Author Topic: Sharon dies  (Read 6258 times)

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2014, 09:35:50 AM »
Relieved from pergatory, now in hell.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2014, 10:00:35 AM »

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2014, 10:26:00 AM »
How many of you are glad that Sharon is dead?

Offline serbian army

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2014, 11:17:18 AM »
In a speech to American Jewish leaders this week, Sharon warned of the dangers that could spring from giving Kosovo Albanians an independent state: “It [the state] is liable in the future to turn into a part of Greater Albania, and to serve as a base for radical Islamic terrorism–a core of which already exists there–that may spread throughout Europe.

In a Belgrade newspaper interview, Sharon said that "we stand together with you against the Islamic terror".

May God bless his soul. He was our great friend and we will never forget him.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2014, 02:00:20 PM »
Sharon's piece-of-drek son Gilad claims that "Sharon decided when he wanted to go!"

Of course we know that it is Hashem who is the מלך ממית and we hope that when they try to inter Sharon's carcass, the Holy earth will refuse to accept it & demonstrably the "Land will vomit him forth"!

Sharon's sons Gilad & Omri solely kept their father alive for the last 8 years to glean his fat 250,000 NIS monthly pensions!

The doctors say that Sharon was constantly conscious during those 8 years! A small atonement in preparation for his bigger pending punishment for having caused a bigger Chilul Hashem than the Holocaust!

Sharon may once have had good points, but by the Gaza Deportation he undid them all "All the righteousness which he did will not be remembered" (Yechezkel 18), and  despite his previous heroism, self-sacrifice and good deeds, the Rambam states that some men can lose everything and end up getting no credit, it being the way of God that they not even be remembered in the Afterlife (Mishneh Torah, Hilchot Chovel u'Mazik 8 ).
« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 02:29:54 PM by Yerusha »

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2014, 02:53:20 PM »
 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Offline Daniel

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2014, 02:54:16 PM »
I was looking for a way of "liking" some of these posts. Then I realized, Oh yeah, this is not Facebook! We need a like feature on here :)

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #8 on: January 11, 2014, 04:51:54 PM »
I was looking for a way of "liking" some of these posts. Then I realized, Oh yeah, this is not Facebook! We need a like feature on here :)
I agree.  I don't like to use the quote feature if I agree with someone's post.

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #9 on: January 11, 2014, 05:05:43 PM »
I heard. So he was in a coma 8 years.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #10 on: January 11, 2014, 05:09:41 PM »
It's a touchy subject for a lot of people apparently. Like 6 people said they left the JDL UK facebook page because I said we wouldn't miss him. Not that I care of course, but I am amazed how people get more upset by opposing their little dreams than by what muslims do.
Even refering to the old JTF articles on sharon does not make them see the light.

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #11 on: January 11, 2014, 05:18:41 PM »
I read that sharons mother was a russian gentile who converted reform and never kept mitzvot.

Offline Spiraling Leopard

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #12 on: January 11, 2014, 05:28:30 PM »

 “Ah, Ariel, Ariel!... Let the feasts come round, and I will cause Ariel to suffer…” (Isaiah 29:1-2) by Daniel Pinner

“Ah, Ariel, Ariel!... Let the feasts come round, and I will cause Ariel to suffer…” (Isaiah 29:1-2)
January 11, 2014 at 6:28pm
[Posted shortly after Shabbat went out here in Israel. I request anyone reading this in places where it is still Shabbat (Europe, USA, etc) not to respond in any way, not to "like", until Shabbat has gone out wherever you are.]

Ah, Ariel, Ariel! If only your stroke had happened a year earlier! Your stroke smote you on 4th of Tevet 5766 (4th January 2006), scant weeks before your 78th birthday, barely a year after you first announced the “Disengagement Plan” at the Herzliya Conference. Until then you were a great man, hated by some, loved by others – but respected and admired by everyone, even your foes. Feared by all, especially your foes. You were the man before whose very name the enemies of Israel quailed, the man known as “the bulldozer,” because you would crush anyone who dared stand in your way. And for decades, you always used that awesome power for Israel – until you decreed the expulsion of 9,000 Jews from their homes.

