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Sharon's idiot son writes opinion piece what a jerk
« on: July 30, 2007, 02:30:30 PM »,7340,L-3431100,00.html   

Our yearning for Gaza

Gaza exit minimized Israeli casualties, but latest trend is to lament withdrawal

Gilad Sharon Published:  07.30.07, 07:59 / Israel Opinion 

The leadership vacuum in Israel and the failure to deal with the incessant rocket fire have created the right atmosphere for attacks on the disengagement from Gaza.

This is understandable and perhaps even expected where people who are ideologically opposed to leaving Gaza are concerned, but lacks rationale  Advertisement   
where people opposed to the idea of remaining there are concerned. We may have expected these people to see and understand the developments to some degree, but they too have been caught up in the charm of the latest trend – a yearning for Gaza.

What these people are saying is that it would have been better had we remained in Netzarim, Kfar Darom, Morag and the other settlements.

Sometimes I wonder at the shortness of their memory. Is this really what they would like to see at this point in time? Beyond all that is landing on Sderot and the communities of the western Negev, the Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip would have continued to endure heavy bombardment, roadside bombs and attacks on busloads of children on their way to school, the soldiers and the reserves serving there, the explosive tunnels under the military posts, the convoys and the all rest…

Is this what you want? Have you forgotten?

The flaccidity of the Israeli leadership is what enables the terrorists in Gaza to continue operating against us, and not the fact that we are no longer there. Hamas is holding on to power in the Strip. For some reason we are taking the role of caring for their needs – we, rather than Egypt, not the Arab League nor the Europeans. We of all people, and without conditioning this on a simple and obvious demand: The cessation of rocket fire on Israeli communities.

Naive people, who do not understand where they are living, thought that perhaps after we withdraw from Gaza the rocket fire would cease and quiet would prevail - this would be our compensation. Yet anyone with eyes in his head knew even then that compensation from the other side would not be forthcoming. Compensation would be the saving of human life - the lives of our civilians and soldiers.

The withdrawal from Gaza saved the lives of many Israelis. Isn't this important enough for those who are now rolling their eyes and clinging to the strange yearning for Gaza?

Trendy declarations 

The withdrawal from Gaza gave us the legal and moral legitimacy to rid ourselves of the responsibility for the fate of Gazans. This is a tool we must employ – particularly now when the regime in Gaza is regarded as illegitimate in the eyes of the world. Namely, we received an extraordinary tool that gives us the freedom to fight terror – and we are wasting it. We are not using it.

The public did not want to remain in Gaza. It didn't want to pay the price this involved. The truth of the matter is that even opponents to the disengagement from Gaza do not really want us to be there now. However, as this is not an option anyway, there's no harm in saying so. They have to say something that's trendy.

Small people, politicians from the entire political spectrum, columnists and intellectuals could only dream, and indeed they dreamed, that someone would do the work for them. That someone with the understanding and capability, a real leader, would take Israel out of Gaza - because that's what's good for Israel.

After the difficult, painful and necessary step was taken and everyone was relieved that they no longer had to live in this dunghill, now they can sanctimoniously attack it.

The facts are that the number of Israeli casualties has dramatically dropped since we left Gaza. Even those who are hurt - the unnecessary attacks against them can and must be prevented if only the government's apathy ends.

There is a prevailing mood among the public that if what is happening in Sderot would happen in Tel Aviv a way would be found to resolve the issue. Ladies and gentlemen, the decision-makers please do this mental exercise: If in the endless sessions and relentless situation assessments (how much can the situation be assessed?), instead of saying "so and so rockets landed on Sderot and Nir-Am today," you would be told that "rockets landed on Tel Aviv and Ra'anana" – what would you do then?

Do the same thing for Sderot. One cannot avoid the sense that the lives of the residents of the peripheries are valued less by every one of the cabinet ministers and its head.
   Hit the link to this article and read all the replys mocking this jerk
« Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 02:32:23 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03


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Re: Sharon's idiot son writes opinion piece what a jerk
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2007, 02:47:15 PM »
"jerk" is putting it mildly.  >:(