Author Topic: Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia  (Read 640 times)

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Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia
« on: March 20, 2014, 11:01:02 AM »

Peter Tatchell, the UK's most prominent homosexual activist, has done more than advocating the abolition of the age of consent, he has broken the age of consent law in Britain:

"As a gay 18-year-old Australian, anti-Vietnam war draft-dodger, he came to the UK in 1971 and set up home with a 16-year-old gay lover in Shepherd’s Bush. The pair despised the law and so defied it."

The homosexual age of consent in England then was 21, not 16. Later he campaigned for lowering it to 16, and now he wants it lowered again to 14. The trend is clear.

When the age of consent for homosexuals was lowered to 16, an Outrage - Tatchell's organization - banner was photographed saying "16 is just a start".

Mr Tatchell (or shall we call him comrade Tatchell given his militant Marxist background) criticises the concept of age of consent, as is obvious from this quotation from his own website:

"Nevertheless, like any minimum age, it is arbitrary and fails to acknowledge that different people mature sexually at different ages. A few are ready for sex at l2; others not until they're 20. Having a single, inflexible age of consent doesn't take into account these differences. It dogmatically imposes a limit, regardless of individual circumstances".

Peter Tatchell wrote the chapter "Questioning Ages of Majority and Ages of Consent" for a book openly advocating paedophilia and finding ways "to make paedophilia acceptable".

This book, published in 1986 and called The Betrayal of Youth (spelling BOY), was edited by Warren Middleton, then vice-chairperson of the now-disbanded Paedophile Information Exchange, Britain’s number one paedophile advocacy group.

Stephen Green writes: "The book was part of a campaign to abolish all ages of consent, destroy the responsibilities of parents for their children, deny any ill-effects on children of interference by paedophiles, and withal to make it easier for paedophiles to gain sexual access to children."

In The Betrayal of Youth Tatchell wrote that that the age of sexual consent is "Re-inforcing a set of increasingly quaint, minority moral values left over from the Victorian era".

He was not on his own in this crusade, far from it. Many of his comrades, socio-communists and homosexual activists thought the same (emphasis mine):

    Campaign for Homosexual Equality chairman Michael Jarrett was identifying paedophiles as an oppressed group, and the CHE list of “demands” included the complete abolition of minimum ages for sexual activity. The Labour Gay Rights Manifesto of 1985 said ‘A socialist society would supersede the family household. … Gay people and children should have the right to live together. … It follows from what we have already said that we favour the abolition of the age of consent.’

Feminists like Beatrice Faust contributed to The Betrayal of Youth, as well as other homosexual activists besides Tatchell, including Jeffrey Weeks and Eric Presland, who "related his first paedophile experience with an Asian boy of thirteen, and boasted of interfering with a little boy of six".

The book is considered so toxic that Amazon doesn't sell it and you cannot search its content in Google Books. This is The Betrayal of Youth's list of contents and contributors.

Tatchell is well aware of how much all this is bad publicity for him and keeps rationalising and adjusting his positions, but only the ideologically blind or pathologically naive cannot see through his self-excuses.

He has prepared a standard self-defence which can be found on his own website and has been repeated verbatim on many outlets. It used to also be on the site of his friend militant atheist of the "Kill the Pope" brigade Richard Dawkins but it's not there any more. Maybe even Dawkins draws a line at what is morally allowed, even though his motto is "There's probably no God... now stop worrying and enjoy your life".

In this article that supposedly should serve to exculpate him, Tatchell has nothing better than this: "The critics also cite Warren Middleton’s 1980s book, Betrayal of Youth, to which I contributed a chapter. I had no idea that he was involved in child sex abuse matters when I was asked to write."

Considering that Warren Middleton was co-founder and vice-chairperson of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a prominent group promoting paedophilia, it was impossible for Tatchell not to have known his propensities. In addition, both Tatchell and Middleton were part of the the Gay Liberation Front/Angry Brigade, a neo-Marxist revolutionary group of radical students at the London School of Economics, thus making Tatchell's protestations of ignorance verge on the ridiculous.

Our "gay" friend's self-defence begins with:

"Unlike many Catholic clergy, I have never abused anyone. Unlike the Pope, I have never failed to report abusers or covered up their crimes."

Bad start, Pete. These are blatant falsities. It wasn't "many" Catholic clergy, it was an extremely small minority. And, as shown in Lies about the Catholic Church Child Sex Abuse Scandal, there is no reason, except bigotry and prejudice, to single out Catholic clergy who in fact have committed fewer of these crimes than any other pedagogic institution, religious or secular.

Saying what he does about the Pope is a criminal act, it is slander. The Pope has never covered up for anyone; people like Tatchell and his pals/comrades in the mainstream media think that if you repeat a lie enough times your audience will start to believe that it's true.

But blaming the Church whenever you're in trouble is a good way to distract the public from your own, shall we say, deviations from the norm. It's worked so far, our friend thinks, so why shouldn't it work now? Maybe because people have started calling your bluff, Pete.

The above should tell you how trustworthy and credible Tatchell is, but there's more.

Look at his defence of another book:

    My 1997 Guardian letter about the book, Dares to Speak, gives the wrong impression. It was edited...

    Dares to Speak was an academic book published in 1997, authored by professors, anthropologists, psychologists, sociologists, a Dutch senator and a former editor of a Catholic newspaper. It discussed the age of sexual consent and whether all sex between young people and adults is necessarily unwanted and harmful, based on what it said was objective research with young people.