Ah, Ariel, Ariel! You are a truly tragic figure, in the best traditions of classic Greek tragedy: a hero, larger than life, who fell from the greatest heights to utter disgrace at the end of your life. If only God would have decreed that you become immobilised just one year earlier – just think how you would have been remembered and eulogised today! Almost very Zionist would have remembered you as a war hero, a fearless warrior, a great leader – the man who fought for Israeli independence back in the 1940s, the man who won battle after battle in the War of Independence in 1948-49, the man who planned and commanded and won the Suez War (the Kadesh Campaign) of 1956, the hero who saved Israel from annihilation in the Yom Kippur War of 1973, the master strategist and tactician who defeated El Fatah terrorism in Lebanon in 1982.

Only a few extremists (like the present writer) would still have remembered that you took part in the “Season” – the hunting season, that is, of 1944, when the Haganah sent its soldiers out to hunt down members of the Etzel (the Irgun) andthe Lehi (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel or Stern Group) and hand them over to the British occupation authorities. The “hunting season”, when Jews were being exterminated in Europe, when Britain’s Royal Navy was patrolling the shores of Palestine to ensure that no Jewish refugees would reach safety here, when Arab gangs were murdering Jews throughout the Land of Israel, when the British Army was forcibly preventing Jews from defending themselves, when the Etzel and the Lehi were battling Arab murderers and desperately smuggling Jews out of Europe and into Israel – and you commanded the Haganah squads whose sole task was to hunt down not Arab terrorists, not the British occupiers, but fellow-Jews who were fighting for Jewish independence in this Land.

Ah, Ariel, Ariel! How cruel God was to allow you that extra year. How cruel He was not to immobilise you before you had the opportunity to disgrace yourself and your ideology in the eyes of the nation and the world. How callous He was to a generation which adored you and idolised you.

Yet by allowing you that extra year of life, God shattered one more false idol of the Israeli Right. How many nationalist Israelis were convinced that you, of all people, would be able to defeat Arab terrorism! You were the great hope of the Israeli right.

A time there was when Israelis sighed and said: If only Menachem Begin were Prime Minister – just see how he would sort out the terrorists! Begin will restore pride and self-confidence to Israel! But alas, when Begin won the election to become Prime Minister he didn’t dare to annexe Judea, Samaria, Gaza, or the Sinai Desert, neither did he dare combat Arab terrorists, neither did he dare to enforce Israeli and Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount.

To the contrary – it was Begin who set the precedent for destroying Jewish towns and villages when he gave the entire Sinai Desert to Egypt in exchange for a scrap of paper, and Begin who set the precedent for Israel recognizing a Palestinian Arab nation which the Arab League (primarily Egypt) had invented just a decade earlier.

And it was you, Ariel Sharon, who commanded the destruction of the Jewish communities in the Sinai Desert.

But we made your excuses for you then. After all, it wasn’t you that decided on the policy – you merely executed the decision that Menachem Begin had made, and you did your duty with a heavy heart.

Then Israelis sighed and said: If only Yitzchak Shamir were Prime Minister – just see how he would sort out the terrorists! Shamir will restore pride and self-confidence to Israel! But alas, Shamir didn’t dare to annexe Judea, Samaria, or Gaza (Begin had long since abandoned the Sinai Desert), neither did he dare combat Arab terrorists, neither did he dare to enforce Israeli and Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount. To the contrary, when Saddam Hussein launched 39 Scud missiles at Israel during the Gulf War, Shamir set the precedent for absorbing a military attack from a hostile state without defending Israel. Shamir turned out to be the stereotype Ghetto-Jew, trembling at the sound of the Cossacks’ sabres and pleading on bended knee for the Gentile (this time America) to protect the Jews.

And then Shamir initiated the Madrid Conference, which in turn led directly to the Oslo death process, the Oslo murder accords.

Then Israelis sighed and said: If only Binyamin Netanyahu were Prime Minister – just see how he would sort out the terrorists! Netanyahu will restore pride and self-confidence to Israel! But alas, Netanyahu didn’t dare to annexe Judea, Samaria, or Gaza, neither did he dare combat Arab terrorists politically as he had done militarily in his younger days, neither did he dare to enforce Israeli and Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount.

To the contrary – it was Netanyahu who gave away Hebron, our second holiest city, to Arab terrorists. Netanyahu shook Arafat’s hand (and smiled while he did it!) and hugged that disgusting mass-murderer just as enthusiastically as Yitzchak Rabin, Shimon Peres, and Ehud Olmert had ever done.

