Author Topic: Azatlan  (Read 2651 times)

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Offline snowshoe

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« on: August 04, 2007, 09:30:19 AM »
Illegals lie about being threatened to justify thier own call to action against USA citizens.

Los Angeles, Alta California
August 2, 200

Whites threaten "Race War" against
Mexican-Americans and other Latinos
There has been increasing talk of a "Race War" against Mexican-Americans and other Latinos on White hate web sites and on discussion forums run by mainstream news services.

Commentaries of an impending race war are not just being articulated by White supremacist crazies through anonymous postings on Internet forums but have also been insinuated by the likes of former Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, who warned of a war with Mexico, and more recently by former candidate for US President Patrick Buchanan in his book "The Death of the West".

In a July 15, 2007 article, we reported on how an online forum sponsored by Time Warner's American Online (AOL) was being utilized to urge Whites to arm themselves and "kill the beaners". One posting said, "If You Are Not Armed Now You better get that way fast."

Most disturbing is that these sort of discussions are now taking place on forums sponsored by mainstream news services such as the Orange County Register newspaper in California and on many others. On July 28 in the Daily Sentinel of Colorado the following statement was published: "This kind of thing is happening all over the country. The unwelcome invading parasites who shouldn't even be here have declared open season on Whites. It's an escalating race war against Whites, but most Whites don't realize what's happening yet. God help the invaders when Whites are cornered and finally forced to fight back. There will be a huge race war in the USA. Count on it. Be prepared."

What do these disturbing and frightening commentaries signify for the Mexican-American and Latino communities? Many of us here in Southern California have not forgotten that horrific day of July 18, 1984 when an anti-Mexican racist massacred 22, mostly women and children, at a McDonald's Restaurant in San Ysidro, California. On that day a racist killer named James Oliver Huberty put on military style clothing and told his wife he was going hunting for Mexicans. James Oliver Huberty is today revered by many Minutemen vigilantes as the "father" of their movement. In today's anti-Mexican environment these types of incidents can rapidly escalate.

What are we to do? We must begin implementing community defense strategies. Last night, Augustin Aguayo, the courageous US soldier who refused to kill Iraqi civilians, spoke on "La Causa" program of KPFK radio in Los Angeles. He said that the reason he became a "Conscientious Objector" and refused to return to Iraq was that he became aware of the racist nature of the war against the Iraqi people. We also remember Andres Raya, the decorated US Marine who decided to bring "Fallujah" back to his hometown of Ceres, California. We need to tap into military trained veterans, that number in the tens of thousands just in California, to provide a defense of our communities just in case the White crazies decide to do something foolish.

Forever, O Lord, Thy Word is settled in Heaven.


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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2007, 10:45:09 AM »
A 'war' with these things is definitely on the cards if the government doesn't start listening to the people!

Joe Schmo

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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2007, 01:29:59 PM »
Too little, too late.

America, and specifically White America is finished!

Offline fjack

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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #3 on: August 11, 2007, 09:50:05 PM »
The first shot of the forth coming war was started by the great Lee Harvey Oswald and the second shot was by James Earl Ray. I wish that sirhan sirhan was a white man instead of a sand negro. This country must be cleansed of all undesirables, the self hating white trash, ungratedful africanus criminalis and mexicraps. Their mass deportation to africa should be one of the first things to be implemented. By sending the mexicraps to the congo with their black brethern they can not sneak back over the border. If they do not want to be deported to the congo than a more radical, but humane type of proceedure should be carried out.


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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #4 on: August 11, 2007, 10:17:48 PM »
The first shot of the forth coming war was started by the great Lee Harvey Oswald and the second shot was by James Earl Ray. I wish that sirhan sirhan was a white man instead of a sand negro. This country must be cleansed of all undesirables, the self hating white trash, ungratedful africanus criminalis and mexicraps. Their mass deportation to africa should be one of the first things to be implemented. By sending the mexicraps to the congo with their black brethern they can not sneak back over the border. If they do not want to be deported to the congo than a more radical, but humane type of proceedure should be carried out.

Not a bad idea. The wetbacks always complain about gringo stealing from them. Why not make amends by giving them land in Africa?

Offline mosquewatch

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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2007, 05:54:15 PM »
Too little, too late.

America, and specifically White America is finished!

Scriabin, I assure there are those that will not be bullied into submission by  the 3rd world invading garbage. Especially where I live. We here in Mississippi, are a very kind and tolerant loving society. I don't judge people by the color of skin, but the content of their minds. 

Where I live, we carry shotguns in our trucks. Out of the City limits, it's a common site too see people with shotguns walking down the road after a hunt. On the weekends, it's common place to hear gunfire , out of the city limits. We are a good people, we work hard, pay taxes, support our friends 100 percent. We may have a difference of opinions among us, but when it comes time to buckle up and fight for all of  our rights Jews and Gentile alike....

 That's my motto.
No peace, without FREEDOM.

Joe Schmo

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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #6 on: August 12, 2007, 06:13:18 PM »
Too little, too late.

America, and specifically White America is finished!

Scriabin, I assure there are those that will not be bullied into submission by  the 3rd world invading garbage. Especially where I live. We here in Mississippi, are a very kind and tolerant loving society. I don't judge people by the color of skin, but the content of their minds. 

Where I live, we carry shotguns in our trucks. Out of the City limits, it's a common site too see people with shotguns walking down the road after a hunt. On the weekends, it's common place to hear gunfire , out of the city limits. We are a good people, we work hard, pay taxes, support our friends 100 percent. We may have a difference of opinions among us, but when it comes time to buckle up and fight for all of  our rights Jews and Gentile alike....

I believe you. 

My opinion is that there is no future for this country as we know/knew it.  The following states are certainly finished:  CA, AZ, TX, NM, UT, NV.  Perhaps a few more.  The whites will continue to flee the Southwest, taking up refuge in the colder states. 

I agree.  The Southerners are an entirely different breed and will not be pushed over so easily.

Offline fjack

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Re: Azatlan
« Reply #7 on: August 19, 2007, 08:39:34 AM »
The government refuses to protect us against this brown tide of infected primates. We must take a more drastic and permanent solution to this problem. The use of firearms does sound appealing but they are much better ways to combat this plaque. We can lay land mines over a no man zone, rig cars with booby traps, so when the mexicraps attempt to steal them, adious right hand of the amigo, we can also have intense radioactive gates that when the hos and their ho masters pass through them, the rays will sterilize them. This will solve a lot of the anchor frito bandido donkey problems that plaque our hospital and schools. We could also lace water bottles with LSD so they will have a good time as they wander around the desert looking for taco to nosh on. Pure violence is expensive, but a little smarts can go a long way to discourage maya y miguel from crossing the border to sponge off of gringo.