I have heard cases of Russian Jews in Israel getting poor treatment thanks to the bad reputation that Russian goyim cause in Israel sadly.
So just to clarify, we're not talking about endlessly questioning Halachically Jewish Russians right ? Just the non-Jewish Russian Goyim. I just want to make sure.
I know a case of a Halachically Jewish religious girl in Israel. .of a religious observant family who wants to get married but was told by the Rabbinate that they don't believe her documents and basically called her a Russian goya. They even told her that they dontbelieve her non- Russian Jewish father on her birth certificate is really her father.

I know a Jewish Russian-Ukrainian man who had to flee from the Soviet Union as a kid. I know he and his family are Jewish and B"H they were able to guard and keep all the proof. But they had to flee overnight. ..had they left without their proof, would they be part of the bad Russian goyim?
I agree Russian goyim are causing a lot of harm but I don't hope it spills over to harm innocent legitimate Russian Jewd.