Then Israelis sighed and said: If only Ariel Sharon were Prime Minister – just see how he would sort out the terrorists! Sharon will restore pride and self-confidence to Israel! Sharon, who built the settlements! Sharon, whose very life’s work was settling the Land of Israel! Sharon, who had inspired generations of Jews to defy the world, defy their own government, and restore Jewish sovereignty throughout the Land! Sharon, who would eliminate every last terrorist from Gaza,if only given free hand!

You were, after all, the only Prime Minister since Rabin whose hand was not defiled by shaking Arafat’s bloodstained hand.

But alas, you didn’t dare to annexe Judea, Samaria,or Gaza, neither did you dare combat Arab terrorists politically as you had done militarily in your younger days, neither did you dare to enforce Israeli and Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount.

Just two days before Rosh HaShanah 5760 (28th Sept 2000), you went up to the Temple Mount. You defied world opinion and the Israeli Government, forcing the Israeli Police to send over 1,000 police officers to enter our holy site. How we Zionists cheered you on! You showed the world that you, of all people, would return Jews to their holiest area in the world!

And less than half a year later you received your prize when the government fell, Prime Minister Ehud Barak fell from office, and you – at long last! – became Prime Minister of Israel. And how we nationalist Israelis rejoiced! Now it was you, Ariel Sharon, “the bulldozer”, who would decide Israeli policy. Begin, Shamir, Netanyahu – they all buckled. But you – never! You would stand firm, you would never waver or compromise.

And then, almost 11 years ago, on the 25th of Sh’vat 5763 (28thJanuary 03), the Israeli electorate rewarded you by sweeping you into power. You led the Likud to victory with 38 seats in the Knesset – twice as many as its closest rival, Labour-Meimad.

How the Left quailed! And how all Israel’s other enemies despaired! And how the right-wing, particularly the National-Religious camp, rejoiced!

But ah, Ariel, Ariel! How are the mighty fallen! Faced with the threat of legal proceedings against you, suspected of fraud and bribery on a massive scale, you – who dared to take on armies vastly bigger than yourself – collapsed. Less than a year after that election, just two days before Hannukah 5764 (18thDecember 2003), you announced that you would give the Left what they wanted: you would throw every last Jew out of Gaza and northern Samaria.

That was your Hannukah present to Israel that year.

No one was under any delusions. We all knew that you had given the Left what they wanted – torturing thousands of those hated “settlers” and destroying theirlives – in return for not being prosecuted.

But actually you did the entire nation a giant favour. By capitulating to our Left and the Hamas, by bringing Hamas missiles within easy striking range of every Israeli city, you destroyed the last great idol of the Israeli Right. You, and only you, were capable of smashing the final delusion that a great secular nationalist would defend Israel against his own self-interest.

If only God would have smitten you with that stroke a year earlier, then today, on the day of your death, almost the entire Right in Israel would be mourning for you, and the entire Left would have remembered you as a great and heroic enemy.

Instead, you are remembered by all with a combination of pity and contempt, all your previous magnificent achievements wiped out by your last great betrayal.

Ah, Ariel, Ariel! You were once a great soldier, a great politician, and a great leader. Now that you are gone, there will never be another like you. Thank God.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #13 on: January 11, 2014, 07:06:56 PM »
I read that sharons mother was a russian gentile who converted reform and never kept mitzvot.
I think she was subbotnik if you have heard the term. They were Russian villagers who adopted rabbinic Judaism, then later when they came to Israel they became seculars just like pretty much all the other pioneers.

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #14 on: January 11, 2014, 07:25:18 PM »
Woow that last essay must of been months or years in the making.
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline Yerusha

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #15 on: January 11, 2014, 07:30:30 PM »

"When Ariel Sharon stands before the Heavenly Court and good and bad angels empty the cases on the scales of judgement, there will be great tension," wrote Ben-Ari on his official Facebook page. "The scales will waver wildly from here to there," as initially his military accomplishments in defending the country will tip the scales in his favor, opines Ben-Ari.

"But then will surely come the 26 destroyed communities in Yamit, flowering greenhouses, vibrant communities, and they will tip the scales against him," writes Ben-Ari. "Expelled residents of Yamit who grew old and wrinkled with the memory of their destroyed efforts, refugees of Gush Katif in Nitzan and Nitzana, waiting for the fulfillment of the promise of 'a solution to every resident,'" he said, alluding to the plight of the refugees of Gush Katif, many of whom remain without permanent housing or employment more than eight years on, despite government promises at the time.