    The book does not endorse or excuse sexual relationships with young people that involve coercion, manipulation or damage. The authors queried, among other things, the balance between giving young people sexual rights and protecting them against abuse. These are entirely legitimate issues to discuss.

Leaving aside the irony, probably lost on humourless Tatchell, about his using a "former editor of a Catholic newspaper" as a guarantor of the morality of a book while he constantly treats the Catholic Church like a den of abusers, the book Dares to Speak, that Tatchell praises so much as an academic achievement, was edited by Joseph Geraci, who was also the editor of Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia. The book is a collection of articles from the journal.

Before it was tactfully removed, this was Wikipedia's entry for the publication (emphasis mine):

    Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia (1987–1995) was a journal published by the Stichting Paidika Foundation whose purpose was to promote the normalization of pedophilia. Its editor was Joseph Geraci and the editorial board included articles by writers Frits Bernard, Edward Brongersma, Vern L. Bullough, and D. H. (Donald) Mader, some of whom campaigned as pro-pedophile activists.

After the normalization of homosexuality, we'll have the normalization of paedophilia. Get over it.

Added on 8 December 2013. In fairness to Peter Tatchell, he has politely asked me to add that his real views on age of consent, in particular his four criteria of any change in the age of consent laws, are here:

This doesn’t alter my opinions on this whole subject. It’s up to you to decide if it alters yours.

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Re: Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia
« Reply #1 on: March 20, 2014, 11:05:16 AM »
This faggot now is also working together with that fat muslim ape/lying son of a prostitute Fiyaz Mughal (may he go 6 feet under before Shabbat). Fiyaz Mughal who's fascist muslim organization Tell Mama lost it's government funding.

News release from Tell Mama: Peter Tatchell, joins TELL MAMA as a Patron.

The TELL MAMA national campaign - which maps, measures and monitors anti-Muslim prejudice and supports victims of anti-Muslim hatred - is proud to announce that Peter Tatchell, the human rights campaigner and Director of the Peter Tatchell Foundation, has joined us as a patron.

Director of TELL MAMA, Fiyaz Mughal OBE, said:

“Peter has been a beacon for human rights for over four decades. He campaigns wholeheartedly against all forms of intolerance and discrimination, as do we, including anti-Muslim prejudice, homophobia, and antisemitism. He is an outstanding excellent addition to the TELL MAMA fold and we are proud to be associated with him.”

Tell Mama added:

"Peter Tatchell has campaigned for nearly 50 years on human rights issues and has been one of the most important figures in the global fight against homophobia. He has also campaigned against tyranny in Zimbabwe and in Russia, where he was brutally assaulted when calling for LGBT rights.

"Peter’s vision encompasses human rights for all communities. He has also been consistent in his opposition to extremist faith preachers who oppose equal rights for women, LGBT communities and people who do not share their perspectives on faith."

Commenting on his appointment, Peter Tatchell said:

“I am honoured to become a patron of TELL MAMA, which does vital work monitoring, reporting and countering anti-Muslim prejudice, discrimination and hate crime – and supporting the victims.

“I hope that by taking up this position I can help build bridges between the Muslim and LGBT communities. We share a similar experience of intolerance and victimisation. I want to see us working together for our common good, so that we can live together in a society without hatred, discrimination and violence.

“With the rise of anti-Muslim hate groups like the British National Party (BNP) and English Defence League (EDL), the work of TELL MAMA is more important than ever.

“While the tiny minority of Islamist extremists – and fanatics from all faiths and none – must be challenged, we also need to challenge the unjustified demonisation of the general Muslim population.

“Freedom of religious and non-religious beliefs are fundamental human rights that we must defend and promote. TELL MAMA does just that: it takes a stand against hate, in defence of Muslim people. My admiration and congratulations,” said Mr Tatchell.


TELL MAMA: is the UK’s largest anti-Muslim hate crime support and monitoring project. It was launched in February 2012 as Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks and supports the victims of anti-Muslim incidents or attacks and maps, measures and analyses hotspots where such attacks take place.

TELL MAMA is a project of Faith Matters (
), a not-for-profit organisation which was founded by Fiyaz Mughal OBE in 2005. Faith Matters works on integration, conflict resolution, preventing extremism and community cohesion projects and works primarily with faith communities. The key mission statement of Faith Matters is to facilitate faith communities in reducing intra-faith and interfaith conflicts in the UK and internationally.

Peter Tatchell: has been campaigning for human rights, democracy, LGBT freedom and global justice since 1967.

Through the Peter Tatchell Foundation, he works for human rights in Britain and internationally:

Peter’s key political inspirations are Mahatma Gandhi, Sylvia Pankurst, Martin Luther King and, to some extent, Malcolm X and Rosa Luxemburg. He has adapted many of their methods to his contemporary non-violent struggle for human rights – and invented a few of his own, as his biography records:

Fiyaz Mughal

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Re: Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2014, 01:00:27 PM »
He's honest about the agenda, unlike most others.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Re: Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia
« Reply #3 on: March 20, 2014, 01:08:35 PM »
He is a poster boy for NAMBLA(disgusting)

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Re: Faggot Peter Tatchell wants to legalize Pedofilia
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2014, 04:17:15 PM »
These perverts are destroying humanity. A human is capable of acting on intellect while an animal is only driven by urges and lusts. By pushing these immoral agendas they are denying the ability for mankind to act like a human being. G-d has granted us divine nature if we can humbly submit our lustful desires and urges. When the society permits, and at times encourages, this perverted action it is destroying the very fabric of our human soul.

Curses upon the house of all involved with this sin...
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14