"What the F___ is your major malfunction?" 
R Lee Ermey, who made his name as the fearsome drill sergeant in the film Full Metal Jacket, told The Telegraph that Streisand's views were far from representative of Hollywood as a whole.
“Once again, Barbra Streisand has opened her alligator-sized mouth wide before her humming- bird brain has had a chance to catch up,” said Ermey. “Of course, she has the right to her opinion, but what she does is use the 'bully pulpit', helped by her fame, and people think she's talking for Hollywood.”
Ermey, an ex-marine and outspoken supporter of Mr Bush and the war on terror, continued: “We need to do something about the situation before it turns round and bites us in the ass. Democrats are criticising President Bush for not spotting signs that 9/11 was coming. But they don't want him to act to stop the next disaster. Ms Streisand does not speak for me or many other folks in this business.”