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Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« on: December 29, 2013, 03:10:42 AM »
Apparently the NYT is altering facts in order to make the Benghazi disaster seem like it was caused by that video after all...

Of course this is necessary if Hitlery wants any chance at winning in 2016... So now the NYT is already kicking into propaganda mode...

The evidence on Benghazi stands. It was not the result of a video no matter how much the NYT wants to pretend it does. The witnesses have already entered evidence which proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no protest before the attack. Already several witnesses have had to go into hiding in order to abide by the cover up which is coming...

A leading U.S. newspaper says American intelligence efforts in Libya that fixated on al-Qaida likely contributed to the killing of the American ambassador to Libya in 2012.

The New York Times reported Saturday it could not find any evidence, after months of investigation, that al-Qaida or any other international terrorist groups had any role in the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

The newspaper said the "fixation" on al-Qaida possibly distracted intelligence experts from "more imminent threats," including local anti-Western militia leaders such as Ahmed Abu Khattala, and the angry reaction to an American-made video denigrating Islam.

The New York Times said the leaders of the attack were fighters who had benefited directly from NATO's extensive air power and logistics support during the uprising against Colonel Moammar Gadhafi.
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2013, 03:14:14 AM »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2013, 03:17:41 AM »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2013, 03:58:04 PM »
There will need to be a lot more explanation as to why it has been over a year before anyone, media or FBI, has actually spoken to the witnesses and done a thorough investigation. This Benghazi episode has smelled of 'cover-up' from shortly after the news was broadcast. I vividly remember hearing it was a terrorist attack and a day later it was called a 'spontaneous demonstration against a video'. Then the 'talking points memo' came out which showed a chain of changes to the official story.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 04:11:37 PM by muman613 »
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2013, 04:39:49 PM »
It is completely chilling that the NYT expects to be able to change the narrative with an obviously untrue report...

When I read 1984 back in 1982 I had no idea I would eventually witness the wanton bending of truth for political expediency.

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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2013, 07:38:02 PM »
Republicans have reacted by labeling the NYT report as 'misleading'... It is obvious that the statement 'not involving Al-Queda' is misleading because it clearly is tied to 'Asar al islam' which is a branch of al-quesadia.

Mike Rogers, King Blast NYT Benghazi Report: 'Misleading'

Two of the House’s top experts on terrorism blasted a New York Times report that says al-Qaida did not carry out the 2012 attack on the U.S diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.

The Times report, published Saturday and based on numerous interviews with Islamists in Benghazi, concludes that there was no evidence that al-Qaida or any other international terrorist groups had any role in the assault that killed four Americans on September 11, 2012.

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Instead, the Times reports that the attack was fueled in large part by anger at an American-made anti-Islamic video, as the Obama administration first claimed. The attackers were entirely locally based Islamist malcontents with few if any contacts outside of Libya.

But New York Rep. Peter King, member and former chairman of the House’s Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, told Fox News that the story’s premise that other anti-American militias led the attack is at best academic.

“It’s misleading,” King said. “It’s a distinction without a difference.” King specifically challenged the notion in the Times piece that the Libya-based terror group Ansar al-Shariah somehow was not part of the al-Qaida Islamist network.

“They are saying that ­al-Shariah is involved, but al-Shariah is a part of the al-Qaida umbrella, the al-Qaida network,” King said, challenging the Times’ conclusion that al-Shariah “had no known ­affiliations with terrorist groups.”

“Al-Shariah is a pro- al-Qaida terrorist organization,” King said, adding that the video had little to do with the attack, which he said was highly organized.

“This was a well-coordinated attack,” he said. “This was not a ragtag group.”

Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Michigan, told "Fox News Sunday" that the attack was clearly an “al-Qaida-led event.”

Rogers, chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said his panel has gone through 4,000 classified cables, talked to people on the ground and done a postmortem on the event. He doubts, he said, whether the newspaper conducted such an exhaustive investigation.

"So what did they get wrong?" host Chris Wallace asked.

"That al-Qaida was not involved in this," Rogers said. "There was some level of pre-planning. We know that. There was aspiration to conduct an attack by al-Qaida and their affiliates in Libya. We know that. The individuals on the ground talked about a planned tactical movement on the compound even. ... That tells me they didn't talk to people on the ground who where doing the fighting, shooting and the intelligence-gathering."

Fellow committee member Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., agreed with Rogers that intelligence shows that al-Qaida was involved in the attack. But other groups were involved, too, Schiff said.

Schiff called it a "complex picture." There was some pre-planning, he said, but it was not extensive, and people joined in the attack for multiple reasons, including because of an anti-Muslim video produced by a man in the United States.

Rogers also disputed the contention that al-Shariah was key to the attack. The intelligence shows otherwise, he told Wallace.

"Now, do they have differences of opinion with al-Qaida core? Yes. Do they have affiliations with al-Qaida core? Definitely," he said.

Rogers said he doesn’t know whether the story was politically motivated to clear former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before an expected presidential run in 2016. But he is suspicious of the timing, especially with former U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice talking about the subject on "60 Minutes" last week.

"I don't want to speculate on why they might do it," Rogers said, adding that what is being presented in The Times and on "60 Minutes" has been shown by committee testimony not to be accurate.