"All these will come and shed their tears and affronts on the scales against him, and again the scales will waver, this time to the left," according to Ben-Ari.

In Ben-Ari's analysis, there is "Sharon the man and Sharon the phenomenon," namely a seemingly right-wing leader who doggedly defends Israel's security but in the end brings tragedy and disaster to Israel by turning left politically.

Ben-Ari continued by saying he was issuing his criticism "because I must, because the danger is crouching at our door, for there are many others in the 'right-wing' figure of Sharon. Declared right-wingers to all appearances, who suddenly flip on us."

In particular, Ben-Ari pointed the finger at Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, former Prime Ministers Ehud Olmert and Menachem Begin, Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, and Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon for following the same path of initially pushing for Israeli security only to change suddenly in making concessions.

"When the right-wing ideology is security-based, that's its end," warns Ben-Ari. "Our hold on the land of Israel isn't a matter of security, but rather faith. Rabbi Meir Kahane (Hy''d) said of this: 'I don't want to lose my land, not in war and not in peace.'"

"Sharon, who was a hero in war, brought on us destruction and dangers in the hallucination of peace," concludes Ben-Ari. "A pity over his old age that shamed his great acts."

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.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

Offline Tag-MehirTzedek

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #17 on: January 11, 2014, 07:42:48 PM »
Ariel Sharon

Posted on September 13, 2010   by rabbikahane    

When Ariel Sharon met with Arafat’s aid Abu Mazen, many were shocked and disappointed that yet another “giant” in the fight for Eretz Yisrael had bitten the dust. But on such a matter we have no complaints against Sharon, but rather on all those who criticize him. Such people never wanted to know the true philosophy of Sharon, who was never a man for Eretz Yisrael in the same sense that we are. Already for some time, Sharon has been involved in the new Israeli national sport of “sketching maps”, and everyone knows that his proposal for the final status arrangement is far from being one of “Not One Inch”!

Should this come as a surprise? The answer is no. Every time Sharon was given a prime position in the government (such as Defense Minister), he suddenly “toned himself down”, as if he wanted to combat his image as an extremist. Everyone remembers how it was Sharon, who as Defense Minister, led the dismantlement of Yamit. NOT EVERYONE REMEMBERS that it was Sharon as Defense Minister, who suddenly gave the Arabs extraordinary leniencies in the territories.

When Sharon was part of the Israeli negotiating team in the autonomy talks back in 1980, Shmuel Tamir, who was then part of the same team, said the following to one of the settlement leaders: “I know that you think I am part-traitor, but I am telling you that I am preventing catastrophe daily inregard with what Sharon wants to do with the Palestinian authorities.”

Without a doubt, Sharon is a military hero, who has brought great salvation to Israel. But like most military men, he has no obligation to any ideology whatsoever.
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #18 on: January 11, 2014, 09:50:53 PM »
 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #19 on: January 11, 2014, 10:04:32 PM »
The traitor Ariel Sharon, who gave the holy land of Yehudah to the Arabs is dead!! Good riddance!! You will not be missed you traitor!! The man once was a lion who defended the Israeli people with his heart and soul and was a great hero! Sadly, money, power, greed and corruption got the best of this man! This lion turned into a jackal and betrayed the very people he once vowed so hard to protect! The damage Sharon has inflicted on the Jewish people will take a long time to reverse and may never be remedied until the coming of Moshiach. This man is no hero and deserves the same honor as every other traitor who relinquishes Jewish land into the hands of its enemies!
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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #20 on: January 11, 2014, 11:43:57 PM »
Some forums have a "thanks" feature where invidual posts can be "thanked" by other users without replying.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2014, 12:23:05 AM »
It is interesting to note that the Lubavitcher Rebbe,ZT"L.,ZY"A told Sharon not to enter politics.

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2014, 12:43:15 AM »
It is interesting to note that the Lubavitcher Rebbe,ZT"L.,ZY"A told Sharon not to enter politics.,73680.0.html

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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2014, 03:22:01 AM »
 :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
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Re: Sharon dies
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2014, 06:49:40 AM »

This ugly dyke was telling me to go to hell for exposing sharon.