Author Topic: My Analysis of Netanyahu's Speech at AIPAC  (Read 499 times)

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My Analysis of Netanyahu's Speech at AIPAC
« on: March 17, 2014, 08:55:19 AM »
This took me quite a while. I hope you will take the time to read it and comment

I have to comment on a few things Netanyahu said in this speech:

1. "It's precisely because we sanctify life that Israel shall win." Israel and the Arab terrorists understand that Israel loves life and the terrorists love death. The conclusion you can draw from that is that Israel is moral and the Arab terrorists are evil. However, it doesn't necessarily follow that Israel will win just because they are moral. You can have faith that Israel will win (which I do), but it's not a logical conclusion that Israel will win just because they love life while their enemies love death.

2. [Because Iran has the capability of sending ICBMs carrying nuclear warheads to Israel and the United States, therefore…] "we must oppose Iran and stand for what is right." I don't know how opposing Iran or standing for what is right will protect Israel or the United States from a nuclear attack from Iran. Something more concrete is needed than just taking a moral position. Iran must be stopped from perpetrating such a strike. Then Netanyahu spoke of meeting with Obama, Biden, and Kerry. So what? Those three people don't care if Iran reaches its nuclear ambitions. Netanyahu spoke about the danger that if Iran gets nuclear weapons, other countries in the Middle East will also get weapons. Yes, that would be terrible, but it's ultimately irrelevant. The first concern about Iran getting nuclear weapons is really the only concern; if they get them, they will use them. Anything that might happen afterwards is pointless to talk about.

3. "As Prime Minister of Israel, I will do whatever I must do to defend the Jewish state of Israel." Great! So why aren't you doing it?

4. Netanyahu spoke of adding more pressure on Iran (presumably sanctions) in order to get Iran to eliminate its nuclear program. It is all a question of how much they want they want nuclear weapons and what they are willing to endure in order to reach their nuclear ambitions. Nobody knows how much pressure it will take, because nobody knows how badly they want the Jewish state eradicated. They certainly call for death to Israel and death to America an awful lot. I don't think it matters to them if their people starve to death, if they can get those nuclear weapons. Ultimately, sanctions is a game of chance. However, sanctions are infinitely better than what Obama wants now, which is no sanctions.

6. Netanyahu thinks that if Israel makes peace with the so-called "Palestinians", this will improve Israel's relationships with other Arab countries. This is a verifiable fantasy. The other Arab countries don't give a damn about the "Palestinians", and they never have. That they pay lip service to them from time to time is merely an excuse to be against Israel. Peace with the "Palestinians" (if it's real and it doesn't mean giving up land and if it means no Jew will be endangered by it) would be a good thing, but not because of any external benefit. Israel will be no more liked by the rest of the world whether there is peace or no peace. Just read some of the Jew hating comments underneath this video. Nothing Israel does will make that go away. Everything Netanyahu says about making peace with the "Palestinians" is a fantasy. He calls for Abbas to recognize "the Jewish state" because currently Abbas says there never has been a Jewish presence in this land. It will NEVER happen, because how can you make peace with a people who dream night and day about murdering your people? How can you make peace with a people who believe that the holocaust never happened while dreaming of making a second holocaust? How can you make a peace with people who have absolutely no grip whatsoever on reality? Israel needs to annex Judea and Samaria and ship the Arabs out to Jordan,  which is the country that they lived in before Jordan lost those few acres to Israel in 1967. Like I said earlier, nothing Israel does or doesn't do will make the rest of the world love Israel more or hate Israel more. More importantly, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT THE REST OF THE WORLD THINKS. A tremendous load will be lifted off Israel's back, if it stopped worrying about what others think about them. Israelis would feel a euphoric sense of freedom of it did what was in their own interest without taking into consideration how other countries will react.

7. "We cannot bet the security of Israel on our fondest hopes." I couldn't have said it better. Netanyahu would do well to remember he said that the next time he's considering how many Arab murderers he should let out of Israeli prisons.

8. "I will never gamble with the security of the one and only Jewish state." What a tremendous lie that is. He has gambled repeatedly with Israel's security. The trouble is, that all of his political opponents (except for the unknowns on the Real Right) would gamble with Israel's security far more than he has or would. Israel needs a viable political alternative on the Right of Netanyahu and the Likud. Israel had a real chance at this before Rabbi Kahane was murdered by an al Qaeda terrorist. Israelis need to think about this.

'9. Netanyahu spent some time talking about the farce known as BDS (boycott, divest, and sanction). These are nothing but modern day nazis dressed in academic garb. The Left has always hated Israel, but the truth is that the Left has always hated anything good, right and moral. The tragedy is that parents all across America are paying tens of thousands of dollars every year to send their children to universities where they will be bombarded by Leftist propaganda, including hatred for Israel. It is the fault of the parents for not bothering to find out what these universities preach. If parents stopped feeding Leftist institutions, the BDS movement would disappear. BDS exists because it is funded. "The boycotters should be boycotted." That is correct. "Those who oppose BDS, like Scarlett Johansen, should be applauded." That is correct.

10. Finally, Netanyahu ended by saying that America and Israel stand together. Under this current administration, America has decidedly stood with Israel's enemies and has been a powerful force against the Jewish state. That Netanyahu doesn't want to say this is understandable but lamentable. Never before in American history have the political parties been so polarized on the issue of Israel. The Republicans support Israel, and the Democrats are against Israel. There may be a few people on each side that don't follow their party's position on Israel, but they are a small minority. If America continues to turn its back on Israel, God will turn His back on America.