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The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #1 on: December 10, 2013, 04:13:53 PM »
What an insult... My response to this map is ..... "What the hell was Kerry and Abbas smoking?"...

This leaves Israeli's constantly under the threat of annihilation from the terrorist state set up in the center of the country.

You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

Offline Dan193

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #2 on: December 10, 2013, 06:29:46 PM »
This is why we need Chaim urgently in Israel because cowardly Israeli leaders don't want to defeat Arab terrorists.
They accept Arab terrorism.  Kahane constantly talked about this.
'This is Attempted Murder'
Rabbi recalls moment his bus came under attack in latest violent incident near Jerusalem; says attacks common, calls for police presence.
Tova Dvorin and Ari Soffer

Rock attack in Ma'aleh Adumim
A rabbi has spoken to Arutz Sheva of his experience after the bus he was traveling on was attacked by Arab extremists Saturday night. His is the latest in a series of testimonies over the plague of potentially-lethal rock-attacks targeting Jews in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.

A huge stone was hurled at the 174 bus between Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim Saturday night, shattering a door and causing no injuries but rattling passengers and the bus driver.

The incident occurred at about 7:00 pm, on the Egged Ta'avurah line. Rabbi Zev Shandalov, a Chicago native and Torah teacher, witnessed the attack.

"We were on the tunnel between Jerusalem and Ma'aleh Adumim, when all of a sudden I heard a huge crash," he recounted. "A very large rock smashed through the exit door, right behind my head, just missing us."

Rabbi Shandalov emphasized that these were new buses; the line just switched from Egged, the mainstream branch of one of Israel's biggest public transportation providers, to the Egged Ta'avurah line for "peripheral" commutes. The glass shattered after being hit by an immense stone, weighing some 2-3 kilos, according to his estimation.

"One young girl on the bus was crying, because every time the driver went over a bump the glass would shatter a bit more and it sounded like we were being hit again," he continued. "I looked into the driver's rear-view mirror and he looked terrified, so I went up to him."

"The driver was obviously very shaken up and he told me that he didn't know what to do." The Rabbi, however, had been through this before; last year, another stone had hurled through the same bus line, injuring a man sitting directly in front of him. "I told him to stop at the next checkpoint and to pull over and report to the authorities or the guard, and call the police."

“He was definitely shaken up - as we all were - but he handled it very professionally,” he continued.

Rabbi Shandalov pointed out that the area - and the phenomenon - "is very well known" and that a system should be in place to check the perpetrators. 

“The border patrol or police should be posted there and should be there to catch those people [. . .] it’s attempted murder. If that stone - 2-3 kilo - had hit someone in the head, it could have done extreme damage."

"It was 100% yad hashem (the hand of G-d) that no one was injured in this. Normally, the bus would have been fuller. It didn’t hit anyone directly - thank God the result was just a damaged bus. But the intention was to murder."

Ma'aleh Adumim has been the focal point of several attacks - not just the rock attacks, which have seen a violent upswing over the past year. Earlier this month, a rogue vehicle smashed through the Maaleh Adumim checkpoint, injuring several guards. In May, a pipe bomb was also thrown near the town's limits.

Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat acknowledged the alarming increase in violence earlier this month, in light of a rock-throwing attack on a Talpiot family, and emphasized then that a rock attack is a terror attack.

"The problem isn't a lack of police forces," Barkat stated then, "but rather how to create a punishment that will provide a threat, that will show them [terrorists] that crime does not pay."

Rabbi Shandalov echoed the feelings of many, however, that the situation is really a matter of apathy on a global scale.

“If a Jew would take a rock of that size and throw it through the window of an Arab bus, they would be condemned overnight by the UN and the whole world," he lamented. "Jewish blood is cheap.”

Less than two weeks ago the parents of a two year-old girl who suffered serious head injuries after an Arab mob attacked the car they were travelling in in Jerusalem spoke out, condemning the attackers who "consciously chose to harm children".

Some "road terror" attacks, as they are often called, also involve the use of firebombs - adding an extra lethal element to an already violent campaign.

Last month, an Israeli man recounted to IDF radio the harrowing moments he saw his wife catch fire, after their car was struck by a molotov cocktail.

“I saw her going up in flames, I saw the whole seat, the whole area where she was sitting start to burn,” Zachy Choory recalled.

“The firebomb left trails of fire behind it and as I tried to pull her toward me, I, too, was burned by the firebomb, which had fallen between our seats.

