purdue.
As he sticks the 3'/88 lb nuke device on the front seat of his truck, one of his pals plants 7 pitre dishes of smallpox at sky harbor airport men's room which kills 71,000 people in 22 days.