You kind sir HEEYEE 1 are a complete and utter brain-dead SCHMUCK!
Oh so you think it's just dandy to disarm all your fellow Jewish Americans while you want to disarm all of America as a whole, why don't you go live in Mexico, China or North Korea for awhile and then come back and see if you still feel that same way about the Second Amendment.
I would very much like for you to go to look up and watch JPFO "Innocents Betrayed" and "NO Guns For Jews" on Youtube and then come back and try that same anti gun argument.
Mexico is disarmed and you blindly think that all the murders, rapes and home invasions of the Mexican people under Gun Control has made them safer? WAKE UP!
This here be hard to look at but is what happens in China when the people who have been disarmed, yes in full color and in modern times, very reminiscent of The Soviet Union and NAZI Germany don't you think HEEYEE 1?

You can also listen to this radio broadcast of Why Jews Hate Guns: Interview of "Gun Rabbi" (Dovid Bendory) of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO)