This blood-curdling flyer has been posted up all over the Galilee by an American baal teshuvah Ariel Ben Yaakov.
Is he correct and what does it mean?!
has been posted up all over Safed by well known American baal-teshuvah and denizen of the Eshel Binyamin soup kitchen, Ariel Ben Yaakov.
Is he correct and what does it mean?!
Pedophiles with AIDS
Be warned that there are pedophiles with AIDS in the Jewish community and Yeshiva systems that are molesting and infecting children with AIDS (in addition to their wives). I have been fighting them for years and anyone detracting from me is likely a pedophile with AIDS. Do not leave children alone with these people. Since a pedophile with AIDS is in the gader of 'rotzeah', there is now a hooraath shaa permitting the killing of pedophiles with AIDS until they are in prison. If you suspect a male you may check with me and I can visually detect if he is dangerous.
You are Warned.
Rav Ariel Ben Yaakov 16 Menaehem Av 5767 "