“When I got Na’ama out of the car she and I started to put her out… Na’ama was screaming, ‘My stomach is burning,’ she could feel herself burning even after we put out the fire,” he recounted.

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2013, 06:41:06 PM »
Defense minister: There’s ‘no partner’ for peace
Ya’alon says Palestinian incitement, unwillingness to recognize Israel as a Jewish state are proof PA isn’t ready to make a deal
December 8, 2013

Amid American talk of a possible breakthrough in peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon on Saturday expressed profound pessimism regarding the prospects of an agreement. Ya’alon also warned radical elements in Syria not to try Israel’s patience in what was the first response by an Israel minister to an apparent attempt Friday to attack IDF soldiers along the border with Syria.

“As someone who supported the Oslo Accords, I’m learning that we have no partner on the other side” for a two-state solution, said Ya’alon, echoing comments made by Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman over the weekend. “On the other side, there isn’t, and hasn’t been since the dawn of Zionism, a leadership that’s willing to recognize our right to exist as the nation state of the Jewish people, and to see in an agreement an end to the conflict and an end to all demands. We won’t talk about an inch, a millimeter of land so long as we don’t see that we have a partner that’s talking about recognition, about the end of the conflict and the end of the right of return.”

Ya’alon, who spoke at a conference in Tel Aviv, pointed at anti-Israel incitement in the Palestinian territories as evidence that Israel didn’t have a true partner in President Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority. Israel will only have a peace partner “when they stop teaching their children to put on explosive belts and blow us up; and when the State of Israel will appear in their textbooks; and when Tel Aviv, which they consider a settlement, will appear on the map.”

US officials, including President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, have reiterated in recent days that any peace agreement must include Palestinian recognition of Israel as the Jewish state. The condition would effectively do away with the longstanding Palestinian demand for a “right of return” for refugees of the 1948 war and their descendants.

In his remarks, Ya’alon also reacted to an apparent failed bomb attack against IDF soldiers on Friday, warning radicalized elements to Israel’s north not to test the army’s resolve to defend the border.

“The current situation in Syria produces threats against us that we haven’t had to deal with, and our policy is crystal-clear: not to get involved in the internal war, but to set down clear red lines,” he said. “We] won’t allow the delivery of game-changing weapons to hostile elements, with an emphasis on Hezbollah, the transfer of chemical weapons, and any challenge to our sovereignty on the Golan Heights.”

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2013, 06:52:42 PM »
PLO: No 'Deals' With Israel, Unless We Get Everything We Want
The PLO remains adamantly opposed to anything less than the effective destruction of Israel as its price for a “peace” agreement
Dalit Halevi

John Kerry has been proposing ideas and programs aimed at encouraging Israel and the Palestinian Authority to enter into a final-status agreements, and Israeli politicians on the left and right debate whether Israel can trust PA chief Mahmoud Abbas – not to mention Hamas – in a “land for peace deal.”

But the PLO, the political body led by Abbas, remains adamantly opposed to anything less than the effective destruction of the State of Israel as its price for a “peace” agreement. At recent celebrations commemorating the 26th anniversary of the start of the second Intidfada, the PLO issued a statement in which it said that it would not compromise on any of its basic requirements to make a deal with Israel: A full Israeli withdrawal from all lands liberated in 1967, establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state, and a full return to their original homes the families that fled Israel when it was established in 1948.

Such a “refugee return” would inundate what is left of Israel with millions of Arabs who would essentially destroy the Jewish character of the state, turning it into a “secular, democratic” state that, like other such states in the Middle East (like Lebanon) would likely be eventually wracked by civil war and strife.

The PLO added that it would also object to any temporary deal, which would “legitimize the occupation,” and allow continued Jewish residence in Judea and Samaria.

In the statement, the PLO also praised the intifada, saying that it had unified Hamas and PLO terrorists in a common cause.

Hamas, too, said that it was against any temporary deals with Israel. On his Facebook page, Hamas top terrorist Musa Abu-Marzouk wrote that Hamas would never do anything that even implied that there was such a thing as a “State of Israel,” including making any agreement, permanent or temporary, with it.

“Hamas will never accept the results of the negotiations now going on and it will struggle against any security agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority,” he added.

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #5 on: December 10, 2013, 08:34:08 PM »
Does that map mean Israel liberates Southern Gaza?

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Re: Evil Kerrys fakestinian & Gaza map
« Reply #6 on: December 10, 2013, 10:24:14 PM »
Mr. Kerry and Abbas need to discuss the real solution.....TRANSFER of Arabs back to their homeland AKA Jordan!!!!
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