The attack killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service officer Sean Smith and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

The Times’ conclusion also conflicts with other evidence, including the testimony of Greg Hicks, Stevens' deputy, Fox reports.

Hicks described the video as "a non-event in Libya" at that time, and consequently not a significant trigger for the attack. Also, a separate report by a leading social media firm found that the first reference to the anti-Islam film that was initially blamed for sparking the attack was not detected on social media until a day later.

Rep. Darrell Issa also stood by his conclusions that a group affiliated with al-Qaida was involved.

"It was accurate," Issa said on NBC's Meet the Press. "There was a group that was involved that claims an affiliation with al-Qaida."

Issa said that Times reporter David Kirkpatrick did "very good work" but that he has seen no evidence that the video was the attack's leading cause, a claim made by then-UN ambassador Susan Rice in the immediate aftermath of the attack.

The administration should come clean about misstatements about the causes of the attack, even if those claims were made to protect the CIA outpost in Benghazi, Issa said.

"They went out on five stations and told the story that was at best a coverup for the CIA or at worst something that cast away this idea that there was a real terrorist operation in Benghazi," Issa said.

Kirkpatrick, who also appeared on the show, said that Republicans like Issa, King and Rogers conflated local Islamic militant groups with international al-Qaida.

"If you're using the term al-Qaida to describe even a local group of Islamist militants who dislike democracy or have a grudge against the United States, If you're going to call anybody like that 'al-Qaida,' then, okay," he said.

A senior Obama administration official told NBC News on Saturday that the White House does not dispute the New York Times report.
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #6 on: December 30, 2013, 03:10:24 AM »

Benghazi: The New York Times vs. the Truth
by Roger Kimball
December 29th, 2013 - 6:02 am

They never give up at the New York Times.If at first they don’t succeed in twisting the truth to fit the Newspeak fit to print, it’s try, try again.  Their latest exercise in mendacity is “A Deadly Mix in Benghazi,” an elaborate essay that substitutes a plethora of irrelevant details and animated graphics for historical truth. The long essay takes up an event which, in a rational world, would have led the to resignation of former Secretary of State Hilary Clinton and the impeachment of President Barack Obama. I mean the terrorist attack on our consular facility at Benghazi, Libya.

You remember Benghazi: a U.S. ambassador and his security detail were ambushed by Islamic radicals and, after an hours’ long firefight, Ambassador Chris Stevens, Foreign Service Officer Sean Smith, and former Navy SEALs Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were brutally murdered. By Islamic radicals.

The cataract of misinformation that gushed out of the Obama administration about that event, a mephitic current of lies and half truths streaming from the cloaca maxima in Washington, D.C., was stunning even by the low standards of “the most transparent administration in history.” I wrote about the events here several times, as did several of my PJM colleagues.

The administration’s line was that the savage ambush that left four Americans dead was part of a “spontaneous uprising” by adherents of the Religion of Peace, goaded to murderous fury because of a hitherto obscure internet video that portrays Mohammed as a corrupt sexual predator. It’s a silly film.  But, however silly, however offensive to Muslim sensibilities it may be, is it grounds for mayhem and murder? And, more to the point, did it in fact have anything at all to do with the events in Benghazi of September 11, 2012?

The short answer is:  No. The internet video had nothing to do with that terrorist attack. The date, however, — September 11 — probably had a lot to do with the timing of the attack.

According to the New York Times, the perpetrators of the attack were not elements of al-Qaeda and kindred radical groups but disaffected members of the Arab street who were distraught by Innocence of Muslims, the sophomoric internet video on which President Obama and Hilary Clinton blamed the attack.  My own view is that if a group of people is so criminally puerile that they can can be roused to murder by a video, then they deserve to be treated as mental incompetents.  But in this case, the question doesn’t really arise because the Times offers no evidence that the video had anything to do with the murderous attack.

As a House Intelligence Committee report concluded, pace the Times, the Benghazi attack was “an al Qaeda led event.” The culprit was “not a video,” Rep. Mike Rogers observed — “that whole part was debunked time and time again.”  It was not a “spontaneous uprising,” as was put about by the administration at the time and is now reprised by the New York Times, but rather a “pre-planned, organized terrorist event,” orchestrated by al-Qaeda.

How are we to understand the Times’s latest entry into the contest to rewrite history for ideological fun and profit?  My own sense is that it has less to do with salvaging President Obama’s tattered reputation — he is well on his way to winning the prize for the least competent and most destructive president in the history of the republic. No, Barack Obama is yesterday’s news, and unless and until he is impeached and removed from office he will be pretty much forgotten by purveyors of all the Newspeak fit to print. They have their eyes on another player in the Benghazi scandal, namely Hilary Clinton. If anyone emerged from that shameful episode more discredited than Barack Obama, it was Ms. Clinton. But time is passing fast, and there is a lot of remedial work to do if Hilary Clinton is to be suitably repackaged as the Democratic candidate for president. That ambition, I believe, stands behind this elaborate, breathtaking exercise in journalistic mendacity.
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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #7 on: December 30, 2013, 05:48:44 AM »
Don't worry. There are thousands of news outlets. One will cover the truth.

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Re: Beware!!! BS On Benghazi coming quickly
« Reply #8 on: December 31, 2013, 02:41:04 AM »
A big backlash against the report from the NY Slimes 'paper of record'...

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